Reckless through another world

Chapter 245 You Have Yin Soldiers Crossing the Border, I Have Ghosts Walking at Night

Chapter 245 You Have Yin Soldiers Crossing the Border, I Have Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night

When they climbed up to the tower, there were already other police officers on the tower, Chen Mo looked around, there were rows of black smoke, and there was something surging in the black mist.

Even though the day was already getting dark, the real black mist rushing from afar seemed particularly eye-catching in the gray world, with scarlet spots of light flickering in the surging black mist.

"The Yin soldiers have crossed the border!" Zhang Zongbu, the leader, said with a sigh.

"Master Zhang, you should arrange a task for us." A god catcher in a gold seal fast suit said.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang."

"Wait a little longer, we'll talk about it when the rest of the gods are caught." Zhang Hongyi glanced, and found that there were only about [-] Jinyin arresters on the tower, and there should be more than ten who have not arrived, and there are still coming to support them one after another. of.

After waiting for half an hour, Chen Mo could already see the rotten black horse's head surging out of the black mist, and the city was finally full of people.

There are a total of 42 gold seal arresters, all of whom are good at releasing ghost aura. As for how many of them can summon evil ghosts, Chen Mo doesn't know, he has never seen these people summon evil ghosts.

But what is certain is that Zhang Zongzhang of Daoyang Mansion must be someone who can summon evil spirits to fight.

And what Chen Mo is more concerned about is one of the young people who is wearing a gold seal fast uniform. He looks about 20 years old. Chen Mo absolutely believed that the other party could summon evil spirits to fight.

"Since all the gold seal arresters are here soon, let me just say a few words. The target is Han Wen. As long as you can seal the evil spirit in Han Wen's body, then everything will be solved, and you can also get your reinforcement."

"Of course, the most important thing is to cooperate with Master Bai who came from the capital of God. You just need to resist the army of Yin soldiers. Bai Shenzhang will go to decapitate Han Wen and seal the evil spirits." Mr. Zhang said with his arms Doing please.

Bai Zhengqian nodded his head, there was nothing on his face.

Chen Mo suddenly realized, and he realized that they were all here to run with them, "I said that they are not in a hurry at all, and there is no task at all, so they are all here to run with, it seems that this is the main force of the beheading."

"The guy who can chop off Han Wen's head in the crowd?" Chen Mo said silently in his heart.

"All the god arresters above the silver seal are gathered around this arrester. This arrester will take the lead to open a road. At that time, you need to stop the Yin soldiers who are rushing up. Just stop it." Bai Zhengqian's voice was very strong. He was so gentle, he didn't expect Jin Yin to be of any help.

"Wait until the opponent is within a thousand feet before you can start, everyone, get ready first!"

"I don't know how many levels Master Bai's ability to control ghosts has reached. You can suppress Han Wen without me waiting?" a very strong-looking Jinyin Shenzhang asked. He was just a little uncomfortable. Why should everyone They are all gold seals, so they should be used as a foil for others.

Of course, there are quite a few people who have this idea, but they haven't said it out. Now that there is an early bird, everyone is willing to take a look.

Which one is not rebellious, let alone being affected by the evil ghosts in the body, his own personality and behavior become no longer so normal, and some people even become more extreme, more violent than ghosts. fear.

"With my ability to control ghosts at the fifth stage!" Bai Zhengqian nodded and said, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"It's ok, I just reached the fifth stage for Sanmu Yanluo, and now I'll meet other arresters who have reached the fifth stage." Chen Mo laughed dumbly. It is enough to be proud of raising the three-eyed Yanluo fit degree to 91% in a month's time.

As for others.

There is a saying called family heirloom.

Naturally, there are family evil ghosts, just like Chen Mo, there are suppressed evil ghosts in the family, and they can be inlaid directly. As for those sects, it is even more so, there are big ghosts who suppress the sect.

Not to mention peerless or top sects, first-class sects have their own evil spirits, and naturally there are also in the imperial court. Since this Bai Zhenggan is from the capital of God and can reach the level of ghost control at the fifth stage, Chen Mo has nothing to do with it. Not surprisingly.

"The fifth stage, it's impossible, right?"

"I've only reached stage three."

"A certain family is better, reaching the fourth stage, but a certain family is an evil spirit that was only controlled three years ago."


All the gold-sealed arresters started whispering, if a red-clothed or purple-clothed chief arrester said they had reached the fifth stage, then they would believe it, but this gold-sealed one said the fifth stage, this...

"That's all for now, everyone will see you soon!" Bai Zhenggan didn't say any more, the facts speak louder than words, and they will see each other soon.

"Here we come!" At the same time, Mr. Zhang's complexion changed, and the opposite side appeared on the plain thousands of feet away.

"Everyone, get ready to fight with me!" Bai Zhenggan said with a serious face.

As he spoke, a thick ghost hand stretched out from his back, followed by the body of the evil ghost. This evil ghost actually held a butcher knife that looked like it was used to kill pigs and sheep, and there was a scarlet scarlet on the body Bloodstains, finally standing behind Bai Zhengqian.

The gigantic evil spirit was more than four meters high, and the butcher's knife in his hand was two meters long. There was a dark brown thing on the wide blade, and the blade was serrated. It seemed that there was still flesh and blood in it.

"The butcher ghost, good thing!" Chen Mo looked at it, and said with some greedy eyes, what he was greedy for was the butcher knife in the other party's hand, it was very fierce at first glance.

"Hey, it's really good looking." The rest of the god catchers were amazed, and then, those who could summon the evil spirits to fight directly released their own evil spirits, and those who couldn't release the evil spirits to fight gradually turned into ghosts.

All of a sudden, strange evil ghosts climbed out of their bodies and stood on the city wall. The black ghostly aura was actually fighting against the covering gray mist.

All the evil ghosts stood still on the city, releasing their own fear and coercion, as if they were walking around at night.

"Lord Chiyan, you have held back for so long, let's go out and have fun!" Chen Mo grinned, since others are showing off, then Chen Mo gave him a chance to show off, and just pulled Lord Chiyan out to practice.

"Boom!" A scarlet ghost hand stretched out from Chen Mo's chest, and the scarlet ghost armor in the black was moving layer by layer, followed by a huge body, until his legs stepped on the ground .

More than three meters tall, Chiyan Dijun, who is close to four meters, is the second tallest of these evil spirits that can be summoned. He is dressed in black and scarlet heavy armor and slowly rhythmically makes a crackling sound.

"Tch!" With a sound, black ghost aura spewed out from the gap in his ghost armor.

"This..." Even Chen Mo didn't expect that Lord Chiyan just loves to show off like this?Coming up was shaking the armor and spouting ghost air, not only all the ghost emissaries looked over, but even the evil ghosts turned their heads to look over.

At the same time, due to the summoning of Lord Chiyan, the mutual strengthening between Chen Mo and Lord Chiyan also started, and Lord Chiyan slowly raised his head again, and the armor lines on his body became more prominent. Clearly, the ghost horns in the ghost armor on the top of the head also looked cold.

"This little brother's ghost is very strong!" Bai Zhengqian said quite unexpectedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not as powerful as your evil spirit, Mr. Bai." Chen Mo said modestly.

Bai Zhengqian took a deep look at Chen Mo, then looked at the Yin soldiers thousands of feet away and said, "Those who can control the evil spirits should stay on the city wall to control the evil spirits, and the evil spirits will follow and charge. Back off."

(End of this chapter)

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