Reckless through another world

Chapter 190 Meet the So-called Mr. Chen

Chapter 190 Meet the So-called Mr. Chen

"The dossiers are all here, you can check it out yourself. You'll be embarrassed at first, and it's okay to go there. The rest is up to you." Gu Peng gave Chen Mo the dossier with the information recorded in the mustard bag. .

All known information is detailed above.

"Chen Xianzhi, you are newly promoted to the Golden Seal, so you will inevitably be looked down upon by others. Although the God Catchment Sect is sending down talents in an eclectic manner, I still hope that you can complete the task well." Gu Peng said very sincerely, and what he said was also for Chen Mo's sake.

No matter where you are, qualifications are essential. No matter how powerful your strength is, you need qualifications as a foundation.

It is said that strength is enough, so Zhuge Kongming is strong enough, right?But Guan Yu and Zhang Fei still refused to accept, and it was Zhao Yun who respected Zhuge Liang's order the most.

It is natural to be strong enough to take that seat, but others will criticize it. If you can’t meet people, you can only discuss it once, so you need qualifications to support it. If Chen Mo joined the God Catcher when he first subdued Sanmu Yanluo, his qualifications would be enough , but if you join now, you will naturally start from scratch.

And it was supposed to be his job.Gu Peng especially hopes that Chen Mo can do all the tasks well. At this period when he is almost unable to control ghosts, he can only place his sustenance on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I'm reliable in my work. Besides, I belong to the first echelon of Yugui now, so don't worry."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about your enemies!" Gu Peng laughed haha.

"Look for yourself, I still have a lot of important things to do, and a lot of papers to deal with. I'll treat you to a drink tonight." Gu Peng stood up.Now the God Catchment Sect also lacks civil servants to control ghosts. He has the advantage to take the lead, so there is no way not to be so busy.

"Go ahead, don't forget to drink at night." Chen Mo also got up and sent Gu Peng off.

"I can't forget"


On the streets of Julu City, a young man dressed in black gold trim, scale armor looming, and a very unique robe was walking on the road.

This young man was tall and straight. Although he was tall, he did not look burly, but rather slender, with his hands behind his back. He seemed to be walking very slowly, but all the pedestrians were left behind by him.

A black-gold token was hung on the young man's waist, and there were three black-gold cage-like things, the storage bag was attached, and a horizontal knife was carried on his back.

There was a smile on his face, but this smile seemed to be malicious, and there was a stream of light in his pair of Danfeng eyes that were as sharp as knives, like a sheathed knife, concealed but not revealed.

The bun on the top of the head was tied up meticulously, without even a strand of hair stretched out, it looked very handsome.

The young man with his hands behind his back walked very briskly, and the people passing by didn't touch him, let alone stick to him.The golden inscription on the left chest had already told these people that this young man was a member of the God catching family, and looking at the golden seal in the shape of a vertical line, it was enough to know that he was a big shot.

"Then it looks like a big shot."

"Look at that outfit, it should be the god catcher of the newly established god catcher's gate, and it's a gold seal."

"Golden seal catcher! Tsk tsk"

This person is Chen Mo who went out. Julu Township still owes him foreign debts. Chen Mo doesn't intend to let it go. Rare treasure soldiers, not to mention their own use, can be sold for a high price just by selling them. Come.

There is no need to inquire, it is enough for Chen Mo to follow the highest beacon tower.

Either build the Beacon Tower in Zhenyi Division, or next to it, it doesn't matter.

As one of the foundations of the formation, the Beacon Tower naturally needs to be well protected by the Zhenyi Division, otherwise the power of the formation will be greatly reduced, and the Beacon Tower can suppress other monsters entering the city, and even kill some who can be killed. Kill and has a menacing strangeness.

It's already autumn, the vendors on the street, the pedestrians, the merchants and tourists, and some scholars all put on cotton-padded clothes. The wind is the coldest at this time, and Chen Mo, a person like Chen Mo whose qi and blood are melting into a furnace Those who can carry it, those with low cultivation bases need clothes to keep out the cold.

"Autumn is strong." Chen Mo muttered, and his footsteps quickened, and the pedestrians around him were avoided by him one after another. Under the cover of a faint ghost, people seemed to no longer pay attention to Chen Mo. The slight coldness that came was also ignored.

"Julu Township Division, this is here." Chen Mo looked up, and saw that it was still the yamen style of the Township Division, bright and dignified, and the high hanging plaque was also shiny.

The town of Julu City is much more exquisite than the one in Linshan City, and it is also more grand.

Chen Mo withdrew his ghostly aura and walked in.

The soldiers who came and went, wearing the standard robes and armor of the Zhenyi Division, seemed to be in a hurry, and Chen Mo ignored it, but went to the main hall of the Zhenyi Division to find someone in charge.

Chen Mo saw the female soldier at the reception desk who was relaxing, walked to the counter and said, "I'm Chen Xianzhi, the Jinyin policeman of the God Detective Gate, and I want to find Commander Chen and Commander Jing of your Zhenchai Division. Both of them are owls." The pinnacle."

"The Golden Seal of God's Catchment?!" The woman was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Mo's face, she was stunned for a second before she came back to her senses, and said in a hurry, "My lord, please show your identity token!"

"This is my golden seal, this is my token!" Chen Mo took out the rectangular seal hanging from his waist, and there is also a matching black and gold token.

"Master Chen, wait a moment, I'll call for someone." The female soldier in front of the counter hurriedly pushed Chen Mo's seal and token over, and ran away to call for someone.

Chen Mo really didn't expect the other party to have such a big reaction, but this is also reasonable. There are a total of five gold seals in Luming Mansion, and he counts as one.

In the eyes of this girl soldier, Chen Mo, the Golden Seal God Catchment, is placed in the Zhenyi Division system, and he is a big man of the four government-level spirit envoys. He is naturally excited, not to mention that the God Catchment is obviously more mysterious.

"Zhenji is well aware of the principle that men and women can work together without getting tired, but why are the Suzakus in those small towns all men?" When Chen Mo was in the game before, all the Suzaku soldiers were female warriors Xiu is in charge, but reality is reality after all.

"God Catcher should learn from others!"


"Quickly, you go and call Chen Wen and Commander Chen. I'll call Jing Lao." The girl at the front desk panted and said to several soldiers beside her.

"What's wrong? If it's nothing serious, you'll definitely be scolded for looking for the commander!" Another girl soldier spread her hands and said.

"It's a big deal, Lord Chen, the golden seal of the God Catchment Sect, is here, and he's looking for these two commanders by name."


"The Golden Seal of the God's Catchment Gate? Master Chen?" Chen Wenyu hurried to the main hall. He didn't remember what kind of Gold Seal of the God's Catchment Gate he knew, Mr. Chen?

"Master Chen of the God's Catcher, hurry up Jinyin?" Although Commander Jing is not young, his legs and feet are not spinning at all.
"Let's go and have a look!" The two met by chance at the same time.

"Hey, Mr. Jing, you came out too."

"It's Wen Yu. I heard from the civil servant that there is a god catcher, Jin Yin, looking for me, so I came here."

"Coincidentally, I heard this too."

"Go, go, go together, and see this so-called Lord Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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