Chapter 264
Chen Mo had seen the fortress of Dazhou in the game a long time ago, but after all, the map is huge, and he had never been to Donglinzhou.

As soon as we approached, we could see gunpowder smoke all over the sky, rising from the ground to the sky, converging into dark clouds, covering the small half of the sky.

The roar of artillery fire was like thunder, and it could be heard clearly even if they were far away.

When they actually arrived at the East Fortress, the shock was unmatched. There was a huge [-]-meter-high city wall, and a huge ballista defending the city stood on the wall, and countless unknown machines were operating along with it.

Although the different world is dominated by martial arts, the array rune technology is not behind, otherwise there would not be giant ships that can sail in the sky, and there would be no powerful matrix heavy artillery.

If it weren't for the existence of these heavy artillery, maybe the Donglin Fortress would not be able to be taken back.

Even if it is taken back, it cannot be held.

"Shock it, I was also shocked when I first came to Donglin Fortress, but it's just that so many years have passed in a blink of an eye, and when I come here again, things are different." Mr. Lu looked at the ten people behind him. The six gods said.

"It's really shocking!" The 16 people behind nodded. The interior of the fortress is equivalent to a small town, but the huge wall in front of the fortress is like a high mountain blocking the outside world.

"In the past, it was necessary to deal with the strangeness of the sea when the tide came, and at the same time, the huge wall was set up to prevent the enemy from entering the customs from the sea. Now it is playing a role that is far beyond people's expectations." Mr. Lu explained.

The Qianyuan Dynasty is not the only imperial dynasty on the Shenzhou Continent. The [-] Qianyuan Prefectures also have to face foreign enemies.

"I didn't expect to come to Qianyuan Customs!" Chen Mo grinned.

"Let's enter the customs!" Chief Lu Yue laughed, and led the sixteen gods behind him into the East Fortress.

After entering the gate, Chief Lu did not stop, and directly led Chen Mo and others to their jurisdiction, District No.13.

Chen Mo noticed that there were still many monster corpses in the fortress. These monsters did not look like demons, but rather weird.

"These are basically monsters in the sea. Most of the corpses of those monsters were transported back to the imperial court for research." Director Lu seemed to see Chen Mo's doubts, and explained.

"How's the strength of those monsters?" Chen Mo asked.

"I don't know yet, but I should know later." Mr. Lu Yue knew too well, after all, he hadn't been in contact with it yet, but he heard that it should be very strong.

When they arrived at their Luming Mansion Shenchuangmen's station, the buildings in the station were very simple, that is, a few large tents were erected, and there were some armored soldiers in the station, and the rest were just gone.

"So simple?" Hu Lin wanted to smile to ease the atmosphere, but he couldn't laugh at all.

"After all, it was built temporarily, and all the equipment was moved to the huge wall. It would be nice to have a place to stay." Mr. Lu Yue went with the situation and didn't mind at all. After all, no matter how difficult the conditions were before, he survived , Now it can't be any worse.

There are trails built behind the huge wall, which can be walked up.

It was only when Chen Mo actually walked up that he felt the shock, the vastness of the world, and the heroic spirit of seeing all the mountains and small mountains suddenly came from the bottom of his heart.

Between the pitch and the sudden heroism.



The heavy artillery erected on the huge wall immediately fired a salvo. While the artillery fire roared, even the sky was illuminated a lot, and the hot shells bombarded down instantly.




It seemed that everything in front of him would be razed to the ground, and the monsters in the sea that were attacking were instantly blown into pieces, and there were countless corpses of monsters buried in the black pits.

And Chen Mo finally saw those monsters coming out of the door. They were tall, with purple skin, and there was a huge braid-like thing growing behind their heads. The purple eyes shone with the light of wisdom.

The first thing Chen Mo noticed was this kind of monsters. Their eyes revealed calmness, and even their bodies were more human-like. Standing on top of a huge monster, they hugged their shoulders and looked coldly at the monster on the huge wall. Artillery and martial arts.

The monster under him is ten meters high, with purple lines all over its body, two huge forelimbs with sharp blades, six hind legs standing firmly on the ground, and two half-moon-shaped jaws in its mouth, which seem to be able to tear even steel broken.

"Not bad coercion!" Chen Mo said to himself, even with the opponent's coercion alone, he could feel at least the strength of a celestial being, and judging by his body shape and physical body, an ordinary celestial martial artist should not be the opponent's opponent. That's why they mobilized the gods to defend.

Not only huge monsters, but also some small monsters. The bodies of these monsters seem to be all purple lines. army.

"Boss Lu, you came early from Luming Mansion." A medium-sized chief arrester in red came to meet Lu Yue, who seemed to know Lu Yue, and greeted him with a smile.

"President Cheng, I belong to the second wave, please support me first." Lu Yue clasped his fists and responded with a smile on his face.

"The area under my jurisdiction is not stable yet, let's talk about it next time."

"Boss Cheng went to work first if he had something to do, and I happened to take them to get familiar with the environment." After bidding farewell to the red-clothed, Boss Lu took Chen Mo and others to their No.13 jurisdiction.

The cross-sectional area of ​​the huge wall is at least 120 meters, and the distance from the huge wall to the ground is about [-] meters. Although it is not the tallest in this world, the building materials are strong enough.

Chen Mo was not surprised that a huge wall with a height of 120 meters could be built, but was surprised that even the horizontal surface of the huge wall was more than 100 meters, which was enough to run dozens of carriages, and the cross-sectional area was almost the same. Constructed to withstand a salvo of such heavy artillery.

Each heavy cannon is close to ten meters long, and they are all mounted on the wall of the huge wall. Chen Mo has never seen the structure inside the wall, but the shock absorption capacity of it should be ridiculously strong. Anyone who can design such a defense facility Qin Tianjian is really powerful.

"In fact, as long as we can kill the monsters that attack, we can basically defend ourselves with heavy gunners. We just need to wait for the reinforcements from the imperial court to arrive."

"Why is only one-third of the heavy artillery fired in one round of salvo? If every round is in volley, wouldn't it be possible to clean up a large area, and even a few strong hands guarding here can completely withstand it?" Hu Lin said. asked.

"If it wasn't for the meteorite that crippled the Donglin army, we wouldn't even be needed. There are too few manpower capable of manipulating heavy artillery, and now they are all patchwork." Mr. Lu said helplessly.

At that time, the meteorite landed, killing more than [-]% of the army, and there were very few heavy artillerymen. This allowed the monsters to occupy the east fortress. position.

But that door was moved outside, otherwise, these monsters would have been wiped out by the dispatched [-] Northeast Army.

"If there is anything to do, I will contact you by text message. You can go to other places to experience the battlefield first." Mr. Lu waved his hand and let them go out on their own. It is not time for monsters to attack the city yet.

(End of this chapter)

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