Reckless through another world

Chapter 289 Are you making trouble? !

Chapter 289 Are you making trouble? !

The transpiring ghost energy was instantly crushed by Chen Mo, and the ghost domain was directly taken back by Chen Mo, and there was no trace of fear and coercion around.

Chen Mo didn't seem to have any intention of moving forward.

Wang Taiyi was also a little surprised. Chen Mo seemed to stop only when there was a problem along the way. Could it be that it hasn't been resolved yet? Thinking of this, he looked at the people in Qinglin Mansion again.

Now that two ghosts have appeared among those people, there may be other evil ghosts, or they may all be evil ghosts.

As soon as this thought came up, Wang Taiyi was slightly taken aback, and the Gang Qi in his body had already started to circulate slowly.

Following Wang Taiyi's gaze, the gods in the Qinglin mansion also looked at each other, they were suddenly startled, yes, if two evil spirits have appeared, then it is very likely that there are evil spirits among them, Maybe the good brother in the past is the evil ghost now.

They all distanced themselves from each other, as if they were afraid that the good brothers beside them would suddenly violently turn into evil spirits.

"It turned out to be really two ghosts. Could it be that there are evil ghosts among us now?" The god catcher in Qinglin Mansion had a look of fear on his face.

The palm has quietly approached the handle of the weapon.

"I didn't expect that these two people are really ghosts!" Jiang Zheng said in surprise, and turned his eyes to Hao Sheng. He woke up, it seemed that Hao Sheng had reminded him that there was something wrong with Zhou Qing.

Seeing Jiang Zheng's eyes turn away, the rest of the Qinglin Mansion gods also looked at Hao Sheng.

That's right, everyone reacted, it seemed that Hao Sheng was the one who said Zhou Qing was an evil spirit in the first place.

"What are you all looking at me for?" The gazes of the others did not make him panic, but when Chen Mo's gaze passed over, it made Hao Sheng feel a little strange, as if he suspected that he was an evil spirit.

But these subtle things haven't happened yet, Wang Taiyi suddenly felt a coolness spread from the back of the spine to the back of the head from the tailbone, and goose bumps appeared on the back.

"Boom!" Ghost energy erupted from his body in an instant.

This shocking change caught everyone by surprise, even Chen Mo didn't react, but he had already seen the situation clearly.

"What's wrong with this brother?" A god of Qinglin Mansion swallowed his saliva, looked at Dong Haicheng and asked.

Dong Haicheng's limbs twisted slowly, twirled and twirled, his body gradually lowered, and there was a painful wail from his mouth, and balls of black matter spit out from his mouth, and even drilled out of his ears .

His eyes gradually turned scarlet, and his face also turned pale.

The silver seal arresters of the Qinglin Mansion seemed to have been frightened stupid. It was already shocking enough just now, but the current scene obviously shocked their three views even more.

Whether it was Zhou Qing or Li Lijun, they all changed very quickly, as if they were ghosts, but the one in front of them was gradually changing.

The transformation was very fast. In less than three breaths, the Dong Haicheng in front of him had no human face, his face was ashen, his elbows and knees were on the ground. What frightened them the most was that Dong Haicheng in front of him was slowly crawling on the ground. what.

A ghost's head quickly emerged from Dong Haicheng's body, and a ghost with disheveled hair struggled to escape from Dong Haicheng's back.

"This..." Wang Taiyi's eyes widened slightly, and there was an evil ghost in this man's body.

"It's just that he was controlled by other evil spirits. He was originally a ghost steward. The evil spirits in his body now conflicted with the evil spirits controlling him, which led to this situation." Chen Mo explained.

After the evil spirit escaped from Dong Haicheng's body, it wanted to escape.

But Chen Mo didn't give him this chance.

"Ghost Realm!"

Huang Quan directly covered him and controlled him.

The evil ghost in Huangquan seemed to be a little confused, and tried to attack him a few times, but he didn't get what he wanted.

"Take it!" With a squeeze of the arm, the ghost domain in mid-air quickly shrank, directly suppressing the evil spirits in the ghost domain.

Chen Mo directly opened the evil ghost's cage, and gathered the evil ghost in the evil ghost's cage.

This time Chen Mo finally caught the ghost. The two ghosts just now were not kept in the cage of evil ghosts by him at all, but it is not bad for one of them to make a fortune.

Using both elbows and knees, Dong Haicheng quickly climbed to the top of the ceiling, hanging upside down, with scarlet eyes on his iron-blue face, staring at Chen Mo and the others with malice.

Silky black threads emanated from Dong Haicheng's body, forming a large net. Dong Haicheng in front of him didn't look half human, he was just like an evil ghost.

"There are really other evil spirits, but why is it Dong Haicheng? Could it be that there are evil spirits lurking around everyone." Wang Taiyi frowned slightly, but why did this evil spirit look so familiar.

In an instant Wang Taiyi remembered, isn't this the spider-like ghost they met the second time hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"Spiral Hell!" Chen Mo raised his arm slowly, and his body was instantly covered by ghost energy. The black ghost armor was completed in an instant, ghost horns protruded from his head, and scarlet ghost eyes opened.

A small black spiral ball appeared in the center of Chen Mo's palm, and it was condensed by Chen Mo in an instant.

"Bang!" It turned into a black light and was directly thrown out by Chen Mo.

Trying this long-range attack, Wang Taiyi can see that this is the second time they have encountered the evil spirit. Dong Haicheng's current state is no different from that evil spirit at that time. Even ghost slaves should not be transformed like this. Thoroughly.


The Spiral Hell was thrown out by Chen Mo in an instant, and it had already appeared in front of Dong Haicheng, his legs and knees were firmly stuck to the spider web, and his hands were raised, as if he wanted to resist Chen Mo's Spiral Hell.


The ghost incarnate by Dong Haicheng didn't resist Chen Mo's spiral hell at all. After a light wave erupted, the ghost incarnate by Dong Haicheng was directly blasted down and landed on the ground with a bang.

Ghost domain!

Without talking nonsense with him, Chen Mo directly activated Huangquan, enveloped him, and Huangquan shrank suddenly.

In the steaming ghost domain, it is impossible for people to see the state clearly, but Chen Mo was slightly taken aback, Dong Haicheng is dead!
It was directly crushed into fly ash by Huang Quan, and there was no residue left.

"Weird!" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. He had been busy all night today and beat four monsters, but only one was closed.

"What's going on?!"

If there are still some, Chen Mo wonders if there is a bug.

But it doesn't matter, just now, Chen Mo already had a general concept in his mind.

"Captain Chen is really powerful." Jiang Zheng sighed with a thumbs up.

Not only Jiang Zheng, but also other arresters in Qinglin Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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