Reckless through another world

Chapter 178 The Wife Delivered to Your Door Is Online!

Chapter 178 The Wife Delivered to Your Door Is Online!

Chen Mo was too uncomfortable in this battle, all his strength was on the cotton, and at the same time, Chen Mo also realized how far there was from a legendary figure.

His template is lower, but fortunately, he can continue to inlay evil spirits, so there is no need to worry, the template will gradually improve.

The illusion dissipated, Chen Mo opened his eyes again, took out his robe from the mustard bag and put it on.

"I lost, Huang Quan will show you!" Chen Mo said, putting Huang Quan in his hand.

He didn't zoom in on the ghost domain, and now a scarlet one appeared in his hand like a glass ball.

"Is this the ghost domain?" the empress bent down and stared.

"It is said that you can travel freely. I don't know if it is true." The empress' body is very close to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo can even smell a faint fragrance from the empress' body.

"My ghost domain is still very weak, and the star gold still has suppression, but other things can shuttle, and when it becomes stronger in the future, the suppression of the star gold will also be reduced." Chen Mo explained.

He did what he said, since the other party wants to know, he should explain in detail, who made him lose.

"Except for star gold, you can travel through star gold, and even in the future, you can also shuttle through star gold. Ghost Domain is really powerful!" The empress nodded slightly, with a slightly different color in her eyes, even though she just glanced at Chen Mo calmly.

But Chen Mo felt a shiver. Chen Mo also raised his head to look at the empress, only to see the empress smiling.

"Okay! Ghost Realm is really good, little brother, you can take it back." The empress straightened up, and the Yuanlong python robe didn't feel at all inconsistent, as if it should have been worn on her body.

"Little brother, did you say that if you lose, you will be dealt with by me?" the empress asked, with mockery in her eyes.

"That's right, feel free to ask the Empress if you have any requests. I, Chen Xianzhi, agree to them as long as they don't violate the principles." Chen Mo shrugged.

"However, there shouldn't be anything I can do for the empress." Chen Mo was a little surprised. He was just saying politely. Anyway, he agreed to the other party's request if he lost. Unexpectedly, the empress became serious.

"Is this seat beautiful?" The empress looked at Chen Mo with a smile and asked.

"Beautiful!" Chen Mo nodded, the Empress is indeed beautiful, better than most of the beauties Chen Mo has seen before, she should belong to the top class, with a tall figure and a top-notch appearance.

And the most important thing is that the empress's smile has the feeling of a big sister next door, and at the same time, her eyes are domineering, which makes people yearn for, but she dare not get close.

Chen Mo really likes this type, but compared to women, he prefers fighting, the feeling that can make the blood burn.

"Is this seat strong?" the empress then asked.

"Strong, one of the top powerhouses in the world, who can be called the empress, is naturally strong! Among the same rank, I admit that I am not as good as you!" Chen Mo pursed his lips. He was really a little confused, and he didn't know what the empress wanted. what to do.

"Okay, you can be the husband of this seat, and choose a date to get married!" The empress was not surprised, and when she said this, not only Chen Mo was dumbfounded, but even the old woman beside the empress was also dumbfounded.

"Ah?!" Chen Mo was stunned for a while, then shouted with an expression of disbelief.

"Me? Get married?"

"With you?!" Chen Mo was dumbfounded, this is too hallucinatory, even more unbelievable than he has traveled through time, who is this person in front of him?Empress, legendary boss.

If Chen Mo agrees, maybe this book will be renamed "My Wife Is the Legendary Boss".

"Master? This..."

"I have made up my mind, now, you will go to Yunding Tiangong with me!" The empress waved her hand to stop the old woman's words.

It is true, after the empress raised her hand, the old woman stopped talking. Everything in the Yunding Tiangong belongs to the empress. What she said is the supreme will. No one has the right to refute, and will not refute. But this time the old woman was just frightened.

"Wait, I don't agree!" Chen Mo hurriedly said nothing, and he would probably be kidnapped if he didn't say anything else, what else would he say then.

"It's invalid, you've already said it, let me deal with it!" The empress raised her hand as she spoke, wanting to grab Chen Mo's shoulder.

"I mean not to violate the principle!" Chen Mo took half a step back and said with a serious face.

"Besides, we don't belong to the right household. The difference in our identities is too great, we can't get together." Chen Mo shook his head hastily.

"Could it be that you are at a disadvantage by entering into a marriage contract with me? Is it a violation of the principle?" The empress asked Chen Mo after putting down her hands.

"I'm really at a disadvantage." But Chen Mo didn't say that, he has three successes, although the sooner he gives it out, the better, but Chen Mo is reluctant, not at all.

"It's not against the principle, but you're the empress, so I'm definitely not the only one. I like one-on-one marriages, and I won't take concubines or raise those in the future..." Chen Mo panicked, snapped his fingers, Rory talked a lot.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me, you will be the king of Yunding Tiangong from now on. I am willing to hand over the throne to you. As for the monogamy you mentioned, it happens that I like this too. If your husband likes it, then It's even better, otherwise people will say that I am jealous." I didn't expect that what Chen Mo said was in the hands of the Empress.

"Fuck, that's not how the script is. The main characters are all divorced, so why do I still have a wife who comes to my door? Well, I'm not the main character!"

"What do you like about me, can I change it?" Chen Mo pursed his lips.

"Then you strip the big ghost out of your body, and give it to me, so I won't marry you? Besides, did you feel wronged by marrying me?" The pressure came out unconsciously.

"Then let's get married!" Chen Mo felt that compared with his own life, if he got married, he should get married, and the condition of the empress was not bad.

That's not only not bad, it's simply the top Bai Fumei in the [-]th Qianyuan Prefecture, who married and gave away the entire Yunding Tiangong, and even the strange forces in the entire Beiyun Prefecture!

"Then let's go, let's go directly back to Beiyun Prefecture to get married."

"No, no, I can't get married now with my skills." Chen Mo hurriedly waved his hands.

"What do you mean?" the Empress asked.

"It's like this..." Chen Mo explained the characteristics of his exercises while speaking.

"That is to say, you have to cultivate to the level of heaven and man to break your body, and you can also pass on your three successes to this seat?" The empress understood it, and then smiled and said, "Why do you practice this kind of kung fu that is like a furnace. "

It was Chen Mo's deceit to cultivate to heaven and man, he wanted to procrastinate, he didn't want to step into the grave of marriage so early.

"I don't want the children of the poor to be in charge of the family early, but it's only a peerless magic skill, so I can't do it yet, and I don't want to eat soft food. I want to go to the God's Catcher, and I want to seal more evil spirits!" Chen Mo can only understand it with emotion and reason, there is no way to beat him and he can't beat him.

Chen Mo seriously doubts that if he marries the empress, he might have to listen to the other party in deciding everything, and if he doesn't listen, he will be subjected to domestic violence, and domestic violence can't be beaten!At least in the next ten years, it is difficult to have a chance of turning around.

(End of this chapter)

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