Reckless through another world

Chapter 244 The Pervasive Black Mist

Chapter 244 The Pervasive Black Mist

After adjusting his state, Chen Mo decided to hit the tiger level.

The difference between innate and acquired starts from the tiger level. He already has enough energy and blood, and his experience level has accumulated enough.

"Self-closing skill!" While murmuring, the one hundred and eight great orifices in the body were slowly lit up, and the anaconda in the dantian slowly raised its head, and agility flashed in its black eyes, urging the internal energy Gushing out from the dantian.

One hundred and eight gates are lit up one by one, and the internal energy in the gates also surges accordingly.

All the inner qi in Chen Mo's body began to surge towards the porch, and the porch was erected in front of the inner qi true spirit like a huge sealed gate, and the slightest whistling sound came from the inner qi true spirit's mouth.

The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth also began to gather slowly. This is because there are acquired martial arts who want to break through the innate, and they naturally gather.

"Someone is breaking through the innate?" All the god catchers in the god catcher's gate looked up at the backyard.

"This posture feels like breaking through heaven and man." One of the Jinyin gods said with a smile.


The True Spirit of Inner Qi slammed into the door of the porch, and bounced back with a bang, but it obviously did not give up. The chance to transform the anaconda into a snake was at hand, and the True Spirit of Inner Qi would definitely fight this time .

"Roar!" Tigers and leopards thundered, anacondas and pythons roared, and more and more internal energy began to gather.

Under the gathering of inner qi, the true spirit of inner qi keeps growing in stature.

After a long whistle, he directly hit it with his head hammer again, and at the same time as he was about to be knocked out again, the anaconda with four limbs and claws actually firmly grasped the entrance door, bang bang bang, frantically using his head The mallet hammered the black gate in front of him that looked like a formation pattern.

"If you don't open the entrance, the inner qi will not be able to transform into a gangster. It seems that more inner qi is needed to attack!" Chen Mo did not hesitate, and directly opened the inner qi empowerment.

A huge light blue formation enveloped him.

However, the formation formed by the system frame is obviously invisible to others. At most, they can sense that the aura of heaven and earth here is gathering crazily.

"Chi Chi!" Like a storm gathering, a spiral formed in the sky.

Only Chen Mo can see the long river of spiritual energy slowly converging into his body, the blood is cheering, the body is joyful, the blood that is already transpiring like a river quickly merges with the falling spiritual energy, The inner qi is formed and continuously replenished to the spirit of true qi.

At the same time, the three-eyed Yama and Chiyan Dijun are also vying for the aura that has been empowered. The compatibility of the three-eyed Yama is already very high, so the rise is slow, but the compatibility of Chiyan Dijun is rapidly increasing. growing.

Bang bang bang!
The body of the boa constrictor retreated slowly. It was obvious that the head hammer alone could not open the entrance, so Chen Mo controlled all the internal energy to gather.

"One time is not enough, then twice! Reiki empowerment!"

After turning on the spiritual energy empowerment again, Chen Mo felt that the accumulated internal energy had already made his body swell up, and he could no longer accumulate it, and had to go through the barrier.

After the sound of "Boom!", click, the porch was shattered like broken glass.

The first to bear the brunt was naturally the anaconda. The moment it passed through the porch, its body began to change. Manes began to grow from its neck, and the scales on its body became harder and more beautiful.

The most important point is that a single horn grew slowly from the top of its head, transforming from an anaconda to a dragon.


The internal Qi in Chen Mo's body began to transform into Gang Qi, and the Yin-Yang Flood Dragon appeared on Chen Mo's body and surrounded Chen Mo's body.

Feeling the power surging out of his body, Chen Mo opened the attribute panel.

【Name: Chen Mo】

[Title: Golden Seal God Catcher/Two Ghosts Parallel/Qianyuan Scholar]

[Level: LV41 - Threat: White Tiger]

[Template: BOSS level—challenge level 40]

[Life value: intact]

【Physical value: abundant】

【Internal Strength: 110 notes】

[Ghost value: 94 notes]

[With characteristics: ...]

[Occupation: Ghost Commander/Catcher/Scholar/Innate Martial Arts]

[Skills: Evil Intent (Enable all skills and combinations at the Tiger level and before), (Enable inner energy skills), (Enable ghost energy skills) (can freely combine learned skills)...]

【Life Occupation: Poet】

[Life Skills: Running Script LV23, Painting LV17, Poetry LV29 (Introduction to Poetry)]

[Equipment: Alloy Saber (precious), Mustard Seed Bag (precious), God Catching Set (rare), Five Ghost Cages, Golden Seal Token, Golden Seal of Catcher...]

[Inventory column: ..., unknown coffin wood (??), unknown coffin nails (??)】

[Seal slot: Three-eyed Yama (fitness 92.3%), Scarlet Flame Lord (fitness 71.1%), vacancy, vacancy, vacancy]

[You have controlled two powerful enough evil spirits, become a powerful enough ghost-controlling envoy, and stepped into the gate of controlling ghosts.Go collect more ghosts!Control them! 】

[To crush the enemies who dare to stand in front of you, no matter if they are weird, strange or martial arts.Grant just destruction to those enemies who dare to stand in your way! 】

"Innate strength!" Chen Mo grinned, and now his internal energy was finally no longer so stretched.

The last time he fought against the Martial God avatar, Chen Mo already felt that both his internal energy and ghost energy had bottomed out. It was not because of insufficient ghost energy, but because of insufficient internal energy. A thousand punches was probably the result of him controlling the three-eyed Yama. The limit is reached.

But it's different now, the inner qi is completely transformed into stellar qi, and the inner qi that can be accommodated after opening the entrance is even more, and the quality of gang qi is far stronger than the inner qi.

Although Chen Mo still felt that it was not enough, he finally relieved his tension and was able to support him to finish a battle completely.

"The compatibility of Lord Chiyan has reached 71%, and it seems that he can get the second evil ghost to feed back." However, Chen Mo is not in a hurry to summon Lord Chiyan, he needs to try the innate level first strength.

Strength growth requires a mastering period, maybe a few seconds or a few days.Chen Mo himself knew that his adaptation period would only take a day or two.

However, he found a way to quickly adapt to his own strength, and that is to fight. Only in battle can he quickly adapt to the soaring strength.

Naturally, one's gradually increasing strength does not need to be tested, but the acquired breakthrough of the innate, the span is very large, the attributes of the whole body are growing, and all aspects have been improved. Naturally, it takes a little bit of the world to control it, and it takes time to consolidate one's realm .

"The next one will be inlaid with the Lord of the Northern Darkness!" Chen Mo has already made up his mind. Chen Mo is very satisfied with the Lord of the Northern Darkness, and the quality of the Lord of the Northern Darkness is still perfect, with great potential.

"It's dark?" Walking out of the room, Chen Mo frowned slightly, and black clouds appeared in the sky. Although it was afternoon, the darkness seemed to spread a little too fast.

"It's only five o'clock now."

The dense gray fog slowly spread, although there was still a bit of visibility, but it was mostly darkness.

"It seems that the Yin soldiers are about to cross the border." Mr. Zhang sighed, "I know that the Yang Division, the Yin soldiers are about to cross the border, protecting all the people in the city!"

"Call all the god catchers and you can go to the city. This time there will be a tough battle to fight." Mr. Zhang got up, and the red god catcher cloak on his back opened, and he was wearing a scarlet god catcher uniform, and he was already striding forward. lobby.

"My lord, are you going too?"

"I, of course, went to the city with all the gods!"

"My lord, the Chief Catcher summons all the God Catchers to climb the city, you see." Xiaosi, the God Catcher, also came to the courtyard where Chen Mo was.

"Then go and have a look!" Chen Mo nodded slightly. He also wanted to see what this ghost general was capable of. He was able to unleash such a powerful force that even the city began to spread black mist.

Countless foreign arresters like Chen Mo got up and rushed to the city.

Walking out of the gate, those ghosts and monsters that were originally hidden in the city seemed to be ready to move. Martial law immediately began in Lieyang City, and all the soldiers of the Zhenyi Division were dispatched.

"All people, stay at home and don't go out!"

"All people, stay at home and don't go out!"

"Daoyang Division reminds that there are thousands of things to do when encountering ghosts, safety first."

"It's not scary to be weird, the court has a solution."

"Stay at home, don't be afraid."

 [-] words, [-] words of data, Lingshan has no words at all, believe me.

(End of this chapter)

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