Reckless through another world

Chapter 267 Strange Dead Beast

Chapter 267 Strange Dead Beast
The black air swirled, and Chen Mo's body was immediately covered by the armor of Lord Chi Yan. On the thick and exquisite ghost armor, scarlet ghost eyes opened from it.

The ghostly coercion spread all of a sudden.

"Incomparable strength!"

"Double power of four poles!"

"Fight against the Eight Directions and Triple Layers!"

Chen Mo's body swelled rapidly, and his five-meter-high body appeared on the battlefield. The alloy saber in his hand also became larger under the blessing of ghost energy. According to the proportion, it became an alloy with a length of six meters and a width of more than one meter. The blade is as thin as a cicada's wing.


When Chen Mo swung his saber, more than a dozen monsters were slashed in an instant, and the casualty rate reached [-]%.

"Ahulu Kuliqi (the Kuijia beast went to meet him)!"

The human-shaped dead beast with purple light patterns found Chen Mo's figure. After all, although there are many monsters on the battlefield, there are not many who can fight like Chen Mo. Even the other released evil spirits are not as strong as Chen Mo.

After hearing the order from the purple figure with long braids behind him, a dead beast that was very different from other dead beasts appeared beside the figure.

The speed was so fast that only an afterimage was left behind. This huge dead beast had already entered the battlefield.

"What a special monster!" All the catchers from other jurisdictions saw this special dead beast in District No. 13. It was covered in purple light, and it looked extraordinary at first glance. This dead beast was very fast. , although it was the last to rush into the battlefield, but soon arrived not far from Chen Mo.

"Finally someone who can fight!" Chen Mo grinned and pulled out the alloy saber in his hand from the neck of a giant beast, and blood gushed out instantly, drenching Chen Mo all over.

The dead beast in front of him was as tall as him, and the purple light patterns on its body flowed, as if covered with a layer of light armor. It looked like a human form, but it was different from the human form, with a hunched spine and covered most of its body. Wearing purple light armor.

"Roar!" The armor on the opponent's chest opened its mouth wide open. Where is the armor there, it is clearly a huge head.

The energies gathered together, instantly condensing into a purple ball of light.

"Thousand cuts! Break mountains and rivers!" Chen Mo would not foolishly let him condense light waves, jump up directly, and carry the black knife gang straight to the head of the dead beast.


While cutting the air, Chen Mo had already brought his saber to the front of the dead beast.

A huge force came under the pressure, and the strange dead beast withstood the huge pressure, and a circular depression appeared under its feet with a bang, and Chen Mo's blade had already reached in front of him.


boom! ! !
This unique dead beast actually took a blow from Chen Mo. Huge knife marks appeared on his body, the ground under his feet was directly shattered, and the surrounding corpses were smashed into pieces by the knife gang.

"Not good!" Chen Mo didn't expect at all that the other party forcefully carried it down, and the light waves in the huge mouth of the dead beast had already condensed and appeared.

"Get out of here!" Chen Mo yelled, he didn't yell to himself, but to the gods behind him.

"Bang!" sounded.

The light wave turned into a beam of light, which penetrated the air and directly hit the past.

The air twisted and the ground shattered.

A full two seconds passed, and a three-meter-wide light wave appeared on the ground. The ground had turned into scorched earth, and white steam was steaming on the ground. All the corpses, monsters, and dead beasts blocking the way were all wiped out. clean.

Among them, there were silver seals who did not escape, half of their bodies were directly blasted, and some of their arms were directly reduced to powder.

Not only the god catchers in their Luming mansion were shocked, but even the god catchers in other areas were also shocked. Some silver seal god catchers looked at the strange five-meter-tall monster in panic.

"Circulate the inner energy to feed your evil spirits!" Chen Mo appeared beside the half-disappeared policeman.

"Ah!" The silver seal howled in pain, but fortunately, only a small half of his body on the right side was cut off. If the evil spirit in his body was willing to save him, he would not die.

"It hurts!"

The rest of the catchers who were recruited were all non-fatal injuries, even if they lost half of their arms, they could still survive.

And when Chen Mo was fighting this strange dead beast, many catchers escaped, just a few unlucky ones.

Chen Mo used Huang Quan to avoid the inevitable blow, and he was still terrified, this shot was so strong!If he was shot at close range, he would be seriously injured, but if he was going to die, he wouldn't.

Ignoring these god arresters, "Three-eyed Yama, the evil spirits are here!" Chen Mo directly called out to the three-eyed Yama in his body.

After the three-eyed Yan Luo appeared, Chen Mo directly completed the ghost control. The five-meter-high three-eyed Yan Luo was dressed in black with scarlet ghost armor.

"General, that kind of dead beast has appeared again." The lieutenant hurriedly reported to the general in armor, his voice full of urgency. The last time they encountered this kind of dead beast, it took thousands of troops to get rid of it. Destroy it, and he almost boarded the tower.

What surprised them most was that the opponent was able to charge forward under the fire of the red-clothed cannon.

This kind of powerful defense, not to mention human beings, has never been seen even in Weird.

"How long will it take to recharge all the cannons in red?" General Ao Kai's voice was steady, as if a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

"It will take half an hour."

"Then hold on for half an hour!" General Ao Kai directly ordered to die.

"This time, with the arresters here, they should be able to withstand it!" General Ao Kai thought.

After finishing ghost control, Chen Mo had already appeared not far from this strange dead beast, and the long knife in his hand instantly rose by ten meters under the blessing of ghost energy.

"The intention of evil - the knife technique of bursting in the sky!"

The ghost energy in Chen Mo's body surged out at more than three times the speed in an instant, and the steel knife in the hands of the three-eyed Yama turned into a thick-backed sword under the filling of ghost energy, and the momentum of the three-eyed Yama also climbed to the extreme.

Those Haiyi who were attacking the city all stopped, their eyes were filled with fear, and some weak beasts retreated slowly.

The powerful fear and coercion burst out from the body of the three-eyed Yama like an invisible light wave. The powerful force surged, and the black muscles of the three-eyed Yama tensed instantly, and the scarlet blood vessel-like things in the ghost armor evaporated. ghostly.

"Kill!" With a sharp roar, the figure of the three-eyed Yama appeared above the head of this strange dead beast, and the blade surged up to ten meters before falling from the sky.


The knife gang burst out with intense light, and after a flash, it fell directly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The five-meter-high dead beast was cut in half, and a huge knife mark more than ten meters long appeared on the battlefield like a crack.

"So fierce!" Hu Lin swallowed, he wanted to go out to help a group of Chen Mo, but before he left, the other party had already beheaded this strange dead beast.

"General, I'm overjoyed, there is actually a god catcher who killed that strange dead beast with one blow!" The deputy general's voice was full of surprise.

"Actually, so powerful?!" General Ao Kai was slightly taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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