Reckless through another world

Chapter 189 I'm Afraid Of You!

Chapter 189 I'm Afraid Of You!

When he got to the corridor, Gu Peng didn't speak again. It seemed that this task was really difficult, so that he kept his mouth shut and couldn't let outsiders know.

He led Chen Mo to the office hall of the Chen Mo Jinyin policeman.

"This will be your main hall in the future, the hall only owned by the Jinyin policeman." Gu Peng said.

"It's pretty grand!" Chen Mo wandered around, feeling very good, very old-fashioned, and spacious enough, except for the kitchen, it has everything, and it integrates various office spaces.

"Sit there!" Gu Peng said and pointed to the main seat in the main hall.

Chen Mo is not hypocritical, now he has changed from a guest to a host, not to mention that this is his Golden Seal Hall, sitting on the seat with his buttocks, I don't know what kind of weird fur, anyway, it feels good.

Gu Peng sat on the guest seat and began to describe the task in detail.

"According to the investigation of the God Catcher, it seems that someone is raising ghosts with people." Gu Peng felt creepy when he said it.

"Raising ghosts with people?" Chen Mo sat on the main seat of the main hall, tapped the wooden table next to him with his right hand, making a rattling sound, and frowned slightly.

"That's right, a lot of villages have been completely slaughtered. The Zhenzhen Division can't find the reason, and neither can the Yamen's police. Anyway, it looks like it was done by evil spirits, but there are signs that there are traces of human involvement in the village. , and maybe that person is hiding in the Beiming faction." Gu Peng sighed.

"It means that there are people in Beiming faction who use humans to raise ghosts."

"It's not bad to say that. After all, all the clues that have been verified point to the Beiming faction, and the most important point is that there seems to be traces of the Demon Gate in it. Anyway, the people of Beiming City are panicking now, and we urgently need the help of the God Catchment Sect." Hurry up and go." Gu Peng nodded.

"Then what about the Shenchuangmen who was sitting there?" Chen Mo was slightly stunned, he should send someone to such a big place.

"You really don't know?" Gu Peng asked in surprise.

"what do you know?"

"It was originally Zhang Yanlin who was going to be sent there. Who would have thought that Deng Yingcheng would call for help, and then..." Gu Peng also expressed that he had no choice but spread his hands.

"So that's the case, it seems that I'm right to do this job." Chen Mo laughed, he didn't want to, whoever made Zhang Yanlin aggressive and wanted his life, then he can only be sorry.

"Keep talking, keep talking." Chen Mo asked Gu Peng to continue talking about the task.

"Another point is that Beiming City is almost catching up with Dacheng, but because it is close to Huxiao Mansion, there will always be disputes between the two sides, so if you go there, you will also face the pressure of Huxiao Mansion."

"That means I still have to be on guard against my own people?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows.

"The main reason is that the Beiming faction has just been promoted from the second-rate to the first-rate, which led to the expansion of Beiming City, and then straddled the positions of the two prefectures."

"Anyway, go as soon as you go. If the other party sends people, don't be afraid of them." Gu Peng was also very helpless. If there are good things, he should naturally get more.

Gu Peng suddenly remembered Chen Mo's previous convictions, and hurriedly said: "Don't be reckless, don't act recklessly, and don't kill people. If you are reckless, even Chief Lu will be in trouble, and no one will be able to protect you."

"If you can bear it a little bit, just bear it a little bit. Let's fish the things. Donglinzhou God Catchmen is also very concerned about this matter, so don't be reckless." Speaking of this, Gu Peng suddenly found that Chen Mo seemed not Not suitable for sitting in a big city.

If this kid's temper gets up, he will not give up on the other party. Thinking of this, Gu Peng realized that Chen Mo is not suitable for this task at all. Sending a gold seal to him is better than Chen Mo. This is a reckless man.

But now that the arrow is on the line, Gu Peng can't tell Boss Lu that Chen Mo is not suitable, it's not a slap in the face.

"Chen Xianzhi, you won't be impulsive, right?" Gu Peng asked tentatively.

"Don't worry Lao Gu, I, Chen Xianzhi, am the calmest, and I promise to complete the task well." Chen Mo grinned, patted his chest and said, "You can completely trust me, as long as they don't provoke, I won't do anything. ".

"The more you say that, the more flustered I feel!"

"No, I must tell you, don't be reckless, don't conflict with them, as long as there is no conflict, everything is fine, so even if the other party provokes, you have to turn a blind eye, understand?" Gu Peng warned .

"Okay, no matter how provocative the other party is, I will not get angry." Chen Mo nodded, "Hurry up and talk about the mission."

"There's nothing to say, just talk about your requirements. If you want to be an undercover agent, we can also fake your identity and send you to the Beiming faction." Gu Peng's words revealed strength.

The God Catchment Sect is able to quietly send a person into a first-class sect, no, this is the power of the imperial court, what does this mean, it means that even the Beiming Sect has undercover agents from the imperial court.

The Daqian court has been standing in the nineteen states of Qianyuan for thousands of years. After nearly fifty generations of emperors, they have established an intelligence department from the very beginning, and they can completely control the intelligence of the nineteen states. Naturally, these seedlings are indispensable.

It's like planting seedlings in the fields, sending these people to various places in the nineteen states of Qianyuan, maybe they may not be able to use it once in their lifetime, but they can do the most critical things at the most critical moment.

"Who is the Yangzi of the imperial court in Beiming Sect?" Chen Mo raised his head and asked.

"I don't know either. Maybe Mr. Lu knows, but he didn't tell me, which means that we don't know enough about his existence, but he will pass on the news to you." Gu Peng shook his head. Who is Yangzi in the Ming faction.

Gu Peng thought about it, Chen Mo is really not suitable to sit in a big city, he is not afraid of [-], just in case, this kid's personality is like this, if there is a conflict, who can beat him below the innate?They were all beaten to death by Chen Mo!

So Gu Peng doesn't plan to let Chen Mo go to sit in Dacheng, but go to be an undercover agent. "Forget it, I will decide for you. You can pretend to be an undercover agent and join the Beiming faction, and you don't need to be in charge of Dacheng."

"I actually prefer to investigate cases openly!" Chen Mo smiled.

"Chen Butou, Uncle Chen, just do what you want. I'm really afraid that you will conflict with your own people again, so it's better to go undercover. Even if you are reckless, you are not your own people. You can kill two birds with one stone." Gu Peng clasped his fists, Said helplessly.

"Give me two more wads of Tongming paper money, and I agree!" Chen Mo said with a smile and stretched out two fingers.

"At most a stack and a half." Gu Peng waved his hand.

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore, I'm going to sit in the big city." Chen Mo immediately let go and got up.

"Don't, don't, don't! Two stacks, two stacks are two stacks!" Gu Peng hurriedly stopped Chen Mo, but in his heart, "It's too difficult for me, I really have no tricks at all."

"That's not bad."

"Then what is my identity as an undercover agent?" Chen Mo laughed, looked at Gu Peng and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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