Chapter 293
"There's something!" Chen Mo looked at the evil spirit with the chainsaw.

Chen Mo's current body shape is like a tiger's back and a wasp's waist. The muscles of his arms are almost as thick as the thighs of ordinary people. Although they are all hidden in the ghost armor, they can still be seen through the ghost armor, like a small iron tower. .

But the body size is obviously not as good as this evil ghost. This evil ghost is [-] to [-] meters tall. It is tall, not only the bones are wide, but the exposed skin is also very strong. The whole is bigger than Chen Mo lap.

But even though he was very tall, he was still not as tall as the three-eyed Yama at that time.

Although it is strong, it has no special features. The only feature should be the chain saw in his hand. The whole chain saw glows with a faint black light. You can tell at a glance that the saw chain is made of the intestines of some monster. Those serrated teeth are also unknown slender fangs.

As the chainsaw rotates, there is a weeping sound, which may be deceived if you are far away, but now at such a close distance, the sound is obviously distorted, not as real as it is at a distance.

"Appraisal" Chen Mo intends to take a look first, such a ghost may not be too strong.

[Name: Chainsaw Ghost]

【Title: Unknown】

【Template: BOSS】

[Quality: Epic]

[Growth status: childhood]

[Cultivation:? ? ? ?】

【Attributes:? ? ? ? 】

【Skill:? ? ? ? 】

[Status: Unawakened]

[Fusion Status: Not Fusionable]

[Strength: two-star tyranny]

[Evaluation: A powerful evil spirit, but what is more interesting is the crying thing in his hand. 】

A 3D miniature appeared on Chen Mo's system panel. The chainsaw ghost was spinning slowly, and various parameters appeared beside him. Some detailed information had been blocked by Chen Mo.

Although there is a miniature of him, most of it is covered by the ghostly aura, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly.

Chen Mo was able to see his appearance from the outside, half of his face seemed to be burned and disfigured, it was abnormally ferocious, and the other half of his face carried the indifference of a dead person, and the combination of facial features was awkward no matter how you looked, as if you were using other It's the same piece of different facial features.

"Another epic level." Chen Mo was very surprised. If meeting Yanshi, an epic level, was within Chen Mo's expectation, then meeting the chainsaw ghost again was beyond Chen Mo's expectation.

At the same time, Chen Mo wondered how these ghosts appeared.

Of course there is the God of Death, and the evil spirits in their bodies are awakened, causing them to run around everywhere now. Similarly, after they died, the gathered evil spirits were also released, but they should all be little ghosts.

The strongest is only at the level of epic, but there are two evil spirits at the level of epic, their ghost envoys did not die in a row, and the evil spirits deposited are also wrong.

So these evil spirits that appear out of thin air, either appear out of thin air, or come from this special space, no matter which one it is, it shows that the current space is very dangerous, not only for Jin Yinshen catcher , even the chief arrester in red is in danger of life.

Staring at the two scarlet eyeballs as big as fists, the scarlet light shone over, like two searchlights, the chainsaw ghost should have found Chen Mo, and he yanked the string of the chainsaw.


A choked cry came from this weird chainsaw that looked like it was made of flesh and blood.

Even though he knew it was fake, Chen Mo still felt that there was a weeping person held by the chainsaw ghost, just like a weeping person was imprisoned in the small box of the flesh and blood chainsaw.

Chen Mo's eyes gradually lost focus, moved slowly, and actually walked slowly towards the place where the chainsaw ghost was, and the stellar energy and ghost energy in his body were not activated, and even the ghost armor on his body gradually faded away. fade away.

The scarlet ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body all lit up.

But in an instant, Chen Mo's eyes returned to clarity, but his body was still slowly moving towards the chainsaw ghost.

"Since you want me to go there so much, then I'll go and have a look!" Chen Mo grinned, his body was covered by ghost armor in an instant, and strange light shone in his eyes. It can be affected, and I have to say that it is finally time for the evil spirits to show their power.

And it's not just that the evil spirits are showing their power now, but from now on, the evil spirits will be like this. Under the rules of the evil spirits, no matter how powerful a martial artist is, they must abide by the rules of the evil spirits. Only one dies.

Chen Mo circulated the ghost energy silently, the evil spirit in his body came to life, and his body stopped. However, Chen Mo didn't stop, but walked straight over. The powerful ghost armor unexpectedly increased in strength due to the gathering of ghost energy.

Seeing Chen Mo walking over obediently, the chainsaw ghost didn't express anything. After all, he was a ghost, and he didn't even have an expression.He slowly swung the large chainsaw in his hand, wanting to hit Chen Mo's neck.

"Since you influence me, then I will influence you too. Nether ghost eyes!" All the ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body opened, and 79 scarlet rays of light instantly shone on the chainsaw ghost's eyes.

There was a "bass".

Even the evil spirits paused for a while, and the spiral hell had already condensed in Chen Mo's palm. When the backhand appeared, a black ghost-like black ball appeared on Chen Mo's palm.

"Spiral Hell!"


The spiral hell was directly smashed by Chen Mo on the face of the chainsaw ghost. The originally ferocious face was instantly pierced by Chen Mo's spiral hell, as if the glass was broken, but it didn't fall off.

However, the evil spirit did not give up slashing at Chen Mo with the chain saw in its hand, and the chain saw fell from above Chen Mo's head with the sound of crying.

With a "whoosh", Chen Mo backed up and dodged the blow.

The chainsaw ghost holding the chainsaw seemed a little dull, but the ghostly aura surged, and he instantly completed half of his ghost face. Chen Mo was amazed to see it.


The chainsaw ghost rang the chainsaw again, and the rotating chainsaw made a whimpering sound, and Chen Mo suddenly felt that his body was uncontrollable and about to walk over again.

But this time it was obviously more tyrannical than the last time, Chen Mo's consciousness was very clear, but his body was not in control, almost twice as strong as the last time.

"Ghost Domain, let's go!" Chen Mo didn't stay any longer at all, and directly cast the Ghost Domain to envelop him, and then moved out.

This thing can't be killed at all. After these two fights, Chen Mo found that this thing is getting stronger constantly.

Chen Mo didn't intend to spend time with this chainsaw ghost. Even if he could suppress him, it would take time and effort in the end, and Chen Mo felt that there was a big chance that he would not be able to suppress this evil ghost.And Chen Mo didn't want to be hit by the chainsaw, so Chen Mo chose to slip away.

(End of this chapter)

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