Reckless through another world

Chapter 226 Even if it is a god, I will suppress it for you!

Chapter 226 Even if it is a god, I will suppress it for you!

There are both strange identification interface and evil ghost identification interface.

Chen Mo didn't know whether this thing belonged to strange or evil ghost, but it looked very unstable, and it was far from the original evil ghost.

The Venerable Beiming, who was fighting Chen Mo, actually stopped moving slowly, and the steaming ghostly aura gradually calmed down.

"Huh?" Chen Mo let out a sigh, looked at the five-meter-high Lord of the Northern Darkness, and tentatively took out a cage of evil spirits. After injecting his inner energy, he actually took the Lord of the Northern Darkness into it.

If you really step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

Without the obstruction of Lord Beiming, the smile on Chen Mo's face became even brighter. How strong can a newly born man-made ghost be? Now he is one with the three-eyed Yama human ghost, in a state of strong alliance .

Who would have thought that the newly born artificial evil spirit would absorb his original corpse in an instant, even the corpse lying on the ground was sucked into a mummy, and all the blood of the man in black robe was provided to the new artificial evil spirit .

The newly born man-made evil ghost showed a smile on his face, slowly raised his hands, and said hoarsely, "Now, I am a god!"

"This is also the gesture closest to God!"

The man-made evil ghost's body slowly rose to more than four meters. Just such a short period of time actually increased his fear and coercion by nearly three times.

"Whether it's powerful or not, you'll only know after you fight it!" Chen Mo sneered, how dare a man-made nondescript thing call it a god?It is just too arrogant to say such words with only three-star ordinary combat strength.

"Soul Blow—!" The man-made evil ghost just grinned, and the ferocity on his face had slowly faded away, revealing a calmness. At the moment the evil ghost murmured, his figure also moved.

It directly hit Zhang Ruiyu not far away.

"Beiming Zhengang, Dragon Whale draws water!"

Kunlong jumped out of the true energy and surrounded Zhang Ruiyu.

However, the man-made evil ghost in black robe quickly passed through Zhengang and Kunlong, and rushed directly to Zhang Ruiyu. Chen Mo even saw a faint shadow appearing behind Zhang Ruiyu.

Zhang Ruiyu's eyes widened, he couldn't defend against the opponent's blow.

The monster was getting closer and closer to him, and even immediately, the opponent's crooked claws were about to grab his body.

"Sen Luo, Huang Quan!" The three-eyed Yan Luo swept his hand wide.

Zhang Ruiyu disappeared from the man-made evil ghost in an instant.

Naturally, Chen Mo saved his life with Huang Quan.

With Zhang Ruiyu's current state, not to mention a three-star ordinary man-made ghost, even a monster of this level would be seriously injured and dying from the blow just now. If he was hit by this man-made ghost If so, the game can basically be declared over.

Zhang Ruiyu, who had lingering fears in his heart, was about to speak, when he blinked, he was already outside the gate of Qianlong Land.

"Sect Master!" The Second Elder and the First Elder hurried forward in unison.

"Sect Master, you didn't suffer any injuries, is it over?" The second elder hurriedly checked the situation of the sect master, and then asked.

"Not yet, I can't explain clearly for a while, Chen Xianzhi is still inside, I have to go back!" Zhang Ruiyu shook his head, turned around and wanted to enter the Land of Qianlong again.

"The real master, since the arrester sent you out quickly, don't go in, let's call for support, whether it is the Wumeng or the imperial court!" The second elder grabbed Zhang Ruiyu.

"Master, I will go with you." Li Jingzhen didn't say much.


"It was you who sent him away!" The man-made evil ghost stood where Zhang Ruiyu was originally standing, turned his neck 180 degrees and looked at the three-eyed Yama not far away.

"So what if it's me?" The ghost trembled and made a buzzing sound, but Chen Mo's words could still be heard by listening carefully.

"In that case, you die!" The man-made evil ghost slowly made a running movement, the expression on his face was still there, and his body had already arrived in front of Chen Mo.

After all, he is already a two-star perfect three-eyed Yan Luo, with more than 60 ghost eyes in his body. Even Chen Mo himself doesn't know how strong his motion capture ability is. He has completely seen the movements of this man-made evil ghost.

However, after seeing it clearly, Chen Mo just stimulated the ghost energy with all his strength, and did not use the ability of the ghost domain. He wanted to see what powerful means this man-made evil ghost had.


The man-made evil spirit actually directly bumped into it.

"Soul Blow!"

With a "dong", it directly hit the body of the three-eyed Yama, and at the same time, the body of the three-eyed Yama made a buzzing sound.

The man-made evil spirit did not pass through the body of Yama with three eyes, but was directly ejected.

But even if the man-made evil ghost didn't pass through, but was just thrown out, Chen Mo's eyes were still filled with surprise, and he felt that uncontrollable feeling just now.

This feeling was only felt when he was on Wuyun Peak.

At that time, the white ghost shadow rushed past his body, his inner energy was useless, but fortunately his whole body was filled with ghost energy.

But even though he was filled with ghost energy, he still felt a sudden cardiac arrest, the feeling of being out of control, although it was only for a moment, it left a big shadow on Chen Mo.

"It turns out that this is your plan!" Chen Mo's words came out in a ghostly trembling voice, which was full of surprise and curiosity at the same time.

Now all the things are connected in series, and Chen Mo finally understands.

It turned out that those white ghost shadows were really ghosts, but man-made ghosts, which should be semi-finished products, or failed products at all.

Chen Mo didn't know what principle was used to create the evil spirits.But looking at the man-made evil ghost not far away, Yin Shuai and Hei Wuchang, Chen Mo couldn't help sighing, "The organization of the underworld is really extraordinary!" They really came up with such a whimsical thing.

"It's a pity, maybe the only man-made evil ghost in this world is going to die here!" Chen Mo grinned, just now he has fully tested the ability of the man-made evil ghost, Heiwuchang, and attack strength, for now For him, who is one of human and ghost in the fifth stage, it is not enough to watch.

"It's such a strong resistance ability. Your soul is actually stronger than ordinary innate masters, but the most important thing is that the outermost layer of evil spirits can resist the powerful attack of the soul!" Hei Wuchang said. Thoughts appeared on the ghost's face.

"In this world, only evil spirits have the power to rule! Your existence is not strong enough!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

"Fart, handsome, you are the closest to perfect creation, you are just a fifth-stage ghost steward, how dare you confront the real gods?!" The man-made evil ghost was angry.

"Today, even if it is a god, I, Chen Xianzhi, will suppress it for you to see!"

"Ghostly eyes—!"

The 62 ghost eyes were all wide open, and the scarlet ghost energy slowly circulated, even the 62 ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body were all wide open.

"Sen Suo Ghost Domain, fully open!!!"

With a bang, Senluo Ghost Domain enveloped the three-eyed Yama and the man-made evil ghost.

"The last time there was a figure made of black smoke, wearing a white robe, threatening me, saying that I couldn't catch him, I not only caught him, but also ground him into powder, that should be a member of your Nether Organization Bar!"

"What—!?" The man-made evil ghost's ghost eyes widened suddenly, and the eyes were full of surprise.


(End of this chapter)

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