Reckless through another world

Chapter 303 The Dark-bellied Chen Xianzhi

Chapter 303 The Dark-bellied Chen Xianzhi
The strong wind gradually extinguished, and although the surrounding ghost aura was not destroyed much, most of it had been squeezed out of the battle circle.

In the circular battle circle, the three-eyed Yama stood in front of the body-backed ghost. The ghostly aura of the body-backed ghost's defenses had been smashed away by the three-eyed Yama. Even the backed ghost with strong defense could not resist the three-eyed ghost Watch Yan Luo's offensive.

Spiral Hell's attack method is to spin at high speed to create damage. Even if it explodes, it will still cause high-intensity damage.

I saw the 15-meter-high three-eyed Yan Luo, raised his hand, waved his hand, and the arm with the black and bright ghost armor directly grabbed the back-body ghost in his hand, crunching!The three-eyed Yan Luo ghost's hand firmly grasped the back-body ghost.

"Disappeared?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, and the ghost in front of him disappeared from the hands of the three-eyed Yama.

The back ghost in front of him obviously doesn't have much power to fight, but such a tyrannical ghost can't stop him from leaving. This ghost domain is not a place that Chen Mo can control.

As the war subsided, the people who were resisting the tyrannical wind were finally relieved.

"Release!" Chen Mo murmured, and the body of the three-eyed Yama turned into a strong ghost energy and poured into Chen Mo's body from all directions. At this point, the three-eyed Yama returned to Chen Mo's body again.

"It took [-]% of the ghost energy to drive away an evil ghost." Chen Mo felt the dissipated [-]% of the ghost energy in his body, and felt very painful. If he encountered a few more big ghosts, wouldn't he have to retreat?

When Chen Mo turned around, everyone behind him was looking at Chen Mo.

Zhao Lin almost cried with joy, he felt that he was about to finish the game, evil spirits don’t die, but Wuxiu will die, and before the fifth stage, even Wuxiu at the innate level feels very fragile , You have to kneel when you encounter a powerful evil spirit.

However, Zhao Lin just felt a bit chilly behind him, touched his back, it was cold, and his neck was even colder.

Zhao Lin just wanted to look back.

Chen Mo stopped and said, "Don't look back, now that ghost is following you."

Zhao Lin looked down, his heels were really off the ground, and a pair of white birthday shoes were stuffed under the heels. The joy of the rest of his life disappeared in an instant, and a smile uglier than crying appeared on his face, but why? See how I feel that I am crying, but I just want to cry but have no tears.

After hearing Chen Mo say that Zhao Lin carried a ghost, Lu Yue and the others immediately stayed away from Zhao Lin.

"Ghost domain" Chen Mo murmured in his heart. After raising his hand, the ghost domain directly enveloped the past. The strange thing is that Chen Mo's ghost domain did not catch the back ghost.

"What's going on?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, the ghost domain was turned on to the maximum power, and this time it enveloped Zhao Lin, but still couldn't catch the back ghost, as if there was no such thing at all. Just like a ghost.

But with the naked eye, you can actually see the ghost behind Zhao Lin.

The ghost carried its body on its back and stuck tightly behind Zhao Lin.

Chen Mo tried to turn his head, and found that the ghost behind him didn't even move, and followed behind Zhao Lin obediently without raising his head.

"What kind of mechanism is this?" Chen Mo was a little surprised.

Is it possible that ghosts will also keep pace with the times to recuperate? Obviously it is impossible.

Chen Mo guessed that it should be the unique mechanism of the backed ghost.

"Okay, he's already been disabled. As long as you don't look back, you should be fine. Since he likes to follow you, you can let him follow you." Chen Mo was also quite helpless, it's okay to stick like a dog skin plaster Son, the current ghost should no longer have the ability to kill.

Chen Mo himself turned around and found that it was all right, and thought that maybe even the rest of the people who turned back were all right.

"Then can we turn back?" Wang Taiyi noticed Chen Mo's turning back, but the ghost behind Zhao Lin didn't move. Does it mean that they should also be able to turn back.

"I think it should be possible." As he said that, Chen Mo demonstrated several times, and it was true. The back-up ghost didn't move, and didn't even raise its head.

"So it's already passed!" Hu Lin laughed, and said that he had also demonstrated it once. When he turned his head around, he felt that everything was normal, except that his back was a little cold, and everything else was fine.

But everyone's strange eyes made Hu Lin feel very strange.

"What are you looking at me for? Why are you looking so strange?" Hu Lin asked strangely, he couldn't figure it out himself.

But someone is happy, Zhao Lin almost laughed out loud, and ran to Hu Lin's side with a face of gratitude, holding Hu Lin's hand tightly with both hands, the gratitude in his eyes overflowed his eyes, and at the same time He kept muttering: "Thank you, thank you big brother, thank you big brother..."

"Thank me for what?" Hu Lin was really puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and was at a loss.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, pointed to Zhao Lin's back, and asked hesitantly in his voice, "Hey? Wait... Where's the one behind you?"

After asking, Hu Lin blinked, his eyes widened slightly, and his tone was crying, "No way!?"

But Hu Lin still had a glimmer of hope, what if it wasn't?
After speaking, Hu Lin looked at Wang Taiyi, Wang Taiyi nodded and said seriously: "Yes!"

"That's right!" Zhou Dong said.

"Condolences." This is what Mr. Lu Yue said, and at the same time he gave a sympathetic look.

Hu Lin smiled, lowered his head, his heels were indeed raised, and at the same time, behind his heels was a pair of longevity shoes with a long white robe on them.

After seeing this, Hu Lin's face immediately turned pale, rubbed his eyes, and reconfirmed.

Well, that's right, glued on.

"My mother, let people live. Brother Chen, didn't you say that nothing will happen? Is that so!" Hu Lin didn't dare to turn his head, and pointed to the back of his head.

No wonder it feels chilly, and even a fine layer of cold sweat broke out, and now the problem has been found.

"I'm really fine!" Chen Mo turned his head several times in a row, and now the ghost behind Hu Lin was really motionless, and he didn't even respond to Chen Mo, as if he had blocked Chen Mo.

Seeing that Chen Mo won't be caught by "Brother Donglai, how about you give it a try?" Hu Lin clasped his hands together and put them on his chest, and asked with an embarrassed smile, because of this The evil ghost was hammered by Chen Mo not so strong, so now he can still squeeze out a smile.

If he was entangled in the first place, his face must be pale and pale, and he didn't even want to say a word, just shut himself up.

"Brother Hu, it's not that I don't want to help you, I really can't do anything." Zhou Donglai shook his head helplessly, trying his best to suppress the corners of his mouth that he wanted to raise.

At the same time, his shoulders twitched twice, and the rest of the catchers did the same, as if they were trying their best to avoid laughing out loud.

"It's okay, let's find someone to reconcile quickly, and someone will definitely turn around inadvertently. Although it can't be resolved, it can be passed on." Chen Xianzhi comforted him, and this kind of dead guide can't die poor way can only be like this.

Everyone glanced at Chen Xian, but they didn't say much. This kind of thing is naturally to take care of the people they know, and it's okay to die unfamiliar daoists.

But everyone also muttered in their hearts, "Sure enough, it's best not to offend Chen Xianzhi. This person usually looks straightforward with a smile on his face. I didn't expect him to be a black-bellied guy."

(End of this chapter)

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