Reckless through another world

Chapter 263 I don't want it, it's unreasonable for you to force it on me

Chapter 263 I don't want it, it's unreasonable for you to force it on me
The arrival of Chen Mo did not cause any waves in the whole Chuyang God Catchment. Countless gods came to support him. Just standing at the door for a while, more than ten gods have already entered, and all of them are Jinyin Gods catch.

Even the chief arrester in red had met a few.

Their Luming mansion was also allocated a wing, which was used for the battle meeting, and Mr. Lu led Chen Mo there.

After everyone sat down, President Lu spoke up.

"The situation is not very good. Those monsters are attacking more and more fiercely. Ordinary armored soldiers and armored soldiers can't resist it, but there are too few god catchers. There is nothing we can do to face those monster army. Hold on now. Waiting for the support of the imperial court's army."

"What happened to the Donglin Cavalry? Why did it disappear in an instant?" Chen Mo was quite puzzled about this matter. What kind of monster could directly destroy the Donglin Cavalry, and what did he mean by what Lu Yue Hongyi said? , the other party turned out to be a large army suppressing the situation?
"You shouldn't have known about this, but it's okay to tell you. You can just listen to it. Don't spread it. It's not good to cause panic." Lu Yue said and looked at the four people, except for the golden seal who stayed behind. Besides, these are the only four gold seals from Luming Mansion.

The rest are more than a dozen silver seals, which are at least stronger than ordinary martial arts, so I also brought them.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"It was a huge meteorite, which fell from the sky, reached the ground within a few breaths, and went straight to the camp of the cavalry in the east, directly destroying [-] to [-]% of the armored soldiers, and then the monsters crawled out of the meteorite. The massacre, which made the Donglin Fortress fall."

It is conceivable that the meteorite seems to have shattered the sky and hit the ground instantly with great pressure, so is it possible to survive?
Unless they have reached a very high level of cultivation, regardless of whether they are acquired or innate, or even celestial beings, they are actually no different from ordinary people, they are all ants.

Moreover, it was a huge meteorite, covering most of the military camp. How could it be so accurate that it could hit the military camp in a place as large as the east fortress?

This is like a nuclear weapon that destroys the world. Maybe someone discovered it at the time, but they either didn't react, or they were simply frightened.

"There are not only monsters in the meteorite, but also a door." Mr. Lu continued.

"A door?" Chen Mo was in a daze.

"That's right, there is a door. No one knows what is behind this door, but there are monsters crawling out of it continuously. Before the imperial army arrives, we have to go up first, otherwise the east will be doomed." People are dying." Lu Yue didn't notice Chen Mo's expression.

"It seems that it is connected to some other plane." Now that the plot has been changed, Chen Mo doesn't know, but since there is a door in the meteorite, it is either connected to other different worlds, or opened some kind of seal .

"Wait, if I can connect to another world, can I go back as long as I have the coordinates of the original world?" Chen Mo suddenly had an idea. Different worlds can also be connected.

But Chen Mo thought about it carefully, there is actually no need to go back, maybe there will be some bad changes, which will lead to a drastic change in the original world, that would be bad, so such thoughts just flashed by and Chen Mo completely gave up implemented plan.

If the original world is invaded due to his intervention, then it cannot be left alone. If the spiritual energy recovers and other supermen appear, then the system and rules of the original world will inevitably collapse, and it is not what Chen Mo wants to see. of.

As an otaku, he likes a stable environment, because only in a stable environment can he develop stably, and chaos brings more pain.

"Boom!" There was a knock on the door.

As the knock on the door sounded, Lu Hongyi stopped talking about the Donglin Fortress, and the four gold seals headed by Chen Mo naturally didn't talk about it anymore.

"Come in."

It was a small official who entered the door, and handed over a lacquered red envelope: "Master, the area you selected has been finalized, this is the letter."

"Okay, I see. Let's go immediately." Chief Lu dismissed the official.

"Chief arrest, which district is it?" Hu Lin asked.

"Let me see." Mr. Lu, who was smiling at first, opened the letter, and his smiling expression changed instantly.

"Chief arrest?" Wang Taiyi called out.

"It's the defense line of District No.13." Mr. Lu sighed.

"It stands to reason that we should also be in charge of the No. 11 area's defense line, okay, why did we switch to No. 13 area?" Zhou Donglai also frowned slightly. What they were striving for was the No. 11 area's defense line, but Now it has been replaced by the No.13 area.

"What's going on here?" Chen Mo smiled awkwardly, he had just arrived, and he didn't know what they were talking about, about No.13 District, No.11 District.

"It's like this. Counting our Luming Mansion, there are a total of 23 prefectures who came here. Each prefecture is in charge of a defense area. Our Luming Mansion is the eleventh prefecture to arrive. Originally, No.11 area It should be given to us."

"But the monsters in District No. 11 are relatively weak. Everyone was jealous and transferred us to another district." Wang Taiyi explained.

"When is it, do you care if the monsters in your jurisdiction are strong or not?" Chen Mo sneered, he just came here, if he came at the meeting to discuss the jurisdiction, then there is such a shitty thing?
"Who took our jurisdiction?" Chen Mo asked casually.

"Forget it, seek a job in his position. Since this is unanimously voted, we should take it as a disadvantage. Anyway, our Luming Mansion is not weak." Mr. Lu is a good-natured man, As long as it comes, it will be safe, and with Chen Mo as strong as the chief arrester, it is good for them to take over a stronger jurisdiction.

This just happens to share the pressure on the god catchers in other jurisdictions.

Although the other three had some reluctance on their faces, since they always said so, that's the only way to do it.

However, Chen Mo frowned slightly. He likes to fight and fight against stronger monsters, but all of this is based on his own choice. If it is forced, then who would want it?

Although the five of them were not very willing, Chief Lu was after all concerned with the overall situation, and it would be even worse not to hurt the internal harmony of God's arrest and cause damage to combat power.

"It's not too late. The soldiers on the front line are still fighting bloody battles. Now that we've got the assigned jurisdiction, let's go directly." Mr. Lu got up and said.

In fact, the most important thing is to wait for Chen Mo to come and go together.

Chen Mo and the other three gold seals also got up, ready to go to the east fortress.

 The body is not very comfortable, and the belly of the fingers hurts when pressing the keyboard, and he forcefully uses two fingers to type out two changes. Sure enough, Lingshan asked for leave as usual at the beginning of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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