Chapter 220
Yin Shuai's wanton laughter came over, but the corners of Chen Mo's mouth were slightly raised.

"Chen Xianzhi, can you do it!" In Huangquan, although Zhang Ruiyu didn't feel the fear and coercion, the opponent's posture was obviously very strong.

"Don't worry!" Chen Mo replied, and put all his attention on Hei Wuchang.

A majestic crystal ghost wall stands in front of Hei Wuchang.

But Chen Mo didn't choose to bump into it, and the ghost domain flickered, appearing on top of the heads of Lord Beiming and Hei Wuchang.

"I knew you would do this!" Hei Wuchang sneered.

The moment the ghost domain appeared in the sky, the ghost hand of the Venerable Beiming had already descended from the sky, just like a basketball player intercepting the opponent's basketball from above, a slender ghost hand had already covered it.

The ghost hand clasped Chen Mo's scarlet ghost domain, and there was a sound of "Boom!"


A mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and Chen Mo staggered.

"It became stronger again?!" Chen Mo was surprised to find that the strength of the Venerable Beiming had increased again, at least by [-]%. Although it was only a big ghost who mainly defended, the basic strength was there after all.

It cannot be said that its attack ability is not strong, it can only be said that it is not as powerful as the attacking evil spirits of the same level.

Zhang Ruiyu also staggered with the vibration of Huangquan, and hurriedly asked, "Chen Xianzhi, are you successful?" Even his dialect was forced out, after all, it was a moment of life and death.

"I think I can handle it!" Chen Mo forced himself to grin.

"It seems that there is no longer any reservation!" Chen Mo said in his heart.

The strength of the Lord of the Northern Darkness is slowly increasing. If he had [-] combat power just now, he must be at [-] now. What does this mean?If you continue to procrastinate, until Heiwuchang completely controls the Lord of the Northern Darkness, then you don't have to leave, you can drink tea with Lord Yan by the way.

"The Wrath of Emperor Yan—!"

Chen Mo's eyes widened sharply, the Lord Chiyan in his body roared silently, the armor on his body was shattered layer by layer, revealing scarlet magma-like lines in his body.

The black reveals a scarlet ghostly aura rushing out of the armor.

The emperor's armor was slowly integrated into Chen Mo's body. Now Chen Mo's body is full of scarlet ghost aura and scarlet skin, just like the reappearance of Chiyan Dijun. layer.

"Chen Xianzhi, is it a human or a ghost?" For no reason, such a thought came to Zhang Ruiyu's mind.

It really is that Chen Mo looks like an evil ghost, with a ferocious ghost face, winding ghost horns on the top of his head, a scarlet ghost aura in his dark body, and even his body seems to have turned into an evil ghost, dark and broken Under the armor is scarlet skin.

At the moment when Chen Mo grinned, Zhang Ruiyu clearly saw that it was an evil ghost laughing, not a person.

[Fitness of Lord Chiyan + 0.02%]

[Fitness of Lord Chiyan + 0.02%]

[Fitness of Lord Chiyan + 0.02%]


[Fitness of Lord Chiyan + 0.02%]

Chen Mo only saw on the panel that the degree of compatibility with Lord Chiyan was increasing rapidly, row after row of data, like swiping the screen.

Although each item does not add much, it adds up to at least 3%.

"Unfortunately, Lord Chiyan can't be summoned yet!" This thought flashed in Chen Mo's mind, Lord Chiyan and his compatibility will reach 59%, and there is still a long way to go before 71% to go.

After all, although Chi Yan was completely suppressed by the emperor, without the supplement of aura empowerment, the increase in fit was not as fast as the three-eyed Yama.

The three-eyed Yan Luo's current fit rate is already 88.1%.

"Master, I can withstand two blows from this big ghost at most, you should be ready and try to kill him." Chen Mo's voice seemed to have been changed by Lord Chiyan, hoarse and heavy, like a ghost whispers.

"Okay!" Zhang Ruiyu nodded firmly.

As he said that, he had already started preparations. While the True Qi was circulating, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world was also rapidly gathering towards this side of the world.

"Then try bang bang!" Chen Mo whispered, his eyes gradually widened, the corners of the long and narrow Danfeng eyes, the scarlet ghost mist drifted away, and the black pupils gradually turned scarlet.

The three-eyed Yan Luo behind Chen Mo was also ready.

"Chong—!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, Huang Quan did not leave, but the three-eyed Yan Luo directly threw Zhang Ruiyu out of Huang Quan.

Zhang Ruiyu, who was thrown out of the ghost domain, soared into the sky at an extremely fast speed, holding a long knife in his hand, opened his closed eyes suddenly in mid-air, and let out a long cry: "Beiming Dragon Whale Jue!"

"Ang—!" Accompanied by a roar, Kunlong emerged from Zhang Ruiyu's body, raised his head and roared, and the gushing true energy communicated with the world here.

The appearance of Kunlong even made the surrounding ghost energy begin to give way, like a lighthouse lit in the dark night, illuminating the darkness here.

The surrounding zhenqi dispelled the fear in his heart, and the long knife in his hand guided the direction of the way forward.

"Zhang Ruiyu, go! Cut off his head!" Chen Mo roared, driving the ghost domain and rushing towards the oncoming ghost hand.


The ghost hand was like a falling meteor, shattering layers of ghost aura, and finally landed on Chen Mo's ghost domain.

With a bang, accompanied by bursts of ripples, Huangquan shook violently again, but was still firmly resisted by Chen Mo.

"Pfft!" Even with the blessing of all attributes, Chen Mo was still suppressed by the Venerable Beiming, and this time it was not one ghost hand, but two ghost hands.

"Kunpeng Strikes—!"

With a sound of "boom", the true energy of Zhang Ruiyu's whole body poured into his long saber, and the five-foot-long long saber suddenly swelled to a height of nearly twenty feet. impermanence.

"Stop him!!" Heiwuchang roared, and the three-meter-tall Heiwuchang evil spirit standing behind him suddenly moved, turning into a jet of black energy and rushing towards Zhang Ruiyu who was throwing his knife.


Beiming water ghost rushed forward, and the three-meter-high water king was slightly weaker than Hei Wuchang, more than enough to stop Hei Wuchang.

"Evil, die!"

Now, there is no resistance to stop Zhang Ruiyu, and Hei Wuchang is fully exposed to the kunpeng saber's blade, and the crazily gathered coercion is rising layer by layer, and the might of the huanghuang saber seems to be turned into purgatory.

It's just that the flustered expression on Hei Wuchang's face gradually disappeared, a transparent ghost wall appeared in front of Hei Wuchang, and there was no trace of panic on Junxiu's face.


Kunpeng Daowei fell, like a dragon whale slapping the water surface, stirring up thousands of waves, and the waves hit the mountains.


The strong wind even blew away the ghost aura around him.


Suddenly, there was a broken sound like glass on the wall of the Ghost Qi Shield, Ka Ka.

Hearing the voice, Heiwuchang's complexion changed, as if that panic appeared on his face again.


With a sound of "Boom", the knife gang burst out, and Hei Wuchang was swept away by the knife gang in an instant.

"It's over!" Zhang Ruiyu sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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