Chapter 174
"My lord, who is this?" Chen Sheng saw Chen Mo returning to the other courtyard, and rushed to greet him.

"It's nothing, just now I had an epiphany and broke through a small realm." Chen Mo laughed, patted Chen Sheng on the shoulder, and walked into the other courtyard as he spoke.

At this point, Chen Sheng also breathed a sigh of relief. He thought something had happened, but it turned out that it was just his young master's epiphany breakthrough.

The facts are not as light as what Chen Mo said, but not only Chen Sheng will not know, but also no one else will know that Chen Mo controls the second evil ghost, which is a powerful epic ghost.

"Master, since the breakthrough has been made, you can stay at home for a while." Qingyue rubbed Chen Mo's back and said.

"I don't have much time in the mansion. I've already asked Chen Sheng to pack my luggage." Chen Mo said in a flat voice while lying on the edge of the bathtub with his eyes closed.

"And Qingyue, haven't you heard of it?" Chen Mo asked in surprise, and then slowly opened his eyes. The pair of red phoenix eyes seemed to be narrower and sharper, showing their sharpness, like swords out of their sheaths. And pass.

Now because of the growth of Chen Mo's strength, he even showed it in his casual eyes, but it will be fine soon, and he can control it when his body adapts.

Of course, Chen Mo can also forcefully control it by himself, but Chen Mo doesn't think so much, it's better to adapt by himself while relaxing.

After all, a twisted melon is not sweet, even though the melon bears fruit.Chen Mo is not a masochist, it is so uncomfortable to force himself to adapt to the force, it is better to relax.

Of course, those who "I don't care if the melon is sweet or not, I just want to turn it around!" are not ruled out.


Standing up and putting on his robe, Chen Mo sat in front of the bronze mirror, Qingyue took care of his hair meticulously, and tied it up with jade hairpins.

The robes are also made of high-quality materials, all purchased from the capital of God, and they are very comfortable to wear. Even though Chen Mo is a martial artist who is already immune to cold and heat, the robes are really comfortable to wear. I have to admire the magic in them .

"My lord, don't you want me to go with you?" Chen Sheng also took out Chen Mo's bookcase.

"The changed robes, some silver, and some miscellaneous things are here." Chen Sheng recalled what he was wearing and said.

Chen Mo then threw the bookcase into the mustard bag, and he didn't care anymore. He was still the same as before, everything was piled up in the mustard bag, and he just looked for it if needed.

"No, you just follow the family. By the way, take good care of Kui Er. If I come back and find that they have been mistreated, I will not forgive you." Chen Mo said jokingly.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will absolutely treat Kui Er as my lord."

After Chen Mo nodded, he went to ask Qingyue again, and then talked to Kui'er.

Chen Mo left both Lingkui and Jinmozi at home. Jinmozi is too weak and needs to be promoted, while Lingkui only needs to eat, drink and drink. When Chen Mo promotes him, he will be promoted accordingly.

Now they have all rushed to the peak of the snake class, and they are about to enter the jackal class, and now they have grown even bigger, as big as a calf.

As for why Ling Kui was kept at home, as a domestic beast, Chen Mo wanted Ling Kui to stay in the family to protect these people.

After all, Ling Kui will soon be able to break through the jackal level naturally, and he has little room to play by Chen Mo's side.

The main reason is that Chen Mo likes to do things by himself, so letting Ling Kui stay in the mansion, his coercion is enough to suppress ordinary monsters, making the family's relocation easier.

The family relocation will not be in great danger, otherwise Chen Mo will definitely follow.Not to mention the fact that the cities are connected by official roads, the Chen family's guarding power is enough for the Chen family to reach the big city, and then take transportation to the divine capital.

As for Black Claw, this dog can only be kept as a pet, it is too weak, and its aptitude is also the lowest.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo went to cheap father's place, and also got the advanced innate exercises, which can be regarded as a collection.

"Xianzhi, this is the family's advanced innate skill, and you are about to use it, so take it." Father Chen couldn't help but sigh, now that the youngest son is an adult, it's time for him to go out and make a living.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded and accepted the exercises.

"Let's go to the God's Catchment Gate. Although you are a great ghost, you must not be arrogant and complacent."

"If there is something difficult to deal with, you still have to leave it to others to deal with it. Don't be a hero, you must know that you have one life."

"The rivers and lakes are dangerous. Not only do you have to deal with strange and evil spirits, but you also have to be on guard against people. There are mixed fish and dragons in the door of the gods. Some people are born to be evil. If you don't provoke them, he will make things difficult for you. Remember Don't be cowardly, the family will always be your thick shield!"


Seeing that Chen Mo was about to go far away, Father Chen talked more and more, as if he wanted to tell him everything, but he couldn't finish telling him.

"Fairy saves, father doesn't need to nag, otherwise he won't be able to finish nagging all day." Chen Mo nodded slightly and said with a smile.As for cowardice?Haha, Chen Xianzhi didn't even know how to write counsel in his whole life, don't ask, it's reckless to ask!
"I have already written to your second uncle and elder brother. They have already taken care of their side. All you need to do is to move the family. God will send you a letter when God arrives." Father Chen patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, suddenly Suddenly, he found that Chen Xianzhi was half a head taller than him.

While sighing, he was a little relieved, looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "Go ahead, wait for your good news!" Father Chen didn't want to stop Chen Mo, let alone let Chen Mo live in a corner. Can't fight the sky either.

Now that the young eagle is about to fly, the father can only do all the logistical work.

The wind blows, the clouds fly, and the young eagles fly in the sky!

After Chen Mo walked out of the study, he went to visit his mother again. Naturally, there was nagging, the world was dangerous, he had to be cautious when making friends, and there were some rules for dealing with officials.

Chen Mo didn't refute and just listened so earnestly. Although the strong ones of the God Catcher are respected, the feeling of listening to the nagging seems a bit novel.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Chen Mo finally got up and bid farewell to Mother Chen, and then went out.

Chen Sheng had already prepared a horse for him, a snake-level horned horse. After Chen Mo arrived, he stood obediently and did not dare to move.

"Okay, let's go back!" Chen Mo took the reins and turned on the horse.

"Drive!" Chen Mo flicked the rein lightly, and the magic horned horse began to jog slowly on the street.

Crossing the street and walking out of the gate of Linshan City, Chen Mo flicked the reins again, Herod the horned horse snorted and ran up the official road.

The distance from Linshan City to Maple Leaf City is not far away. Chen Mo can run across with one pair of feet, and he can recover his internal energy while using it. However, the distance from Linshan City to Julu City is not as far as Linshan City and Maple Leaf City.

Chen Mo can't rely entirely on his legs to get on the road, can't he, and in the distance between Linshan City and Julu City, he still needs to use another vehicle, and he needs to go to a transit station first.

"Drive!" Chen Mo galloped on his horse, the strong wind hit his face, and his robes made a rustling sound, but Chen Mo laughed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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