Reckless through another world

Chapter 288 He is not worthy of entering my collection

Chapter 288 He is not worthy of entering my collection

Before everyone could react, Zhou Qing in front of him changed rapidly, his body was pale, his face was pale, it was clearly a dead face, and he looked straight at Chen Mo.

The clothes on his body gradually became worn out and moldy, turning into a white shroud, and there were patches of corpse spots on his pale body.


"My goodness!"


For a while, the sound of panic was mixed, and Chen Mo couldn't help but sympathize, "People with ancient backgrounds are really miserable, and they can't even say a word of shit. At this time, it's so appropriate to say a shit!"

But Chen Mo is not allowed to think about it anymore, the evil ghost covered with corpse spots has already walked in front of him, a pair of straight eyeballs seem to pop out of the eye sockets, and his arms are already on Chen Mo's neck superior.

But Chen Mo is not so easy to get along with, the ghost aura just raised, his body was instantly covered by ghost armor, and 79 scarlet ghost eyes stared straight at the corpse-spotted ghost in front of him.


There was a loud sound like a soldering iron being immersed in water, and the ghost armor around Chen Mo's neck gushed out a lot of ghost energy. The evil ghost took back its own ghost hand the moment it encountered the ghost energy, like a It's like being burned.

"Sit down!" Chen Mo didn't even use any skills, and directly slapped the corpse-spotted ghost on the shoulder.

Black cracks suddenly appeared on the originally pale shoulders, as if some kind of porcelain had been shattered, forming tortoise cracks.

Chen Mo is now wearing a ghost armor, all 79 ghost eyes are open, and his strength is already tyrannical, so he staggered this evil ghost and almost fell to the ground.

"It's not human!" The evil spirits who were stunned to see Chen Mo's slap couldn't stand still, and one of the god catchers said to his colleagues beside him with a smile.

"Is this fucking human?"

"Captain Chen is really strong." Jiang Zheng shouted loudly. He felt that the most sensible choice he made was to pull Chen Mo into their team. If he could fight the evil spirits, so could the Golden Seal. , and even defeat stronger evil spirits.

But if you want to say that you can't stand the evil spirit with a slap, I'm sorry, he hasn't seen it yet, no, I saw it today.

But in less than two breaths, the opponent had already repaired his shoulder.

"I see whether you are faster at repairing or I am faster at hitting!" Chen Mo moved his wrist, turning into an afterimage and appearing in front of the corpse-spotted ghost, his fists were like raindrops.

However, the corpse-spotted ghost was not being beaten indifferently, but was learning quickly, and even slowly caught up with the rhythm of Chen Mo's fist.

Obviously, Chen Mo doesn't only know one kind of boxing, but also dabbles in many boxing styles from the previous era, such as internal and external styles, Tongbei, Baji and even Wing Chun.

"Although Xingqiao falls off the horse, he will punch his head if he blocks his hand!"

The previous move was still Wing Chun, but the next move had already transformed into Baji Iron Mountain Kickoff.

"Bang bang!" Chen Mo took two steps and jumped up, his legs curled up, boom!With one blow, he hit the chest of a corpse-spotted demon, nailing him to the ground directly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Even the inside of the cabin trembled from the beating, and Chen Mo had no intention of stopping.

"Here, I won't be beaten to death." Dong Haicheng felt that the evil spirit was not so scary anymore, and he wondered if Chen Mo kept beating him like this, would the immortal evil spirit be beaten to death?
Everyone gathered forward, the corpse-spotted ghost in front of him didn't have the terrifying appearance at the beginning, although his eyes were still straight, but he was looking at the ceiling of the giant ship, maybe he was also doubting, doubting to the end I am a ghost, or the one who confronted the enemy just now is the ghost.

Maybe he has been beaten out of the psychological shadow.

"Why didn't brother Chen gather him?" Wang Taiyi asked in surprise.

"He doesn't even deserve to be in my collection." Chen Mo said without thinking.

Of course, it is indeed what Chen Mo said. In his collection, the lowest level of evil spirits is the top of the precious level, and the remaining two are only epic level evil spirits. It's a rarity, and Chen Mo doesn't like it at all.

"Forget it, let's show mercy." It's not a problem to let it go like this, Chen Mo still took out a cage of evil spirits and put him in it.

But after closing it, Chen Mo found a strange thing, this evil ghost disappeared?
disappeared out of thin air.

But Chen Mo didn't say anything.

"Sure enough, he is a ruthless person!" Everyone's eyes were hot for a while. Look at what they said, this is not worthy of being included in their collection, but to them, it is a favorite. Although they are envious, no one speaks. Grab, let alone grab the booty of the thigh.

The happiest thing is Hao Sheng. The matter that has troubled him for so long has been solved in this way. Although he is a little dazed, he is still very happy. At the same time, the tight string in his heart is slowly relaxed. .

"By the way, who is that, Li Lijun, what you committed has happened!" Chen Mo looked at the middle-aged man who seemed to be 1.8 meters tall with scarlet ghost eyes.

"I don't know what Captain Chen said?" Li Lijun clasped his fists and said.

"That's right, Captain Chen, how do you know who that evil spirit is pretending to be?" Jiang Zheng was slightly dazed, then frowned slightly, "Who is that?"

"I don't know, Hao Sheng actually told me, so I thought I'd cheat, but I didn't lose anything, and I found a ghost by accident." Chen Mo He looked at Hao Sheng and said.

"This method is really Chen Xianzhi!" Wang Taiyi has really seen the behavior style of this reckless man. Tell me, how can a person who looks gentle and elegant, like a son of a family, cultivate such a behavior style? Come
Aren't the eldest sons of other families not always happy and angry, the city is extremely deep, and then they put the overall situation first, and then they are the kind who cherish their lives.

This guy is good!

Fighting is the happiest, every time you rush to the front, the evil spirit that others are afraid of avoiding, he beats up others, Wang Taiyi doesn't know what to say, I can only say that a reckless man has a reason for a reckless man .

This remark is like letting Chen Mo know, Chen Mo will definitely answer very seriously, "I, Chen Xianzhi, are the most reasonable!"

"You're a ghost too!" Chen Mo grinned and said to Li Lijun.

Of course, now it's not the kind of deceit he used to deal with Zhou Qing at the beginning, but he is really sure, even though Chen Mo doesn't quite know why Hao Sheng can distinguish the evil spirits, but others can't.

Perhaps the current situation in the circle of Luming Mansion is also like this, so Chen Mo plans to make a quick decision and call it a day.

Li Lijun did not refute, His body had already begun to transform.

"Don't bother so much!"

"Ghost Domain!" Chen Mo opened his hand, and Ghost Domain instantly enveloped Li Lijun.


Chen Mo clenched his fists, and Huang Quan shrank directly.

"Evil ghost cage!" Chen Mo tried to use the evil ghost cage to imprison the evil spirit. As Chen Mo guessed, there was no ghost in the evil ghost cage, and neither was there in the ghost domain.

"It seems that something went wrong." Chen Mo murmured, but with a flash of light in his eyes, he finally figured out the key point of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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