Reckless through another world

Chapter 254 Shocking the world

Chapter 254 Shocking the world
Moreover, Chen Xianzhi doesn't like those guys who hide themselves. Wouldn't it be nice to walk in the world in an upright way? I don't know if they live in darkness and feel aggrieved?
Pei Qinhu didn't say anything more. What he said just now can really only scare those fledgling and ignorant boys. Even the people behind him dare not attack the relatives of the ghost guardian. This is a taboo one thing.

This world is inherently wonderful, and evil ghosts are even more bizarre. Giving others respect is always better than bullying others.

Whether it is a pulsatilla or a poor boy, living in such a world where the imperial court has laws and the world is measured in the hearts of the world is actually not as cruel as imagined.

Of course, special circumstances are not excluded.

Glancing at Yin Yang Guizun, Pei Qinhu knew that the other party would not help him. Originally, when he wanted to kill Han Wen, Zhang Laodao didn't make a move. Now if he wanted to ask Zhang Laodao to intervene, the other party would not intervene either.

As for the threat, forget it, even if he is an old man, the ghost-controlling envoy of the Yin-Yang Guizun will not accept threats, not to mention that he is backed by the Taishang Daozong, and there are countless masters among them. If he threatens this guy, he is probably tired of his life .

"It seems that only 36 tricks are the best way to go." Pei Qinhu said in his heart, now that he can't count on anything, he can only run.

Of course, the supporting tiger is also secretly scolding those guys in the capital of God for not stopping Xie Daoyun and letting Xie Daoyun come to Lieyang City. If Xie Daojun didn't come to Lieyang City, everything would have ended long ago, and it might be like now So passive.

"Don't look, no matter how hard you look, you won't find a chance to escape, not to mention the big sister across from you, you can't pass even my level now!" Chen Mo shrugged, this may be the easiest way for him to fight. After a battle, Pei Qinhu didn't dare to move without making a move.

If one breaks through from one side, one will be attacked by the other side, and if one breaks out from the gap between the two, one will be attacked by both of them.

The eight eyes are scattered in a circle, surrounding the head, and the eight arms are also scattered on both sides, guarding against the two of them.

And the big ghost controlled by Xie Daoyun also pressed on step by step, the 12-meter spear in his hand blocked the direction of the eight-armed evil spirit, while Chen Mo stood loosely, and the ghost armor on the three-eyed Yama's body had fully recovered.

Although he was standing loosely, the ghost eyes all over his body did not relax in the slightest, the ghost aura in his body was ready to go out, and the black spiral hell in front of his fists was slowly condensing.

"Eight-armed Vajra, Thousand-handed Ghost River!"

Pei Qinhu raised his head to the sky and howled, the ghostly aura surged, and the black ghostly aura spread out on the ground immediately, turning into a viscous black liquid. Ghostly hands stretched out from the gray ghost river, protecting the feet of the three-eyed Yama. , pulling the ghost general.

"What?!" Chen Mo frowned, and a gloomy feeling emerged from the soles of his feet. Chen Mo felt that his legs seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and he couldn't move.

The same was true for Xie Daoyun who was driving the ghost general. Just as he was about to leave, countless ghost hands stretched out from under the river and hugged the ghost general's legs.

"It's now!" Pei Qinhu's eyes lit up, and his home field skills at the bottom of the box showed the most powerful effect at this moment.

Moreover, the effect was outstanding, it directly immobilized the young policeman and Xie Daoyun, even if it didn't last long, it was enough for him to escape, after all, Zhang Laodao would not stop him from leaving here.

The joy on his face couldn't be concealed, it seemed that the next second would be heaven.

At the same time, Chen Mo also grinned. He didn't want to use it at first, but it seemed that he didn't need it. Moreover, seeing Pei Qinhu so happy, Chen Mo was not very happy, so he wanted to add trouble to him.

"Ghost Realm!"

A scarlet glass wall-like thing appeared around, covering Chen Mo and the eight-armed evil spirit, and the rest did not come in.

With a sound of "Boom!", the eight-armed evil spirit directly hit the scarlet enchantment of Huangquan, and was bounced back all of a sudden.

At the same time, the vast ghost fog had enveloped him, and Pei Qinhu found that he could no longer tell the difference between east, west, north and south, and he couldn't walk out no matter what direction he was facing.

"Catch the turtle with one hand, run away and I'll have a look!" Chen Mo's voice trembled through ghost energy, and there was a smile in his voice, looking at Pei Qinhu who looked dazed, Chen Mo laughed out loud.

"Where is this place?" Pei Qinhu actually felt a little palpitation, as if he was facing an evil ghost, "Could it be that he has bumped into a ghost?"

"It's... a bit like a domain, but it's even more powerful." Zhang Laodao's cloudy eyes lit up, and the dense black mist directly enveloped the entire battlefield, while Chen Mo's Scarlet Ghost Domain was hidden in the mist, and others couldn't see it. arrive.

No matter it was the ghost envoys, the armored soldiers, even those Yin soldiers became suspicious, the ghostly aura permeated, and they could not even stretch out their fingers.

"Pei Qinhu is gone?" Xie Daoyun felt that the resistance was gone, and when he looked down, the ghost river disappeared, and the thousands of ghost hands disappeared, and Pei Qinhu and the armored ghost emissary Also gone.

Xie Daoyun, who was already suffocating his anger, came here from the capital of God. Although he saw the last side of his husband, parting from love is always more sad, and the eight-armed evil spirit happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

Now that the eight-armed evil spirit was gone, Xie Daoyun suddenly felt like a knife was twisting his heart. The emotions suppressed by anger just now burst out again, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from General Ghost's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Xie Daoyun was stunned for a long time, and there was a little joy on his face, but he was suppressed by her.

"This is your trick!" Pei Qinhu sneered, looking at the three-eyed Yan Luo not far away.

"Not bad." Chen Mo nodded. Being in the ghost domain, Chen Mo felt that the three-eyed Yan Luo seemed to be more active, and the ghost energy was surging faster, which came from the comfort of his body.

"Even if I can't get out, I can still kill you. You have miscalculated!" While Pei Qinhu was speaking, the eight-armed evil spirit had already rushed up, and the ghost energy driven by the eight ghost hands turned into eight black dragons. Take the throat of Yama with three eyes.

"But, I'm not alone!" Chen Mo grinned, red light flashed in his eyes, Lord Chiyan actually walked out of Chen Mo's body, and appeared on top of the eight-armed evil spirit instantly through the ghost domain .


Chi Yan's monarch is warlike, and the moment he came out, the ghost tortured death and burning had already been activated, and fell directly from the sky, with a bang, knocking the eight-armed evil spirit to the ground.

"How is it possible!" Pei Qinhu turned pale with shock, and froze in a daze.

A second evil ghost unexpectedly appeared, and it was the same evil ghost that had rushed to the battlefield. His head didn't turn around for a while, but he felt that he had discovered a shocking news.

"That's right, I can control two evil spirits, not just two, but three, four, or even more!" Chen Mo grinned, and he could finally fight with all his strength.

"Impossible, how is it possible, you..., this..."

Pei Qinhu was so excited that he couldn't speak. This was even more shocking than the collapse of the Three Views. This was simply enough shocking news to drive everyone crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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