Reckless through another world

Chapter 188 Yan Jun!Yan Jun!

Chapter 188 Yan Jun!Yan Jun!
"Add, add them all." Chen Mo added their sound transmission numbers one by one. Chen Mo didn't like it. not bad.

"Old Zheng is going to carry out the mission. From today on, Chen Xianzhi will be the fifth Golden Seal God Arrester in our Julu City who can go on missions." Mr. Lu announced with a smile.

"Congratulations to Chen Jinyin." The other three Jinyin including Gu Peng also congratulated with a smile.

"Thank you, I still need a lot of support from seniors." Chen Mo smiled and saluted with fists in his hands. It would be nice if everyone was friendly. People respect me a foot, and I respect others. What a wonderful world like this.

"Now that you have become the Golden Seal, you need to give yourself a title. It is enough to have this title in the future."

"Golden Seal, Red Clothes, and Purple Clothes. As for God-Catching abilities, if you can reach them, you'll have an exclusive title." Mr. Lu laughed.

"A title?" Chen Mo thought for a while. He really didn't have any titles to use. He used to be called Ba Kui Yan Luo. Even if he was given the title based on the characteristics of ghosts now, Chen Mo would control more evil ghosts in the future. , named after one of them, it would be too biased.

"Three-eyed Yama, Lord Chiyan." Chen Mo murmured in his heart.

"My title should be called Lord Yan! The Yan of Yan Luo, the gentleman of gentlemen." Chen Mo took one of the two evil spirits' characters and formed his own title.

"Is anyone using it?"

"No one uses it." Gu Peng checked the roster in his hand, and no one used this title.

"What a Yan Jun! From now on, you will be the fifth Golden Seal in Julu City, titled Yan Jun. You will not die, and your title will not be extinguished. Record it and spread it!" Chief Lu nodded and said to Chen Mo Then let Gu Peng record the title.

"Yes!" Gu Peng also showed a smile on his face, and looked at Chen Mo with approval.

"Chief arrester, now that the matter is over, I should go back to the guarded area. All areas are very busy! I'm in a hurry." Zhou Donglai offered his farewell first.

"I should go back too." Hu Lin sighed.

"Well, I'm also going back to guard the area. It's very busy there. It's a high incidence period. Without the gold seal, there are many things that are difficult to deal with." Wang Taiyi also bowed and said goodbye.

"Okay, you guys go back to the area you are guarding. All parts of Luming Mansion are very busy, so I won't leave you guys for dinner. Chen Xianzhi is here with me. I have a task for you." Boss Lu nodded Then he looked at Chen Mo and said.

With a new golden seal to join, other colleagues would naturally need to vote. Originally there were five in total, one was killed by Chen Mo, and Chen Mo made it up. At least half of the support was needed, that is, three out of five.

Now that the matter is over, the three gold seals will naturally go back, and chief arrester Lu will not keep them. Everywhere needs people to guard them. Even if they don't say goodbye, chief arrester Lu will drive them away.

"Gu Jinyin is also coming, and you will be directly responsible for Chen Jinyin's mission in the future."

Mr. Lu said that he led Chen Mo and Gu Peng to the main hall of the chief arrester. He said that the main hall was just a relatively large office space.

"Let's all sit down. Alright, now that your strength has been determined, I will hand over the task to you." President Lu sat on the main seat and motioned Chen Mo and Gu Peng to take the guest seats beside him, looking at Chen Mo Said.

"I don't know what the mission is?" Chen Mo asked.

"There is a Beiming Sect in the territory connecting the Cangming sea area and our Luming Mansion, which is a first-class sect, but recently, people have been missing, and some disciples of their sect are also missing. According to their description, even if it is a snake, jackal Levels are not immune, and they appear on a large scale, the old man wants you to investigate the situation."

"It doesn't matter whether you lurk into the Beiming faction as an undercover agent, or you handle the case directly and impartially. It is enough to find out the reason, find the evil spirit and suppress it."

"After this task is completed, you can also choose to stay directly in the Shenchuangmen branch in Beiming City, or choose another place of suppression." Chief Lu just said something roughly.

"For the rest, you can ask Gu Jinyin. He knows the details, and he will contact you directly to take charge of this task. If you need support, you can also use the token to call the old man or other gold seals."


[Trigger Rare Mission: Chaos of Beiming faction]

[Mission Reward: Reiki Empowerment]

While Chen Mo was listening, his system panel also sent him a task, but it only provided a rare level task and a reward, nothing else.

"Okay!" Chen Mo nodded and gave the task to the next one. There are a lot of rewards for rare level tasks. It is time for him to use spiritual energy to empower him. If he has any, he will vote for Lord Chiyan to improve his compatibility.

And this is something that Chen Mo has promised a long time ago. Naturally, he will be punished if he kills someone.

"Okay, you can just ask Catcher Gu for the next thing, he will make arrangements, just leave if you have nothing to do, and we don't care about food here." Boss Lu waved his hand with a smile.

"Then let's go first." Gu Peng stood up and bowed his fists, and Chen Mo followed suit.

Chen Mo feels that the atmosphere in God's Catchment is quite good, there is no red tape, and everyone is very interesting, except Zhang Yanlin, no wonder he went to support alone, probably because he was excluded in God's Catchment, so he vented his anger to Others, but also want to grab credit.

Unfortunately, he hit the iron plate this time.

"Chen Xianzhi, what do you think of the God Catchment Gate?" Walking out of the General Catchment Hall, Gu Peng looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"The atmosphere in God's Catchment is quite good, and it's also quite relaxed. The superior and inferior are not so clear, like a... big sect." Chen Mo nodded slightly, then thought for a while, and found an appropriate adjective .

"That's right, because this is the rule set by the God Catcher, just don't follow the rules, everything is mainly about suppressing evil spirits, and everything is mainly about the ghost guards themselves, because every ghost hunter is a precious talent of the imperial court. .” Gu Peng nodded, seeing that Chen Mo did not reject the God of Cultivation, Gu Peng also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I feel that this task doesn't seem to be so entrusted to me?" Chen Mo asked about the task.

"Not difficult?" Gu Peng's voice raised a volume.

As if he realized it himself, Gu Peng lowered his voice and said, "This task is entrusted to you precisely because it is too difficult!"

"How difficult is it?" Chen Mo paused slightly and asked.

"This matter is said to involve many intricate forces, not just the Beiming faction. Although the Beiming faction is a first-class sect, it should be clear if you want to investigate the case. The main reason is that there is always a black hand behind the scenes. The chief arrester is asking you to find out who is behind the scenes." Gu Peng said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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