Reckless through another world

Chapter 290 The Stupidest Ghost I've Ever Seen

Chapter 290 The Stupidest Ghost I've Ever Seen

It's just that the atmosphere in the crowd didn't ease much, on the contrary, it became more heavy, and everyone was wary of the people around them.

Wang Taiyi quietly took a step closer to Chen Mo.

This is not because Wang Taiyi is about to transform, but because Wang Taiyi feels that only Chen Xianzhi's side can be safer.

When Dong Haicheng left violently just now, he was standing beside Dong Haicheng, even his hairs were standing on end. If it wasn't for the eruption of ghost energy in his body, maybe his head would have been wrung off by the other party.

While Wang Taiyi had lingering fears, he was also afraid for a while. Who would have thought that the people around him were potential threats, and they were also very strong.

And I'm terrified when I think about it carefully. Although I don't know why Dong Haicheng was turned into that ghost, but at that time he vomited black hair. That's it.

So, if he was pinned down and fed his hair, maybe he'd be turned into this ghost too.

Everyone didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a little cohesive for a while, it seemed that even the air was condensed. Although they didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that everyone no longer trusted the people around them. This was not because of the problem of people's hearts.

Who can stand it?

The people around him are no longer the brothers they used to be, but evil ghosts. If the brothers turned against each other, it would be a different mood, but now there is only fear and panic, so there are so many thoughts.

Now they just want to get over this difficulty.

Seeing the current atmosphere, Jiang Zheng opened his mouth and said, "Hurry up, Detective Chen, there are no more evil spirits?" He then turned his gaze to Chen Mo.

On the spot, if you want to say the strongest, then Chen defaults to the second, no one dares to admit the first, and this person can recognize the evil spirits in their team in advance, this is the greatest ability, this ability is The ability to save lives.

"There should be only the last one left!" Chen Mo nodded, looking over from everyone's faces.

Even in this small group, there are all kinds of beings, those who have doubts, those who are afraid, and some who retreat quietly, who are wary of everyone, with different expressions, but obviously they all look at Chen Mo, waiting for Chen Mo Decide aloud.

Because Chen Mo said that there was only one evil ghost left, everyone was more vigilant, maybe the people around him were evil ghosts.

"Who is the last evil spirit? Please let me tell you soon." Jiang Zheng clasped his fists and said. other people.

"Hurry up Chen, I don't think it's gone anymore, I don't feel any abnormality in others." Hao Sheng reminded aloud.

Hao Sheng really couldn't feel the strangeness of others, and the others were people he knew, not people he didn't know.

"The last one, isn't it you?" Chen Mo grinned.

"Me? Detective Chen, don't be joking. If it wasn't for me, you might all be replaced by evil spirits, and your deaths will be unknown." Hao Sheng's face turned cold on the spot. He felt something was wrong, but he didn't expect to say that he was an evil ghost.

It's really a big joke in the world!

"That's right, Captain Chen must have made a mistake, right? Captain Hao told us that Zhou Qing was a ghost from the very beginning, how could he be a ghost himself?" Jiang Zheng frowned slightly, clasped his fists and said .

"Actually, it is not ruled out that werewolves kill themselves and sell their teammates to fight!" Chen Mo grinned.

"What kind of werewolf kills himself?" Not only Jiang Zheng was stunned, but also the other gods. They didn't understand what Chen Mo said.

"There's no need to be so troublesome. I just ask you that you are a ghost, aren't you? Answer me." Chen Mo looked directly at Hao Sheng and said.

Hao Sheng "..."

Hao Sheng was silent, didn't answer, didn't say anything, but his eyes were dazed and confused, as if he didn't realize that he was a ghost at all.

"No way!" Jiang Zheng also jumped away from Hao Sheng, looking at Hao Sheng with wide eyes, with a look of fear on his face, now that Hao Sheng didn't answer, it might be a ghost, then he just now Didn't he stand in front of the ghost and almost get stabbed with a knife?



The ghostly aura in Hao Sheng's body slowly overflowed, his face gradually blurred, and finally a face without a face appeared. Although there were still some shallow facial features, the face could no longer be seen.

The clothes on Hao Sheng's body changed slowly, turning into a long black robe.

His arms were raised slowly, and the strangest thing was that there were scarlet silk threads on his ten fingers, and a white doll was attached to the bottom of the thread, like the kind of sunny doll , hung on His fingers.

"It really is you!" Seeing the Lord, Chen Mo was in a good mood, and at a glance, he knew that the evil spirit in front of him was a big fish. This kind of evil spirit that can quietly sneak into the crowd is really scary.

They affect people's memories, and even directly edit other people's memories, and finally replace the living people with the sunny dolls in their hands.

As for why Chen Mo, a reckless man, can know that Hao Sheng in front of him is an evil spirit, it is naturally because of the identification system, because he feels that this person is very strange, so Chen Mo carefully confirmed it.

【Name: Yan Ghost】

【Title: Ten Finger Yanshi】

[Template: boss level]

[Quality: Epic]

[Growth status: childhood]

[Cultivation:? ? ? ? 】

【Attributes:? ? ? ? 】

[Skills: stand-in, manipulation,? ? 】

【Status: intact】

[Fusion Status: Not Fusionable]

[Estimated Risk: High]

[Strength: two-star perfect]

[Evaluation: This is a powerful ghost, but it’s just Yazi who is not very smart. He entered the game as an evil ghost, and even forgot that he is a ghost. I laughed to death. 】

When Chen Mo first saw this data, he didn't react at all, but after seeing the evaluation, Chen Mo almost laughed out loud. The pig called.

Of course, Chen Mo also had to sigh, the world knows that evil spirits are cunning and frightening, but the evil spirit he met today opened Chen Mo's eyes, there are ghosts who have forgotten that they are ghosts?

This is too stupid.

But even though this evil ghost is stupid, the fear and coercion it exudes is not small at all. Chen Mo has never encountered an epic-level evil ghost a few times. Good guy, this time he met an epic-level evil ghost again. big ghost.

Chen Mo himself didn't know if he was sure to hold him down.

Seeing the evil ghost sizing up the people beside him, Chen Mo waved his hands, all the ghost eyes on his body exuded a scarlet ghostly aura, "Go first, I'll catch up later!"

"Then Detective Chen, take care." Jiang Zheng couldn't let the rest of the Qinglin Mansion's arresters ignore him. Since Chen Mo took the initiative to take on this evil ghost, there was no need for them to stay as a burden. The terrifying threat released by this evil ghost Just know it, he's so fucking strong!

"Brother Chen." Wang Taiyi said.

"Don't worry, I'm not sure to suppress him, but I can leave, but you can't leave after I leave." Chen Mo's meaning is clear enough, if he leaves, the evil spirit in front of him may be able to leave many people behind, but if he stays , the ghost in front of me can't leave anyone else.

"Brother Wang, you go first, I will catch up later." Chen Mo grinned and waved his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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