Reckless through another world

Chapter 268 Chen Xian's Entry Order

Chapter 268 Chen Xian's Entry Order
However, Chen Mo obviously did not stop there.

"The Wrath of the Yan Emperor!"

Three-eyed Yan Luo's body suddenly soared by two meters, from five meters to seven meters. The armor on his body was shattered inch by inch, and re-condensed into ghost armor with the supplement of ghost energy, which was more delicate and heavier than before. Its defensive power is very strong!

Four ghost horns grew from the top of Yan Luo's head and meandered to the back of his head, but the scarlet ghost eyes were even more hidden.

"Power is surging!" Chen Mo laughed loudly.

"Is this still a human being? Is this the ghost emissary?" Even Wang Taiyi and others had this idea, and all the gods were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a powerful ghost emissary before. The fear and coercion emanating from the evil ghosts even made them tremble.

"Chief arrest, this..."

"Don't ask me, I don't know what's going on with that god catcher." Some red-clothed chief catchers looked helpless. A giant ghost with a height of seven meters appeared.

Don't need to think about it, you can tell it's an evil ghost at a glance. The fear and coercion made Haiyi run away, and even the army of dead beasts was affected.

"General, that!" The deputy general pointed at the three-eyed Yan Luo controlled by Chen Mo, but the shock in his eyes couldn't fade away.

"The strong man in the fifth stage of ghost control! I didn't expect to meet him here, but he is stronger!" General Ao Kai was obviously well-informed, but he was still shocked beyond words.

After the sea monsters retreated, although the remaining army of dead beasts was densely packed, it was not as scary as it was at the beginning, but Chen Mo's transformation did not stop.

"The sea of ​​darkness is boundless!"

For the first time, Chen Mo used the home field skills of Boundless Underworld, Lord of the North Underworld.

At the same time, the body of the three-eyed Yama skyrocketed by two meters, and the armor on the nine-meter-high three-eyed Yama's body followed the rhythm, and layers of dark blue approached. Black scales appeared around the ghost's eyes, turning into a transparent mask to protect the ghost's eyes.

A soaring ghost horn protruded from the top of the three-eyed Yan Luo's head. The three-eyed Yama was already ten meters tall including the ghost horn, and his body had dark blue to black lines.

"Still growing?!"

"This is a golden seal god catcher? This..."

"This world is in chaos, it's too scary!"


"Chief arrest, there seems to be a monster in our Luming mansion." Wang Taiyi moved to Lu Yue's side. They were the closest group of arresters to Chen Mo, so they could see clearly and feel clearly at the same time.

"I believe it. This time I send him to participate in the God Catch Conference, and I'm sure I'll win." Chief Lu Yue nodded numbly. Lu Yue suspected that Chen Mo could kill him now, even very easily. he.But how long is this world?
"Why don't you go and apologize, we robbed their jurisdiction after all." One of the gold seals in District No.11 whispered to the gold seal god catcher next to him.

As they said that, they looked at the constipated chief arrester with a livid face. After all, this matter is their chief arrester and the chief arrester of Luming Mansion, Liang Zi. If they had the intention to help before, after seeing Chen Mo's transformation, everything would be fine. Let it go, don't care about it.

Not only the god catchers and armored soldiers were surprised, but even those dead beasts with purple tattoos that looked like human beings were also surprised. It was the first time they had seen such terrifying human beings.

Not to mention killing the dead beast they sent with one move, the coercion released now made them feel threatened.

"I'll go!" Chen Mo screamed, let go of his big feet, and went straight to the huge gate. All the dead beasts that blocked him were cut in half by the nine-meter-long ghostly thick back knife in his hand. .

"Kill kill kill!!!"

The crimson in Chen Mo's eyes became heavier and heavier, and he was even enveloped by the scarlet ghost. Now he is the three-eyed Yama, and the three-eyed Yama is him, with powerful combat power, sweeping and crushing everything.

Chen Mo is like a huge bulldozer that overwhelms the past. Wherever it goes, not a single blade of grass grows, and even a big foot can trample to death a piece of small dead beast.

"Order the beast to stop him!" The tall figure with the purple tattoo issued an order. He had already seen that Chen Mo was getting closer to him. beheaded.

No.13 jurisdiction area was emptied by Chen Mo in an instant, creating a long clear road. After the three-eyed Yan Luo opened the Wrath of Emperor Yan, his feet already had the characteristics of the Wrath of Emperor Yan, and when he stepped on the ground, he was filled with ghost energy , directly crushing the surrounding dead beasts.

"General, what should we do? Shall we rush?" The deputy general opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Looking at Chen Mo who pushed him, he was a little dazed for a while.

"Hold the position!" General Ao Kai's eyes were hot, and he wanted to fight directly, but the army he carried was too small, and it was not enough to charge there. If the opponent had any means to leave the city, then the Donglin Fortress would really fall. If not, the disaster of the dead beast will threaten the people in the interior.

With the advancement of District No.13, the pressure on other jurisdictions suddenly decreased, because under the control of the figure with purple lines, all the dead beasts came to stop Chen Mo from moving forward.

Even the huge beetle with a height of ten meters appeared in front of Chen Mo.

"Ghost torture and burn!"

"Chi——!" Black ghost aura spewed out from the gap in the heavy armor, and two scarlet arm armors appeared on the hands of the three-eyed Yama. The scarlet ghost aura burned on both arms and spread to the long knife in his hand.

Chen Mo didn't even need to use evil intentions, he put his arm on the neck of the dead beast, and it resisted with all its strength, but the power of the three-eyed Yama was too strong now, Chen Mo directly pressed him to the ground, The long knife chopped down with a click, and directly chopped off its head.

Its two front jaws are still slowly opening and closing, but the light in its eyes has dissipated.

The three-eyed Yama threw the animal head in his hand on the ground.

The remaining large dead beasts were also hacked to death one by one by Chen Mo, holding them down, like killing pigs!
Chen Mo didn't stay where he was, and walked quickly. He was going to kill the purple dead beast standing in front of the door. That should be the monarch-level dead beast mentioned in the mission.


Chen Mo's one-handed flat A is enough to kill all the dead beasts blocking him, but his pace is not slow at all. The 67 scarlet ghost eyes on his body are turning back and forth, and several of them are staring firmly at the purple ghost standing in front of the door. silhouette.

The dead beasts gathered in front of Chen Mo crazily, like a sea of ​​beasts, rushing towards Chen Mo crazily.

Chen Mo is like a giant squeezed into the sea of ​​beasts, but the defense attribute is high. Ordinary dead beasts can't break through the defense, but every time he draws A, he can take away a group of dead beasts.

"You call, call again!" Chen Mo murmured when he saw that the tall figure was still calling for dead beasts, and the turbulent tide of beasts poured out from the door.

But seeing it getting closer, Chen Mo had no choice but to sigh: "If it wasn't for the mission, I would have killed you to bankruptcy!"

"I finally see you." Chen Mo grinned, staring straight at the purple figure four miles away with his scarlet ghost eyes.

As it got closer, Chen Mo realized that this kind of human-shaped dead beast was also very tall.

"It seems that if you don't summon that, it will be impossible!" The human-shaped dead beast murmured, and the giant door behind him shook violently.

(End of this chapter)

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