Reckless through another world

Chapter 253 I can't see the light, but I dare to speak loudly

Chapter 253 I can't see the light, but I dare to speak loudly
Like sand and stones, Han Wen's body instantly shattered and turned into bits of fly ash, dissipating in the sky and earth, leaving only a human-shaped imprint on the ground.

Xie Daoyun wanted to reach out and hug her, but nothing was left, the dust flowed away from his palm.

"Ghost General!" Xie Daoyun opened his mouth, and the expression in his eyes gradually became indifferent.

When Shendu received the news, Xie Daoyun felt that the sky was falling. Her husband was a ghost, and his cultivation was at the level of a celestial being. How could he die in the east fortress.

Moreover, not only did he die in the east fortress, but his body was also driven by evil spirits to lead the Yin soldiers to the capital of God.

I asked so many people, including the great powers in the court, but all the answers I got were that Han Wen had died in battle, and the specific reason could not be explained.

So she desperately wanted to meet Han Wen. She didn't believe that such a strong Han Wen would die in Donglin Fortress. Xie Daoyun didn't understand until she came to Lieyang City and met the ghost general Han Wen.

Why did the ghost general Han Wen go on under the support of him? It was to give her the evil ghost and let her live strong.

Han Wen also seems to know the power of evil spirits and the future situation of the world, so even if he is dead, he will go to the capital of God, even if he is dragging his heavy feet, he will go to the capital of God to support him to go on. Faith is the person in front of you.

Seeing the person in front of him, Jiuquan can smile.

A gigantic evil ghost appeared behind Xie Daoyun in an instant, with a broken armor, a pair of scarlet eyes, two soaring unicorns, jet-black hair on his head, and purple-black muscles looming in the ghostly aura.

A huge evil ghost that is six meters high, fearful and coercive like the spreading ghost aura, falling from the sky like rain.

The most amazing thing is that Xie Daoyun has directly merged into the body of the evil spirit. Now it is not a confrontation between man and ghost, but a man controlling the evil spirit.Xie Daoyun controlled this extraordinary template, a perfect ghost general.

"Just the fifth stage?" Chen Mo said dumbfounded.

This is indeed too surprising, how could it be possible to directly reach the fifth stage of the ability to control ghosts?

Xie Daoyun had just obtained Han Wen's evil ghost, and he had directly reached the fifth stage of controlling ghosts. This not only puzzled Chen Mo, but also puzzled Zhang Laodao.

However, there was a gleam of light in Zhang Laodao's cloudy eyes.

Chen Mo frowned slightly and murmured: "Could it be that there is still a bonus for inheriting evil spirits?"

Chen Mo had a flash of inspiration. He remembered that when he inlaid the three-eyed Yama in the past, his affinity seemed to be [-]%. This shows that at least the ancestors of his current body had contact with the three-eyed Yama. The blank period is directly controlled, but there is a trace of inheritance.

But before Chen Mo could think about it, General Ghost had already charged towards the Eight-Armed Evil Spirit with a spear in his hand. A cold light suddenly appeared, like a mad dragon sailing out of the sea, stirring the ghost energy around him, and the gray clouds in the sky seemed to be slowly disappearing. faded.

"Dingjun Mountain, one spear divides yin and yang!" Xie Daoyun shot the spear directly like the roar of the dark wind in a ghost prison, carrying a turbulent ghost aura.

The whistling spear directly pierced through the dense fog and came through.

Xie Daoyun's strength is fierce, in the middle stage of heaven and man.What's more, the evil ghost in the body is in a complete state, not the recovery state when Han Wen and General Ghost were confronted by the three of them.

"Eight-armed battle!" Seeing that the eight-armed evil spirit could not dodge, he could only resist. Pei Qinhu, who was driving the eight-armed evil spirit, did not panic at all. He is a master of heaven and man, even if he couldn't beat him, how could he still run away? no more?

The 12-meter long spear came to the eight-armed evil spirit in an instant, and went straight to his head. The eight ghost hands of the eight-armed evil spirit raised all of them, as if they wanted to catch the sword with their bare hands.

"Keng!" The Ghost General's spear directly pierced through the first pair of arms of the Eight-Armed Evil Spirit, attacking layer by layer, but the Eight-Armed Evil Spirit was really powerful, and unexpectedly resisted this spear-throwing attack.

"Hey!" It's a pity that the ghost general has also appeared in front of his eyes. The rather feminine ghost general is not weak at all. Holding the spear with a pair of ghost hands, he pulled it out abruptly. It directly cut through the ghost hand of the eight-armed evil spirit.

"The army lady is really terrifying!" Chen Mo clicked his tongue, he remembered who Xie Daoyun was, the female general of the Daqian Empire, the players nicknamed the army lady, the evil spirit in her body was an attacking gun ghost, he did not expect to be lucky enough to see The transformation of the military lady.

And what Chen Mo didn't expect was that Junniang's evil ghost was inherited from Han Wen, the guard of Donglin. As for what happened in Donglin, Chen Mo generally knew a little bit.

"Not good, very bad!" Pei Qinhu frowned. He had already discovered that Xie Daoyun's fighting power was still higher than his. The eight-armed evil spirit was an attacking evil spirit, but it was still suppressed.

If Chen Mo knew what Pei Qinhu was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud.

He will definitely be suppressed, what is Ghost General?That is an extraordinary boss, perfect quality, one level higher, okay?Isn't it right that stronger evil spirits are stronger when their strength is not enough?

Pei Qinhu suddenly wanted to retreat, and the eight eyes on the head of the eight-armed evil spirit seemed to be looking for a place to break through.

Obviously, the eight-armed evil spirit's plan was wrong, and Chen Mo would not let Pei Qinhu escape.

"Don't go away, I'm optimistic about your eight eyes." Chen Mo grinned. It's been so long since he came to another world, except for the three-eyed Yama, this is the first time Chen Mo has seen a ghost with many eyes, and he is more persistent. , I want to take it over to see what is unique about this evil ghost.

As he said that, Chen Mo had already blocked the escape route of the eight-armed evil spirit.

"Little policeman, you should think about it. Meddling with things you don't know may cause death. You are not afraid of evil spirits, but what about your family?" Pei Qinhu's voice was threatening the meaning of.

"Hahaha, it's a big joke in the world, you dare to kill the relatives of the ghost ambassador? Not to mention you don't dare, and the forces behind you don't dare either!" Chen Mo laughed loudly, this was the funniest joke he had ever heard .

Want to kill the family members of the ghost emissary?In this world, not only people with power and power can do whatever they want, the ghost envoy is a Class A secret of the imperial court, and the relatives of the ghost envoy are even more protected. Could it be that the forces behind him will jump over the wall in a hurry and lose everything they have? Come up and kill someone?

What's the difference between that and a fool?Don't talk about him, other powerful masters will not let him preside over it.

What is the purpose of building power?It's for you, me, everyone, and to seek common interests for everyone. Now some people want to drag everyone into the sea. Will the rest agree? Don't be stupid, those people are much smarter than Chen Mo.

Of course, the more savvy people are, the more worries they have, and they can use legal means to solve them, and they will never do crooked ways.

"Don't worry, little brother, my Han family still has some influence in the capital of God, and I will protect your family well!"

"That's what I want!" Chen Mo didn't say it clearly, but he grinned, that's what he wanted, instead of betting on unrealistic forces hidden in the dark, it's better to rely on ready-made ones.

The original Han family in the game never went downhill after Xie Daoyun took charge.

(End of this chapter)

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