Reckless through another world

Chapter 179 I, Chen Xianzhi, will be domestically abused!

Chapter 179 I, Chen Xianzhi, will be domestically abused!

"Then get engaged, today is the day of engagement, and you will get married when you become a celestial being." The empress did not force Chen Mo to go with him, but she still told him to get married after being a celestial being.

"This is what you promised yourself. If you want to go back on your word, then I can only take you away forcibly!"

"Okay!" Chen Mo nodded. He is in a mess right now, but he is not giving it to anyone. There are not many women who beat him, and this is definitely one of them.

From Chen Xianzhi's point of view, only the woman who can defeat him and keep up with him can be his wife. Now it's all right, the empress will come to her door, even though Chen Mo doesn't know what the empress is for.

But what Chen Mo knew was that in the future, he would have a backer. His fiancée, the third-ranked empress of King Shifang Lu, was also a top existence in terms of combat power.

Chen Mo knew one thing a long time ago. All the gifts of fate have already been marked with a price. As for what Chen Mo will pay, Chen Mo didn't ask. With the character of the Empress, if it is not because Chen Mo knows that it is useless, the Empress will definitely tell him.

However, it should be related to the ghost domain.

"Then let's talk about it. This is my seat's personal token. You have a ghost domain, and generally nothing will happen. But if something happens, this token can directly call this seat." The empress said from the mustard bag. He took out a black token with only one word "tattoo".

While handing it to Chen Mo, the Empress stepped on her toes and kissed Chen Mo's forehead.

"Heavenly Man, come to Beiyun Prefecture! If you don't come, I will personally come and arrest you."

Chen Mo's eyes widened. In his previous life, he was an otaku at the age of 40. He fought all his life. Now he has been in this different world for less than three months. Not to mention the marriage contract, he is still an empress and even kissed.

"This...!" Chen Mo was stunned.

When he realized it, Chen Mo touched his forehead and smiled silly, "It still feels pretty good."

When Chen Mo came back to his senses, there was no figure of the Empress in front of him. If it wasn't for the token in his hand, Chen Mo would have thought it was an illusion just now.

But looking at the token in his hand, Chen Mo murmured, "I'm in love? I'm in love, I'm in love!" Chen Mo nodded and put the token in his hand away.

"You two haven't left yet?" Chen Mo turned his head and saw the two people still crawling on the ground.

"Since you don't leave, I'll rob them." Chen Mo grinned, these two people didn't look like good birds, and Chen Mo didn't have any psychological burden to rob them.

At the same time, the sky outside was already bright, and the rain seemed to have stopped long ago.

"Well, let's drink some water and let's go!" Chen Mo poured the pot of drugged soup into the two people in a vicious manner. Anyway, it was the two of them who gave the drug later, so he simply let them taste it .

This time Chen Mo was very merciful and didn't kill anyone. As for the two of them, what will happen?Chen Mo didn't care.

"Woo!" Pulling the horse over, Chen Mo started on his way to Julu City again.

Although the journey is boring, Chen Mo is getting better and better in practice, and he is like a fish in water. The two-day journey is not boring.

Along the way, I met a lot of martial artists and some soldiers. Seeing that they were approaching the station, Chen Mo pulled the reins in his hand to slow down the horse.

The post station is very large, stretching like a small city, cast in blue marble, and guarded by armored soldiers, it is a small city alive and well.However, it mainly serves as a foothold, and it is also a place for travelers to change vehicles.

When Chen Mo walked into the small town, they all looked like post stations, so he just randomly found one and went in.

"Is the guest officer a top player, or a hotel?"

"I want to go to Julu City, so I came here to transfer to Dixinglong." Chen Mo directly explained his purpose.

"So that's the case, the guest officer is a member of the Gongmen?" The waiter greeted their shopkeeper, a middle-aged man who was not young.

"I'm an alternate catcher of the God's Detective Sect. I don't know if I'm considered a member of the Gongmen?"

"My lord, please show me your catching token." The shopkeeper immediately became more respectful when he heard that he was from the arresting family.

There are some things that the lower-level people don't know, but they, who are regarded as small officials in the public sect, do know a little bit. Although they don't know what the Shenchuangmen does, it is said that it is a heavy department of the imperial court, and even the Holy Majesty attaches great importance to it.

"Sure enough, it's the token of the Gongmen. Please go this way, my lord. We have special mounts for adults!" The shopkeeper looked at Chen Mo's alternate token and returned it to Chen Mo. The alternate god catcher is also considered a god catcher.

What's more, the above has already said hello, in the future there will be a large number of people with alternate god catcher tokens going to the two cities of Julu and Fengming. Don't stop them, they must eat and drink well.

After all, those who can get the alternate token are basically sure that they can become the god catcher, but they don't know whether they will become the copper seal or higher.

"Are there still many people holding alternate tokens?" Chen Mo was slightly surprised, the shopkeeper seemed to be familiar with the job.

"You are the third one. Two adults have already come here, both of whom have alternate tokens. The Luming Mansion has ordered us to treat you well." The shopkeeper nodded and replied.

"I see." Chen Mo knew that there would definitely be someone holding alternate tokens. Not to mention far away, every small town would definitely have at least one alternate god arrester, and larger villages might also have one.

This is a feature that has long been known.

Evil ghosts basically appear in places where humans live. Of course, it does not mean that there are no other places, but there is a high probability that this is the case. Basically, in areas with many human races, the probability of evil ghosts is also high.

This should also be related to the fact that only humans can control evil spirits, but there are still many secrets that have not been clarified. Maybe it will be updated in the game's expansion pack, but Chen Mo has already arrived in this world, so he can only explore by himself.

There are nearly [-] small cities under the jurisdiction of Julu City. To be honest, there should be only three, but maybe they have already gone to Julu City, or they followed when the gods were sent to capture them, so go now. There are only so few.

Of course, there may be people who have not been discovered by other ghost envoys, and they will also set foot on the road to Julu City.

So the three were beyond Chen Mo's expectations.

"This way, my lord, please!"

The shopkeeper led Chen Mo to the area of ​​Dixinglong. Chen Mo also saw this kind of transportation again. It was a huge lizard with a body length of nearly five meters and a height of about 1.5 meters. It was covered in scales.

It is said to be a ground-moving dragon, but it is actually a very large ground-walking lizard, but it is just named a ground-moving dragon.

"My lord, if you are not in a hurry, you can stay at the inn for a day before leaving. The facilities here are very complete, you know." The shopkeeper smiled.

"No, it's important to hurry." Chen Mo shook his head, Chen Mo had no intention of going to Fireworks and Willow Lane, if the empress knew that he was looking for flowers and asking willows, well, he would be domestically abused, right?Will be domestic violence!

(End of this chapter)

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