Reckless through another world

Chapter 191 Don't ask about the long-term future of Jianghu Road [Part 5]

Chapter 191 Don’t ask about the long-term future of Jianghu Road [fifth update]

When Mr. Jing and Chen Wenyu walked into the hall, what they saw was a figure from the back, tall and straight, dressed in a police uniform that only a golden seal god catcher could wear, with layers of tiny scales interspersed in the police uniform. .

"It really is the God of Gold Seal!" Chen Wenyu sighed.

At the same time as he was sighing, the golden seal god arrester also turned around, and said loudly: "Long time no see, Commander Chen and Commander Jing, I'm here to receive my reward!"

Chen Mo grinned. It's been a long time since I saw him. When I saw him suddenly, Chen Mo also felt a strange feeling of meeting again. After all, they didn't have any intersection.

"That ghost-controlling boy!" Chen Wenyu looked at Chen Mo dumbfounded, and blurted out in surprise.

Not only Chen Wenyu, but Commander Jing was equally astonished. The boy who used to be insignificant now, like a carp jumping over the dragon gate, has become a god catcher on the same level as the four spirit envoys at the prefecture level. Even Jing Lao sighed in disbelief. A "Golden seal fast?"

Moreover, the Jinyin God Detective has higher authority than the Four Spirit Envoys, and can mobilize the yamen and the soldiers of the Zhenyi Division.These fast catchers of God's Catchment are treasures.

" won't forget, right?" Seeing the blank faces of the two, Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"No, I haven't forgotten, there is a rare-level chopping knife waiting for you to claim it now." Jing Lao reacted and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I haven't forgotten, it's in the armory, and you can take it away at any time." Chen Wenyu also nodded hurriedly. The last meritorious service belonged to Chen Xianzhi, and they took it for granted at first, but the other party would definitely want it. The one who came to Julu City was not forgotten by Chen Mo.

"It's good that I haven't forgotten." Chen Mo nodded, and then said, "I'll just wait here, and I have to trouble the two commanders to get the weapons. I still have a task, so I'm in a hurry."

As he spoke, Chen Mo cupped his fists.

"Then Chen Shenchuang is waiting here, and the old man will go get it. Wen and you will wait with Chen Shenchuang for a while." Commander Jing nodded and said, this is something that has been prepared for a long time.

Maybe if Chen Mo didn't come, he would have really forgotten about it, but now that the Lord is here, his things will naturally be taken away.

After waiting for a while, Jing Lao returned to the hall with the weapon box.

"Chen Shenzhu, this is your weapon, a rare sword, comparable to that rare sword." Commander Jing handed the box to Chen Mo and said.

After receiving the box, Chen Mo opened the weapon box, and there lay a four-foot-long saber in it, the whole body was black, emitting a faint light.

"Keng!" The sword soldier unsheathed, and Chen Mo's face was reflected on the blade.

"This saber is made of the leftovers of Nine Nether Iron mixed with star gold and other good materials. It is four feet long and is a rare treasure!" Commander Jing explained.

"Not bad, great sword!" Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction, carrying the saber on his back.

"Commander Chen, you have a foreign envoy named An and a younger brother named An Shigen in the Zhenjue Division. Please ask Commander Chen to take action. If it doesn't work, I will have to do it myself." Chen Mo forced his voice into a thread. Send it into Chen Wenyu's ear, and at the same time pull Chen Wenyu's sleeve.

Chen Wenyu looked down, and there was a slap-sized ingot of star gold in his hand, which seemed to be worth 20 taels.

Chen Wenyu nodded, and then hid the star gold in his hand in his sleeve robe.

"Chen Xianzhi will take his leave first, there is no need to send it off." Chen Mo showed a smile on his face, and clasped his fists after speaking.And Chen Wen and He Jing also clasped their fists together, then Chen Mo turned and walked out
"I didn't expect to fight side by side together last month. At this moment, everyone has become a Jinyin arrester. It is said that the welfare of the Jinyin arrester is not good." Chen Wenhe clicked his tongue, with a hint of with envy.

"Wen Yu said it's bad, how can we fight side by side? It was the young man who fought against the demon centurion alone, and the two of us fought at best."

"The young people of this generation seem to be very strong. Whether it's a little celestial master or a little Taoist priest of this generation, even a casual cultivator in a small town is ridiculously strong!" Jing Lao shook his beard with a smile. shook his head.

"Yeah, the future should be the era of young people." Chen Wenyu sighed. He is not very old, but he feels that he is already old, because now teenagers have completely given him to him. beyond.

"I have to admit that there are geniuses in this world. Let's go. The future between Wen and you is still far away. I can go further. I am old." Jing Lao's eyes flashed with loneliness, and he can't accept his old age. Yes, when the body function is really reduced to the point where it cannot be moved, it is actually time to leave the battlefield.

Walking out of the gate of the Zhenyi Division, Chen Mo returned to the gate of God's Catchment. During this time of strolling, the sky was getting late, the night in the distance was slowly pulled up, and the stars in the sky gradually revealed their figures.

Looking up, the stars all over the sky even formed a galaxy, and a round moon in the sky covered the earth with a faint silver veil.

Chen Mo put on the starry sky and returned to Shenchamen, his golden seal main hall.

Before Chen Mo could warm up the seat, Gu Peng came to find him.

"Go drink!" Gu Peng greeted.

"Drink, you are the host, I'll go out with you." Chen Mo shrugged, it seemed that he hadn't even had a proper glass of wine after coming here for such a long time.

"Walk around, I know a restaurant, it's very delicious, and it's time to open the door." Gu Peng smiled on his face.


"Shopkeeper, bring me two jars of good wine, and another ten catties of meat!" Gu Peng seemed to be familiar with the road, and he went to a small table outside the wine shop, and greeted him.

"Master Gu seems to have been here many times?" Chen Mo sat across from him, he didn't even need to look around, the ghost eyes in his body could see a 360-degree perspective.

Julu City is also very lively at night, with bright lights and more atmosphere, Chen Mo finds it quite interesting.

"I won't say much about this mission, just pay attention to safety. If someone asks for help, try to help them, and you will be rewarded." Gu Peng poured wine into Chen Mo's bowl, and also poured wine for himself. Come on, and as he spoke, he picked up the sea bowl.

"Come on, let's celebrate you, Chen Xianzhi, who joined the God Catchment Sect and was promoted to the Golden Seal God Catchment. You have a bright future! Done!" Gu Peng said, holding up the bowl.

"Master Gu said that the future is not bright, is it bright, huh? Haha!" Chen Mo laughed, remembering what the teacher used to say when he was in school, but every time the teacher made up the knife, it was bright .

"It's done!" Chen Mo picked it up and drank it down.God's catching door dares to grant him the gold seal directly, which means that he will never do anything that endangers the gods' door and the court. The whole family can be found out, and even the ancestors have been innocent for several generations, so the court naturally trusts him. He trusted Chen Xianzhi.

 Let me tell you the truth, I never write an outline, let alone a detailed outline, I rely entirely on my brain.

(End of this chapter)

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