Reckless through another world

Chapter 192 Something Is Pulling the Coffin

Chapter 192 Something Is Pulling the Coffin

The cold wind was blowing, and the young man in a brocade robe seemed to be still childish, sitting in the carriage with his eyes closed.

The young man was Chen Mo, carrying a rectangular thing wrapped in rags, which seemed to be a weapon.

"Little brother, something has happened!" Old man Zhang's voice was full of inexplicable fear and trembling. Even the two horses pulling the cart stopped and circled in place. Shouting loudly, as if afraid of disturbing something.

"Huh?" Chen Mo's eyes slowly opened, he could already feel the breath of fear in the air, this is the pressure of fear that can only be released by evil spirits.

Opening the door curtain of the car, Chen Mo's scarlet ghost eyes opened suddenly, not far away, there was a black shadow slowly walking over, and there was a black rope on his body, Chen Mo followed the rope Looking over, there was a huge coffin behind him, hidden in the darkness.

"You actually stepped on the official road? This fearful coercion is a ghost that is not weak!" Chen Mo pondered, it is not only not weak, the fear and coercion that this ghost gave Chen Mo seems to be stronger than that released by the Shuijing female ghost more powerful.

【Name: Coffin Puller】

【Name: none】

[Template: boss level]

[Quality: Precious]

[Growth status: Child ghost]

[Cultivation: ? ? ? 】

【Attributes:? ? ? 】

【Skill:? ? ? ? 】

[Status: Unawakened]

[Fusion status: Unable to fuse mosaic]

[Estimated Risk: Dangerous]

[Strength: two-star perfect]

[Murder Law: Unknown...]

[Comment: According to legend, in ancient times, there were thousands of ghosts pulling coffins and walking at night. Maybe he just fell behind, or maybe he just didn't grow up. Please don't provoke him. 】

"Nowadays, two of the evil spirits above the boss level are known to be on my body. Such an evil spirit is only of precious quality, but it can reach an astonishing warning risk. Two stars are perfect." Chen Mo frowned. .

It really is getting more and more dangerous now, and even such big ghosts have begun to appear.

Chen Mo didn't intend to provoke him. The estimated risk was based on his current strength compared with the opponent, which showed that this evil spirit was strong enough.

Not to mention that this evil spirit is not the type he likes, even if they really fight, Chen Mo will definitely suffer. It is best to leave by himself before the other party finds them, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"Wait a minute, let's go after he leaves!" Chen Mo didn't act rashly.

"Old Gu, something went wrong!" Chen Mo injected his divine arrest order into his inner energy, and got in touch with Gu Peng through the star array in the sky.

"What's the matter?" Gu Peng's voice was also tense, and Chen Mo's words made him panic.

"On the third official road in Julu City, there is an evil ghost pulling the coffin. The fear and coercion is initially judged as a two-star level, and you also know how strong the big ghost in my body is, but I am not sure to suppress him, so you know !” Chen Mo said with a sigh.

"It turned out to be like this! That ghost has been encountered by the policeman a long time ago. There is no danger. He just lingered there and never killed anyone. Moreover, he was caught by the gods before. He couldn't deal with it, so he had to let it go. I I forgot to tell you." Gu Peng suddenly seemed to have such a thing.

"That's not so easy to come across. You are the third one in such a long time." Gu Peng explained.

"Old Gu, you are too deceitful! I didn't say it earlier! It made me a false alarm. It's okay, it's okay!" Chen Mo directly cut off the connection of the formation. Dangerous, if there is one.

"There is no danger, let's wait for a while!" Chen Mo said something to the old man Zhang, then turned around and looked at the big ghost who was slowly pulling the coffin not far away.

"Boom, boom!" There were bursts of sound when the coffin was being dragged, and the ghostly aura was steaming, and the big ghost who pulled the coffin slowly walked over.

At the same time, Chen Mo also saw the appearance of the evil ghost who pulled the coffin.

He was dressed in pitch black, as if wearing a pitch-black robe. He was about [-] meters tall, with a pair of scarlet eyes staring at the road ahead, and his ghost claws were exposed, dragging the large coffin behind him.

The lacquered red coffin was three meters long and more than one meter wide.Scarlet ghostly aura spread all over the surroundings, surrounded by thick black ghostly aura.

Every time the tall evil ghost took a step, his legs would come out of the black mist, revealing his bluish-black skin, as if the sharp ghost claws that hadn't been cut for a long time were revealed, and every step his huge body took would bring a ghostly aura. circulation.

Fear and coercion gradually shrouded like a dark curtain.

It was already night time at this time, and it was covered with starlight and moonlight, which condensed the atmosphere to a high point.


The figures of the coffin-drawing ghost and Chen Mo overlapped for an instant. Chen Mo thought that the coffin-drawing ghost would walk over like this, but unexpectedly, the coffin-drawing ghost stopped.

The old man Zhang was completely frightened and fainted, and Chen Mo's heart was beating fast, his scarlet ghost eyes were all wide open, and the traces of ghost energy slowly drifted out from his body.

Even the Jiyang four-legged snake raised its head vigilantly. It had already felt the threat. All the scales on its body stood up, as if its hair had exploded. was suppressed.

Shout it!
The evil ghost pulling the coffin turned his head and looked directly into Chen Mo's eyes. There seemed to be some different emotions in the scarlet ghost's eyes.

Now at this time, Chen Mo has completely observed the evil spirit in front of him at close range. The blue-black skin has twisted things like blood vessels attached to the skin. Only then did Chen Mo realize that the evil spirit in front of him actually has fangs. The teeth are pitch black, and you can't see them at all if you are not close.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Chen Mo,

Even the fear and coercion all over his body poured out, but Chen Mo is a ghost-controlling envoy with two big ghosts, how could he be frightened by this simple fear and coercion, the Yanjun armor appeared on his body, scarlet The ghost eyes are all opened.

The current scene is like two evil spirits looking at each other.

The ghost pulling the coffin didn't move, it seemed that it just wanted to look at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo stared at the ghost pulling the coffin in front of him, ready to make a move at any time, and Huang Quan was also always ready, but it seemed that the ghost pulling the coffin didn't seem to have any preparations to make a move, and remained in the state of pulling the coffin.

After a long time, the ghost pulling the coffin turned its head and faced forward again, pulling the coffin one step at a time.Chen Mo also saw the appearance of the coffin at close range, the lacquered red coffin, the four corners stared at the coffin nails, and it was tightly closed.

Seeing the coffin pulling ghost walk into the black mist, Chen Mo's tense mind relaxed.

Although I don't know that the template and quality of this evil ghost are obviously not as high as the big ghost in his body, why the evaluation is dangerous, but it does not hinder Chen Mo's perception of danger, and the evaluation of the system, maybe he is just a little guy, isn't it? It's troublesome.

The most urgent task is to complete the tasks for the Beiming Sect first. Although Chen Mo is a reckless man, he can clearly distinguish between the primary and the secondary.

(End of this chapter)

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