Chapter 219
The top-grade elixir is the top-grade elixir. As soon as it entered his stomach, Chen Mo immediately felt a warm current flowing from his dantian, flowing through his limbs and bones, and the damage he suffered was also recovering quickly.


Taking a deep breath, Chen Mo finally felt that his body was under his control again.

Everyone who survived the catastrophe also relieved their tension with Chen Mo's exhalation, and they all felt lucky.They didn't expect that a guy who was born at the peak would almost keep them all here.

"Everyone below the innate peak level can go back, and the rest will sit here with me." Zhang Ruiyu sighed.

As the real person in charge, he naturally wants the rest of the innate masters to go back, and they can't help them. If they stay here, they will be a drag, and it will damage the power of the sect.

"I'll go out first." After the fourth elder and his party saluted, more than a dozen innate masters saluted and left the land of Qianlong.

There were only four people left at the gate, Chen Mo, Zhang Ruiyu, the head elder, and the second elder.

The third elder died in battle, and the life and death of the fifth elder is uncertain, but when Chen Mo searched with ghost eyes, he had already searched for all the breaths of living people, and there was no fifth elder, so he should have died.

Although there were not many black-robed men left on the other side, as long as Hei Wuchang was still alive, there would be two big ghosts, and Zhang Ruiyu couldn't break through the defense of the perfect level big ghost, and Chen Mo's attack was even more unable to break through.


"Then, what should we do now?" The second elder opened his mouth and looked at the people beside him.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, as if there was nothing they could do about it now.If Zhang Ruiyu couldn't break through the defense, he wouldn't be able to attack Yinshuai Heiwuchang, and he would be dragged to death by the opponent's home-field skills.

The Great Elder also frowned slightly, and everyone fell silent for a while.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Chen Mo said, "I have a way to break him!"

The remaining three all looked at Chen Mo.

"How?" Zhang Ruiyu's eyes lit up.

"Break his defense, and then let the head master kill him!" Chen Mo grinned.

"Chen, hurry up... If you say it, it's the same as if you didn't say it? If you can break the defense, you have already broken the opponent's defense, but the most important point is that you can't break the opponent's defense!" The second elder sighed in one breath.

"That's right, the main difficulty is not being able to break through the opponent's defense." Li Jingzhen clicked her tongue.

They have accumulated decades of combat experience, and at this moment, they are simply useless.

for what?Evil spirits are one thing they have little contact with, and the time of appearance is too short.

So much so that even these martial arts masters who are innate and heavenly are helpless.

why?Still no experience, no experience dealing with evil spirits.

Experience is exactly what Chen Mo possesses.

"The solution is always more difficult than the difficulty. I think, since the other party can't interfere with my ghost domain. Then, I can lead the leader and rush over to kill that handsome Yin." Chen Mo touched the vertical eyes on his forehead.

Although there is still some stinging pain, Chen Mo thinks that he should be able to withstand at least three moves of Lord Beiming.

"But, Chen Xianzhi, can you stand it?" Zhang Ruiyu asked with a smile.

The question Chen Mo asked just now was returned to Chen Mo.

"It should be able to withstand it." Chen Mo pursed his lips, and used his still active brain to think for a while, feeling that he should be able to withstand it.

"Try it." Chen Mo didn't intend to think about it anymore. According to the attack frequency and intensity of the Lord of the Northern Darkness just now, he should be able to withstand it.

"Can it work?" Not only the Second Elder had doubts, but even the First Elder looked at Zhang Ruiyu with concern. If he couldn't stand it and made a mistake, the game would basically be declared over.

"Chen Xianzhi, can you stand up?" Even Zhang Ruiyu, the head of the sect, was defeated by the uneasy eyes of the two elders, looked at Chen Mo, and asked with a serious face.

"I, Chen Xianzhi, don't worry about my work."

"You see, when I was driving Ghost Domain just now, I carried it twice. With the opponent's level, I should be able to carry it three times. Therefore, there is actually a great chance to send you there to kill Heiwuchang." Chen Mo tried. Give an example to convince three people.

"Anyway, it's already a dead horse as a living horse doctor now. If you try it, you might have a chance. Anyway, there is no other way to use it now." Chen Mo spread his hands, and after he finished speaking, he waited quietly and didn't say anything else. Talk too much.

But the meaning has obviously been expressed, if you don't make changes, you will be dragged to death by Heiwuchang, and it is very likely that you will be taken over by the other party at that time.

"Then try it." Zhang Ruiyu nodded, most of his true energy had recovered, and he would try everything he said.

"Ghost Realm!"

"Three-eyed Yama!"

"Wu Shuang power, the power of the four poles, fight against all directions." Chen Mo activated all the blessing skills.

"Chi Chi!" Black ghost energy gushed out from the gaps in Chen Mo's ghost armor, all 36 scarlet ghost eyes opened, and the three-eyed Yama was already in place.

"Let's go!" Huang Quan suddenly disappeared slowly amidst Chen Mo's murmur, and shuttled back into Qianlong Land.

"Great Elder, let's?" Seeing Scarlet Ghost Domain disappear before their eyes, Second Elder frowned slightly. He was also shaken just now. Maybe this is the last chance. If you don't fight desperately, maybe wait for the other party to control it. Lord Beiming, everything is over.

"I can only wait, I hope it goes well." Li Jingzhen shook her head slightly.

"It happened again, this kind of fluctuation?" Yin Shuai was trying his best to control the Lord of the Northern Darkness, and opened his eyes suddenly. Through the home field skills of the Lord of the Northern Darkness, Hei Wuchang felt this strange fluctuation again.

If it is a big ghost of the same level, it may not be able to feel it, but the Venerable Beiming is a perfect level, and when the time is right, he can advance to an extraordinary existence. The three-eyed Yama is just an epic, and he has not even reached perfection, so he is naturally sensed.

"Shoot people first and shoot horses, capture thieves first and capture kings first, you want to send Zhang Ruiyu to kill me through Huangquan?" Hei Wuchang chuckled, slowly closed his eyes, his murmur dissipated in the howling sea of ​​ghost energy "Unfortunately, I have basically controlled Xiaoyaogui!"

"The sea of ​​darkness is boundless!"

The originally quiet ghost energy suddenly began to condense, and it turned into a liquid. The viscous black ghost sea concentrated all the pressure like the sea.

"Nine-day ghost energy, ten thousand transformation ghost shield!"

The gushing ghost energy turned into a faint crystal-like wall of energy beside Hei Wuchang and the Lord of the Northern Darkness.

"Find it out for me!" While Chen Mo was carrying all the pressure, all the ghost eyes on his body and all the ghost eyes on the three-eyed Yan Luo lit up, and the space that was originally dark like the abyss of the sea suddenly brightened.

At the same time, Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and he finally found Hei Wuchang's location, "It's actually there!"

It's not far from them, but it's right behind Lord Beiming.

"What is that?" Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, it looked like... a shield wall, and Chen Mo suddenly felt his heart exploded: "Damn, can you open a shield wall without a shield? This perfect-level defensive monster A little strong!"

"Rush over!" Chen Mo lowered his eyebrows, manipulating Huangquan, as if he wanted to rush over.

"Hahaha, if there is a way to the gate of heaven, you don't go, if there is no way to the underworld, you come and vote!"

(End of this chapter)

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