Reckless through another world

Chapter 225 There is nothing that humans dare not do, is there?

Chapter 225 There is nothing that humans dare not do, is there?

The spiral hell was spinning at a high speed, and the surrounding ghost energy was also driven by the spiral hell, and merged into the black hole-like sphere in the hands of the three-eyed Yama.


The spiral hell was directly pressed against the black crystal ghost wall by Chen Mo.

"Hoo hoo, Keng Keng Keng!"

The black spiral hell is still spinning at a high speed on the black crystal ghost wall. A large hole appeared in the black ghost wall crystal under the destruction of the spiral hell, and then it was shattered inch by inch.

Snapped!There was a crisp cracking sound, and the entire ghost wall shattered.

At the same time, the spiral hell in Chen Mo's hand has also been exhausted, but Chen Mo did not give up such an opportunity.

"Sword breaks mountains and rivers!"

The black knife gang suddenly appeared on the coffin board, and fell down with a trembling sound.


The coffin board in Chen Mo's hand fell on the shoulder of Lord Beiming.

The dark blue shoulders that were originally black suddenly shattered like crystals, and then turned into scarlet.

While the Venerable of the Northern Darkness retreated, ghost energy surged from all directions, instantly repairing his injured place to black.


Hei Wuchang was directly hacked and flew backwards, a blood-red long line flew out in front of him, "Pfft!" The blood from the mouth of Yin Shuai Hei Wuchang spurted out, fell to the ground with a bang, and rolled out a few more times. Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Ruiyu bowed wearily, although there was no more than two or three percent of the true energy in his body, and there was a lot to offer Suicune, but Suicune was still suppressed by the evil ghost Hei Wuchang.

"It looks like I'm at the end of my way." Hei Wuchang struggled to stand up, his ability to control the Lord of the Northern Darkness was getting weaker and weaker. Even though it had been strengthened, it could barely resist Zhang Ruiyu's attack.

"If you have any last words, let's say it!" Zhang Ruiyu also felt a little impatient.

"I didn't want to go this far!" Hei Wuchang laughed. Although he is one of the eight yin commanders in the underworld, his cultivation can only be ranked third among the yin commanders. I have been in the land of the government for so long, I didn't expect to turn the boat here.

Hei Wuchang looked at Chen Mo, who was driving the tall evil ghost, and shook his head slightly. He was not as good as God, and he never thought that a small owl-level gold seal police officer would drag him to death in the here.

"Then fight for your life!"

Then he took out a dagger: "Puff!"

A knife stabbed into his chest, and then he slashed down like a laparotomy.Heiwuchang's face was full of pain, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

He actually committed suicide? !

Even Zhang Ruiyu was stunned for a moment, even if he fell into a disadvantage now, he would not commit suicide!
But this long wound didn't flow out blood, but a black sludge-like thing slowly gushed out.

Hei Wuchang's abdomen was slowly bulging, like blowing up a balloon, and instantly became the state of being pregnant in October.

Crackling, a pair of piercing voices sounded.

From the long wound, a pair of white ghost hands with sharp claws emerged,
Yin Shuai Hei Wuchang's corpse unexpectedly stood up slowly, his body wriggling slowly.

Zhang Ruiyu took a closer look, it wasn't Hei Wuchang who was moving, but Hei Wuchang's corpse was moving. Accompanied by the violent shaking, accompanied by the indistinct sound of flesh and blood being chopped into pieces, the ghost hand gradually tore open the vague wound .

As if something was chewing on flesh and blood, black, sludge-like blood gushed out from the stretched wound, and only the pale and gray arm could be seen.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious ghost-like head slowly drilled out of it. The scarlet and dull ghost's face could still see the facial features, but the eyes were closed tightly, and the ghost's face was full of pain, as if Trying to get climb.

Then there is the body.

Heiwuchang's body seemed to be split open, and the lifeless skin was split open without a trace of blood flowing out.

It was the first time Chen Mo saw such a weird scene, and his scalp felt numb.

Although Zhang Ruiyu is a celestial being, he is basically in the sect, and has never seen such a thing, let alone such a scene of birth.

That's right, birth!
An unknown thing was born from Heiwuchang's body.

Not only Zhang Ruiyu, but even Chen Mo thought of this word, a thing who didn't know whether it was strange or evil was born from the body of Heiwuchang.

"What the hell is this?" Chen Mo also saw the white ghost-like thing that wanted to get out.

It wasn't until the white thing drilled out from the wound of Hei Wuchang's corpse that it revealed its full appearance. It had a dark red face like iron, gray skin, a black robe, and a tall black hat on top of its head.

Heiwuchang now, with a body close to three meters, opened his arms, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, as if he was feeling this new world.

A faint pressure of fear emanated from the ghost-like thing, and it climbed rapidly, and there was already a pressure of fear that could rival Heiwuchangshuijun.But it didn't stop, it was still rising rapidly, and the ripples that slowly emitted made the surrounding ghosts tremble.

"The current body of this handsome man is approaching perfection." Yinshuai Heiwuchang's hideous grimace-like face showed a smile.

The sound of ghostly laughter echoed in Qianlong Land, and he slowly raised his arm, the grayish white with cracks, just like cracked and dry land, but it exudes a lifeless grayish white.

The teeth in the mouth have turned into fangs.

Slowly opened his eyes, both eyes were full of scarlet color.

"What the hell is this?" Zhang Ruiyu also felt the fear and coercion emanating from this thing, but if you say it is a ghost, he can still speak, has consciousness, and can clearly understand himself
"Appraisal!" Chen Mo frowned slightly, he felt that things were not so simple.


[Eye of Appraisal Opens]

【Name: Unnamed】

[Type: Artificial Evil Ghost]

[Level: Unknown, unable to identify] (Zizi, unable to display,)

[Template: Big Boss]

[Quality: Epic]

[Growth status: juvenile body]

[Cultivation: ? ? ? 】

【Attributes:? ? ? 】

【Skill:? ? ? 】

[Status: awake, recovery state (unstable)]

[Strength: Samsung (Normal)]

[Comment: Maybe you are surprised that there are man-made evil ghosts, but there is nothing in this world that humans dare not do. Isn’t it the same to create gods or ghosts? 】

Many displayed data and other things on the light blue attribute panel are vibrating, as if encountering some strong electromagnetic interference, flickering, turning into garbled characters and returning to normal.

Chen Mo closed his blue attribute panel. For the first time, Chen Mo was surprised. In such a world, someone has already created artificial evil spirits.

But such an evaluation is actually not bad. Even in the era of the Earth Federation, people are still seeking how to create gods.

After knowing that the gods can also bleed and be injured, then the gods will also be controlled by humans!
(End of this chapter)

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