Reckless through another world

Chapter 304 Words of Wisdom: All Come

Chapter 304 Words of Wisdom: All Come

"Chief arrest, are we just waiting here?" A younger golden seal god arrester looked at the red-clothed man beside him and asked.

"Since there is no way, let's wait here for a while. It is best to meet the gods from other prefectures." Chi Zai, the chief arrester of the Yingling Mansion, said. There were only three people left beside him, one in red. , two silver seals.

They also encountered a tyrannical evil spirit just now, after a fierce battle, they escaped after leaving behind two corpses.

This is a desolate ancient temple, the courtyard is very huge, but the temple is even bigger, the futon in the temple has long been turned into a pool of gray stains, no one has come here for many years.

They walked all the way, and when they got here, there was no way.

It wasn't just Chen Mo and the others who encountered evil spirits blocking the way, but also the god arresters from other prefectures, but some were strong and some were weak. Some strong evil spirits even directly killed a god arrester from a prefecture.

And some weak ones could only submissively watch other ghost warriors beat him violently, and then they were put into boxes.

Of course, there should be no second case of a mesmerizing evil spirit like the one Chen Mo and the others encountered that was so strong but was still beaten.

With the strength of the back-up ghost alone, even the evil ghost of Jinyin couldn't resist two blows. This kind of ghost should have walked sideways, but now it can only obediently follow behind Hu Lin's ass.


"Hurry up, that thing will catch up soon." Liu Rengui used his energy to transmit his voice to the five god catchers beside him.

At the same time, a group of god arresters were in a hurry, as if something terrifying was chasing them behind them.

This group of six people were more or less wounded, and a black ghostly aura was floating around their bodies. As they passed through a gray forest, the forest suddenly became quiet. In less than three breaths, a body Something in a black robe appeared in the woods.

Take a closer look, where is the black robe, it is clearly ghost aura that seems to be condensed into substance.

The thing bent down slightly, looking around for the direction of the head, the sound of "sucking" came from the drooping head, this thing seemed to be sucking the surrounding air.

This process lasted less than two seconds, and he slowly straightened up, as if he had already figured it out, and moved with heavy steps.

Even though he moved slowly, his figure seemed to be teleporting. He stepped out from this place and appeared 30 meters away. There was only a ghost shadow that gradually faded.

All this scene was clearly seen by a ghost-wielding envoy hidden in a tree.

When the ghost came in front of him, he didn't even dare to breathe, he tightly covered his mouth and nose with his hands, for fear that the sound of breathing would be heard, and at the same time wrapped himself in the ghost's breath, he Although the evil ghost did not appear, his body has turned into a ghost.

Following the departure of this extremely fearful and coercive evil spirit, the middle-aged man did not dare to leave, let alone pant for fear of being killed.

"Pang Hai is gone?" Although he was running fast, Liu Rengui still found that a gold seal under his hand had disappeared, but Liu Rengui didn't say anything.

Because it's useless even if you say it, and it will disturb the morale of the army. It's better to make a mistake and make a mistake.

In this environment, there is no difference between disappearing and dying, and they can even be directly classified as equivalent.

"Sure enough, when dealing with such ghosts, you can't run away, and the most important thing is to hide yourself." Pang Hai used the stellar energy to breathe internally, but he still didn't dare to relax. What a lie.

However, when he was looking at the distance with all his attention, he didn't realize that a ghost hand had stretched out from his shoulder and touched his shoulder at the same time.

"Don't make trouble." Pang Hai patted subconsciously.

However, he froze suddenly, and when he lowered his head slightly, he saw a dark ghost hand with scarlet nails. Just as he was about to make a move, the brilliance in his eyes gradually disappeared.

After a burst of ghostly aura, the gray forest returned to calm.

The red clothes in each prefecture were divided out, no group had more than one red clothes, and all the red clothes led the team.

It's just that this team is very miserable. The chief arrester in red has broken an arm, and his robes are stained red with blood. If it weren't for the fact that there is still Gang Qi that can seal the veins, they would probably lose blood and die.

"I found a living person." Zhu Yun's face was happy. He came in for so long and finally found a living person. It's just that these living people are a bit miserable. Even the chief arrester in red has lost his arm. Both had wounds, but none of them were as serious as the red-clothed man.

At the same time, there are evil spirits chasing them behind them.

The evil ghost chasing them was carrying a boning knife. His body was thin and his face was blue and white. He seemed to have delicate features. If the ghost had a gender, it was probably a female ghost.

His feet were more than a foot off the ground, and the torn white robe was stained with blood. The scarlet blood looked so dazzling on the white robe, and it was obvious that it was freshly splashed on it.

"Don't worry, I'm here to catch you!" Zhu Yun directly controlled the sword with Qi, and the big sword like a door panel was directly released from his hand, and went straight to the evil ghost holding the boning knife.

"Huh." Chen Mo sighed lightly. After they passed the desolate cemetery, they walked for a quarter of an hour without seeing any buildings, living people, or even ghosts. courtyard.

Although the surrounding walls have become ruins, it can still be seen that this is a huge temple, and at the same time, the dilapidated main temple is still standing in front of everyone.

The main temple is really big. The main temple hidden in the ghostly atmosphere can see the whole picture clearly, but you can see the whole leopard at a glance. It can be inferred from the exposed part that this is a huge main temple. Although it is now dilapidated, some places are still there. There are loopholes.

Lu Yue frowned slightly, and looked around, as if there was no other way to go except to go in.

"There are traces of activity, there are either people inside, or..." Wang Taiyi didn't go on, of course everyone knows what it means, or there are ghosts.

As for which one it is, we still have to go in and have a look.

"Be alert, something is coming from outside." Chi Zai frowned. As a red-clothed man, he could already feel some aura, which seemed to be ghost aura, and it seemed to be Gang Qi. Anyway, it was either a human or a ghost. .

The god catchers who were sitting on the ground all stood up, the stellar energy in their bodies had already begun to mobilize, and some people had even started to turn into ghosts.

" that thing chasing after you?"

"Just go in and have a look." Chen Mo also felt something unusual, the construction of this temple was not weird at all, but Chen Mo felt something was wrong.

"I already know this place, so let's go in." Zhou Donglai also agreed, since we're all here anyway, why don't you go in and have a look?


Everyone decisively walked into the courtyard wall that looked like a Taoist temple and a temple.

It's just that everyone walked over easily, but why couldn't Hu Lin come in? He was in a hurry but couldn't do anything. At this time, he thought that he was carrying a ghost. If Chen Mo left, how could he? If not, it would be dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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