Reckless through another world

Chapter 173 Rookie title

Chapter 173 Rookie title
Chen Mo felt the scorching heat, but it was the kind of dry, cold and scorching heat, just like the burning fire of the underworld.

The place where Lord Chiyan's fist touched Chen Mo immediately merged into Chen Mo's arm, followed by the arm, the upper arm, and then the body. The blood vessels and muscles were filled with black and scarlet light.

Chen Mo gritted his teeth, it was too unbearable, it was not pain, but the pain that seemed to be poured into lava all over his body.

At the same time as the crimson rose, the skin on Chen Mo's arm turned into a black lava-colored cuticle, and even his fingers turned into ghost claws.

"What's going on?" Chen Mo frowned and looked at his gradually changing arms, even his chest, and then his whole body.

In the end, even the head was not spared, the black lava but smooth as steel horny layer covered Chen Mo's body, and condensed a ferocious ghost helmet to cover his head.

The current Chen Mo is like a shrunken version of Lord Chiyan, wearing scale armor and a hideous ghost helmet, only revealing a pair of scarlet naked eyes.

And there are scarlet lines that look like cracks and blood vessels.

Wearing this heavy armor, Chen Mo felt better than ever, and it was attached like skin. No, the cuticle of this heavy armor originally replaced Chen Mo's skin.

Accompanied by the sound of "嗤嗤!", all the ghostly aura around him poured into Chen Mo's body along the scarlet lines and cracks in the armor.


[Successful mosaic]


[Title Obtained: Two Ghosts in Parallel]

[Two Ghosts Parallel: Increase rate of compatibility with evil ghosts +10%]

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, he had almost forgotten the title, it is normal to inlay one ghost, but when two ghosts are inlaid, it will add [-]% to the increase rate of the fit.

Many people contract evil spirits, the initial compatibility is very low, pitifully low, after all, not everyone can adapt to the rules well, and well embedded, some people are violently embedded, so the initial compatibility is very low .

At the same time, it is not only to take care of these players, but also to improve the player's strength, so after contracting two evil spirits, this title will be given, and the rate of improvement of the compatibility between the ghost master and the evil spirits in the body will increase by +10%.

Although in the early stage, players disliked this title and thought it was a weak title, but when there were more ghosts in the contract in the later stage, they discovered that the official had already given preferential conditions.

Chen Mo directly equipped it. Although the compatibility of the three-eyed Yama has increased to 81.3%, Chen Mo wants him to reach 91%, so as to reach the fifth stage of ghost control.

Chen Mo hasn't checked the degree of compatibility of Lord Chiyan, but it is estimated that it should not be low. After all, Chen Mo defeated Lord Chiyan completely according to the rules.

"Sure enough, the method provided by the system is really delicious!" Chen Mo couldn't help grinning.

Chen Mo, who came back to his senses, looked at his own changes.

Chen Mo opened his hands, looked down at his body, he didn't even need him to look, the scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead slowly opened, and a place was opened for it on the ferocious ghost face, perfectly accommodated, now On the head are a pair of naked eyes and a ghost eye.

Of course, it's not just you, the ghost eyes opened from the gaps in the armor, and some even directly opened eyes on those cuticles.

There is no difference from the skin, Chen Mo feels that the stratum corneum is not even the slightest difference from the skin, and even the stratum corneum is his skin, because it feels the same to the touch, has the same sensitivity, and can also be precisely controlled, even better than the skin. The skin is more microscopic and precise.

"Can it be retracted?" Chen Mo thought, and the black horny layer on his body receded directly into his body, like ghost eyes, which he could control freely.

"In this way, Lord Chiyan is not a big ghost with both offense and defense. Although his defense is good, it is mostly because of this ghost armor! In fact, what he is best at is attacking," Chen Mo murmured.

But that's right, Chen Mo took it for granted. He already knew that Lord Chiyan was an attacking monster, but after seeing Lord Chiyan's defense, he thought it was both offensive and defensive. Dijun's defensive attributes are not outstanding, relying on the ghost armor all over his body.

"The attributes of Lord Chiyan!"

【Name: Flame Drought Ghost】

【Title: Lord Chiyan】

[Template: Big Boss]

[Quality: Epic]

[Growth state: juvenile body (semi-awake)]

【Cultivation level: 21 helmet scales】


【Available Ghost Qi: Eighteen Notes】

[Skills: Yan Emperor's Wrath, Ghost Sorrow, Death Burn, (not activated)...]

[Passive Skill: King's Armor]

[Status: Awakened (intact)]

[Fusion Status: Fusion and Host]

[Fitness: 55%]

[Strength: One Star Supreme]

[Evaluation: This is a powerful attacking evil spirit, burning the piano and burning the fire of karma in purgatory.If you let him go out, it will definitely make a thousand miles of wasteland.Ride him, mighty Ghost Rider, he will crush your enemies, he will burn their bones. 】

The holographic projection of Lord Chiyan is displayed on Chen Mo's attribute panel.

If Chen Mo were to comment, there would be only one word, strong!

It is indeed a big boss template, a big ghost of epic quality.Don't comment on other aspects, the starting hand is the strength of a one-star supreme.

This level has been lowered, and the evaluation of Chiyan Lord's combat power should be a two-star tyrannical, after all, even the three-eyed Yan Luo and Chen Mo will suppress Chiyan Lord.

After the mosaic, the strength of the big ghost will naturally be weakened. Anyway, it is weakened in the game. In reality, it should be the power of rules that suppresses the evil ghost, otherwise it would not have caused such a result.

However, Lord Chiyan is strong and strong, and after leaving behind, he absorbs a lot of blood and internal energy, only slightly lower than the three-eyed Yama, after all, the strength of the three-eyed Yama is there.

"One-star supreme, and at least 50 experience!" The smile on Chen Mo's face gradually froze, but fortunately, a fake innate pig king offered more than 20. Just give the advanced experience of Lord Chiyan together.

However, Chen Mo decided to advance himself first. He is now at the peak of the jackal level. Breaking through the realm and entering the owl level is definitely a matter of course. After that, he will search for experience to advance to Lord Chiyan.

The compatibility between Lord Chiyan and him has indeed lived up to expectations, reaching 55%. He can directly use the skills and ghost energy of Lord Chiyan, but he cannot summon Lord Chiyan to fight. After all, the degree of fit is far from good.

But at this stage, it is enough to have the three-eyed Yama, not to mention the ghost energy added by Lord Chiyan.

Calculated, Chen Mo can use 48 bets of ghost energy, which is another huge improvement.

Although Chiyan Dijun and Sanmu Yanluo are two different types of big ghosts, different types are better, and they can be better matched with tactics to deal with various difficult opponents.

Another point is that when Lord Chiyan reaches the fourth stage of controlling ghosts, he will feed back to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo will be strengthened again.

(End of this chapter)

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