Chapter 292 If You Leave, I Will Be Left Alone

The appearance of Huangquan cast a layer of haze on the people who were already panicking. These powerful ghost emissaries seemed like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in such a strange environment.

No, it's not even a lamb, at most it's a weak chicken.

Before this, they were in their respective prefectures, and they were basically invincible existences. Even some evil spirits that appeared could be quickly suppressed, but now they are as difficult to move as if they have entered a dungeon of hell.

Not to mention being lurking around by the evil spirits, now he doesn't even have the ability to resist, and Zhang Tao, who is also the ghost warding envoy, was killed even after meeting him.

"Don't worry, this is brother Chen's ghost skill." Seeing the appearance of the ghost domain, Wang Taiyi was obviously relieved, now only Chen Mo's ghost domain can be safe, and all the senior officials of Luming Mansion know how powerful Chen Mo is. ghost skills.

At the same time, Chen Mo also came out from the ghostly aura.

Huang Quan safely placed everyone in the corridor on the second floor.

Although the corridor was also filled with darkness, it was obvious that the ghost domain had faded a lot. When Chen Mo looked up, he saw a spider-like ghost lying on the ceiling, and the black silk thread was woven into a big web.

"This kind of thing is not quite like a ghost, but more like..."

"Ghost slave, yes, ghost slave." Chen Mo has already begun to doubt, this kind of thing is not like a ghost at all, but rather like a ghost slave, just like the sunny doll in the hands of Yan Gui, they are all ghosts slave.

Because this kind of thing can't be put into the cage of evil ghosts, it will turn into fly ash once it is collected. How can there be evil ghosts that have such a great ability not to be restrained by the cage of evil ghosts, and ghosts are immortal. This is a possibility. It's a ghost slave.

Then Chen Mo felt that his idea had something to do with it. Now they are likely to be in the haunted domain of a very strong evil ghost. They can't get out, and they don't know if others can come in. Anyway, this ghost is definitely very strong. .

He is much stronger than the current Chen Mo, because he can't get out of Huangquan.

Chen Mo had already tried it, and he couldn't get out of Huangquan.

"Let's go up to another floor!" Chen Mo didn't intend to expend such a lot of strength and let them die, so he planned to help others to the end, and sent Wang Taiyi and the others to the inner cabin on the third floor.

When they arrived at the inner cabin on the third floor, they unexpectedly ran into some god catchers who gathered head-on. They were obviously startled by Huangquan.

Weapons were drawn out one after another, and the tense atmosphere spread instantly.

"Don't be nervous." Wang Taiyi said with a smile, and hurriedly introduced them.

"It turned out to be a colleague of Luming Mansion and Qinglin Mansion." Even though the god catcher on the opposite side said so, he just put away the sword, but the stellar energy and ghost energy in his body did not take back, as before. is in a ready state.

They were also frightened by evil spirits. There were all sorts of weird things, and it wasn't like they didn't encounter evil spirits pretending to be gods. Now that they finally made it to the third floor, they didn't want to die at the door. It would be too embarrassing.

"You go to the inner hall on the third floor first, and I'll go down to see that ghost." Before the voice fell, Chen Mo's figure had already moved through the ghost domain.

"Catcher Wang, let's wait in the inner hall first." Jiang Zheng led a group of arresters from the Qinglin Mansion all agreeing, nodding wildly like chickens pecking at rice, for fear that Wang Taiyi would go down to find Chen Mo the meaning of.

"Okay, let's go in together." Naturally, Wang Taiyi was not stubborn, on the contrary, he felt that the presence of them would add burden to Chen Mo.

Of course, it did increase the burden. Without those two people, at least the strength of Ten Fingers Yanshi would not have improved so fast. Chen Mo is not sure whether he can suppress Ten Fingers Yanshi now.

"Is it gone?" Chen Mo returned to the original place, it was empty, and there was no Shizhi Yanshi anymore.

Not being here saves Chen Mo's thoughts. He was not sure about this ghost. He didn't know much about this ghost. After all, he didn't own this ghost. Chen Mo doesn't know much.

At most, Chen Mo only has a [-]% chance of suppressing Shizhi Yanshi. Now it is no different from the early days when the evil spirits just appeared. Now the evil spirits have grown up a lot, even Chen Mo dare not mess around casually.

"It's good to be gone." Chen Mo just wanted to leave.

The sound of crying came from the ear.

"Someone is crying?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. If someone was crying, Chen Mo would believe it. Of course, it doesn't mean that it wasn't a ghost crying, but in this case, the person crying so loudly is definitely a fool.

Because maybe there will be some evil spirits who can hear the voice and come to kill them.

"got windy?"

Before Chen Mo could check how the cries were going on, he felt a breeze blowing on his face, and the ghost aura around him was stirred up, but the two sides of the corridor were not clear at all, but even darker, like two evil spirits. The ghost opened its mouth wide, waiting for people to walk by, and devoured people of its choice.

Taking a closer look, a wet figure in white clothes with loose hair appeared in front of him, walking slowly, black footprints appeared on the ground, where was the wind just now, it was clearly a ghost.

"Damn it, the wind is blowing hard." Chen Mo opened the ghost domain without thinking, and moved from this evil corridor to the second floor.

The crying sound became weaker, but the spider-like ghost on the second floor that had stayed well at first retreated slowly.

"Don't, if you leave, I will be the only one left." Chen Mo joked.

Not waiting for Chen Mo's teasing voice to finish.

"Blah blah blah!"

A very loud footstep came from the end of the corridor.

At this moment, Chen Mo knew why the ghost above his head was leaving, because a more terrifying thing came and scared it away.

Chen Mo couldn't help but think of the stalks that were circulated on the Internet before. Some people said that they were lonely by themselves. Netizens gave advice. Just play a horror movie. After watching the horror movie, you will feel that there are people under the bed and toilets. There are people, there are people in the closet, there are people everywhere.

But that was all my own illusion.

Chen Mo now feels that there are ghosts everywhere, and these are all from his experience. Before he can stand still, there will be the sound of ghosts coming.

It was so just now, and it is so now.

blah blah blah.

The footsteps were loud and dull, not like the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes, but like the footsteps of a strong man.

As the footsteps approached, the crying sound also gradually approached, but Chen Mo found that it didn't seem like a crying sound, it was mechanical and very strange.

It didn't disappoint Chen Mo either. What came out of the ghost aura was a strong man-shaped evil ghost with a body height of [-] meters.

Seeing the thing in the hands of the evil ghost, Chen Mo's eyes widened slightly. It was a huge chainsaw, and the sound of the chainsaw gears rubbing against each other was like the sound of people crying.

"What a genius!" Chen Mo admired it very much. He was also interested in the crying just now. If it was an ordinary person passing by, he would be hacked by a chainsaw, and it would basically be gone.

(End of this chapter)

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