Reckless through another world

Chapter 302 Can only be forced to fight back

Chapter 302 Can only be forced to fight back
"It's broken!" Zhao Lin knew the bad thing the moment he turned his head.

Just now he felt drowsy, but suddenly the voice of their chief arrester sounded behind him, and he woke up suddenly. All in a cold sweat.

There is no general arrest behind him, only Chen Mo is there, and of course there is a ghost. Zhao Lin saw the ghost behind Chen Mo. Its body is as long as if it has been elongated, and its black hair covers the body. Most of it.

The ghost stuck tightly behind Chen Mo's back, Chen Mo's heel was raised, and the ghost put the back of his foot under Chen Mo's dangling heel.

"Don't look back!" Chen Mo yelled angrily when he saw that everyone turned back in a panic.

It was only then that everyone realized that they seemed to have fallen into a state of chaos just now, especially after walking into this cemetery. Now that Chen Mo was roaring, all of them broke out in a cold sweat.

Damn, he reminded me thousands and thousands of times, don't look back, don't look back, just in case, he even walked at the back, but if he can't stand it, there are still pig teammates who cheat people.

But there is no way to rely on Zhao Lin. Everyone is in a period of relaxation. It seems that the threat of evil spirits is gone. When they are called suddenly, they naturally turn back subconsciously.

This ghost must have the ghost skills to confuse and call people, that's why it made a gold seal catcher make such a big mistake.


A piercing sound sounded from Chen Mo's side, and the back ghost had already left Chen Mo's back, and the black and jet-black hair burst out suddenly, with a "Puff", like a black long spear, it came to Zhao Mo in an instant. In front of Lin.

Of course, after realizing that he had been duped, Zhao Lin summoned the evil spirit without thinking. , appeared in front of Zhao Lin.

Looking at the face of this ghost, it turned out to be exactly the same as Zhao Lin.

Zhao Lin's ghost still had a faint smile on his mouth, but it was weird no matter how you looked at it.


The long black hair defeated Zhao Lin's evil ghost's ghostly aura with a single blow, and the ghostly aura emanating from it was instantly dispersed. The powerful force made this evil ghost that resembled Zhao Lin back five or six steps in a row. The scarlet birthday character has become much lighter.


The ghost on the back was obviously more tyrannical, and even sent out two long spears condensed from hair, and went straight to the evil ghost of Zhao Lin.


After two short and hasty voices sounded, Zhao Lin summoned a ghost wearing a shroud that looked exactly like him. The ghost energy in his body had been exhausted, and finally crawled back into Zhao Lin's body again.

Seeing the fourth tyrannical hair strike, Zhao Lin's stellar energy was broken in an instant, and there was only one last thought left in his mind: "My life is over."


Apparently Chen Mo didn't ignore it, the three-eyed Yama appeared in front of him, his tall body was like a high wall, blocking the hair of the evil spirit behind him, but the ghost aura on the three-eyed Yama's body also surged A few times.

Zhao Lin, who stared wide-eyed, looked at the ghost eyes on the three-eyed Yan Luo and felt unusually kind.

"I didn't want to talk to you at first, you just left, but you just didn't want to leave. Good! Now that there is nothing to do, I will naturally do my part!" Chen Mo's cold voice sounded in the cemetery, and he stepped out, and instantly met with three eyes Yan Luo merged into one.

The three-eyed Yama's ghostly aura spread out like a black curtain, and his tyrannical body suddenly swelled, rushing from a height of more than seven meters to eight meters to ten meters.

"The state is fully activated!" Following the muttering of this life, all the available high-level moves in Chen Mo's body were activated.

The Wrath of Emperor Yan and Boundless Sea directly occupied most of the land of the cemetery. The three-eyed Yama, which was originally ten meters high, rose again, and did not stop until it grew to 15 meters. The surging ghost energy was like clouds falling from the sky, turning into Torrential rain washed the ground.

"Excellent!!" Zhao Lin raised his head and stared dumbfounded at the fusion of Chen Mo and Yan Luo with three eyes. The 15-meter-tall big ghost, this is the big ghost, this is the powerful ghost emissary, and this is the tyrannical majesty .

This size alone is enough to make the enemy terrified, and at the same time, he finally understands why the chief arrester of the Tiger Roar Mansion surrendered, not to mention the fifth stage of controlling ghosts, just the fourth stage of the big ghost itself is enough to generate a town's soul coercion.

Now the fifth stage of liberation has really made Zhao Lin understand how thick this thigh is!
"Go away!" This sentence was obviously said to Zhao Lin, and it was also said to the other gods.

The evil ghost in front of him is obviously not a kind person. One blow defeated Zhao Lin's evil ghost's ghost aura, and the other two blows directly knocked the evil ghost back to its original shape. Moreover, after receiving his blow, the three-eyed Yama also showed a surge of ghost aura This situation is enough to illustrate the tyranny of the evil spirit in front of him.

As Chen Mo turned his head, the evil ghost in front of him took his eyes back from Zhao Lin's body, and moved his gaze to the body of Three-eyed Yama, no, it was Chen Mo in the body of Three-eyed Yama.

Chen Mo really doesn't want to fight with these ghosts now, because he feels that there is definitely a powerful big ghost controlling the ghost domain. Now that he is fighting other evil ghosts, the consumed ghost energy is not easy to replenish, and it is easy to let the combat power Slipping occurs.

In case that big ghost shows its true face, whether it can be beaten or not is another matter, maybe it will be left here.

So Chen Mo tried his best to avoid fighting, but things backfired. Some things can be avoided if you don't want to. In this situation, you can only fight!

There are no twists and turns in the wind, and the ghostly aura stirs evil.

Powerful fear and coercion emanated from the body of the body-backed ghost. The body of the body-backed ghost was small compared to the three-eyed Yama, but the coercion of fear did not lose at all.

"Truth is always within reach of the fist!"

"The body shape determines the length of the fist!"

"Double double helix hell!"

Chen Mo's voice sounded, and the three-eyed Yama moved. His powerful body did not look bloated at all. When he raised his arm and clenched it into a fist, the huge spiral hell directly swelled up on the vertical fist, and the powerful fluctuation seemed to connect the air They were all shattered, and Chen Mo's fist had already reached the top of the ghost's head.

"Death to me!!!"


The tyrannical fist directly bombarded the past, and the huge spiral hell bombarded down.

"Bang bang bang!"


All the graves were razed to the ground in an instant, and the force like a meteorite smashed through the air and tore through the ghost energy, and at the same time, the ground shattered, and a huge semicircle appeared under the feet of the back-body ghost and the three-eyed Yama. A big pit!
However, a mask-like thing appeared in front of the body-backed ghost, and all the hair was lifted up, unexpectedly blocking Chen Mo's full blow.

"Then, give me another blow!"

"Eat me!"

"Eat me!"

"eat me……"


"Eat me!"

As the turbulent ghost energy around him calmed down, Chen Mo knew that he, the ghost behind him, should be subdued.

(End of this chapter)

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