Reckless through another world

Chapter 305 Don't be shameless

Chapter 305 Don't be shameless

"How come?" Hu Lin felt that the door was right in front of him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get in. The more he couldn't get in, the more anxious he became.

At this time, he was already panicked, and his whole body panicked, even more panicked than when the back-to-back ghost stuck to him at the beginning, because just now he knew that his life would not be in danger, but now maybe, very likely will die.

Because Chen Mo and the others have entered the courtyard, he is the only one left outside.

Now Hu Lin has a fear of being left behind, but no matter how anxious he is, he still has no way to enter the gate of the temple, as if the temple rejected him.

"How is it possible? Why can't I get in?" Hu Lin roared angrily.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Donglai asked seeing everyone stop.

"Hu Lin doesn't seem to be able to come in." Wang Taiyi said with some uncertainty.

"It's not that Hu Lin can't get in, it's that the ghost on his back can't get in." Chen Mo looked at the ghost on Hu Lin's back, and that ghost actually covered Hu Lin's eyes. The ghost covered Hu Lin's eyes with a pair of pale palms.

Hu Lin kept walking on the same spot and didn't move forward at all.

"Are ghosts covering your eyes?" Chen Mo said and walked out.
"Don't go, don't go, wait for me, I'm still here!" Hu Lin shouted hard, but everyone couldn't hear his voice, only he could hear this voice, he only watched The people who entered the courtyard walked further and further away without stopping or waiting for him.

"Impossible, a big living person disappears, how could he not know, how could he not hear me." Hu Lin felt very scared, even his body had begun to gradually turn into a ghost, with the stellar energy inside his body, the slightest trace A ghostly black aura escaped from his body.

"Bada." Chen Mo's palm fell on Hu Lin's shoulder.

"Who!" Hu Lin was startled. He didn't see anyone in front of him at all. Everyone entered this huge courtyard, and they walked further and further away. How could there be a palm on his shoulder? .

No, it's not gone. Isn't there a ghost on his back?

Thinking of this, Hu Lin felt a chill running from the back of his spine to the back of his head, and an unprecedented sense of fear enveloped him.

His heart suddenly rose to his throat, as if being strangled by some big hand. Although he wanted to beat, he didn't dare to make the slightest huge beat, for fear of disturbing the ghost he was carrying.

"Don't be afraid." Chen Mo intends to drag Hu Lin directly into the courtyard. The ghost on Hu Lin's back obviously doesn't want to enter the courtyard, or he has no way to enter at all, so he tries every means to prevent Hu Lin from going in. , This is how ghosts cover their eyes.

But in Hu Lin's ears, it was the sound of sharp ghost laughter.

Even Chen Mo didn't know that Hu Lin was not only blinded by ghosts, but his five senses and six senses were all blocked and distorted by the ghost behind him.


The ghost energy burst out directly from Hu Lin's body. Obviously, Hu Lin took Chen Mo as an evil ghost, so he attacked.

However, Chen Mo had expected it a long time ago. From Hu Lin's tense body, he could find that he was very nervous and would definitely make a move.

Chen Mo's body is like a piece of paper, floating out lightly. It is hard to imagine that with Chen Mo's current body, there will be such words as light and light, but it is very natural to float out.

"Ghosts cover your eyes, can't you think about it?" Chen Mo knew without thinking that Hu Lin's five senses should be covered by ghosts now, and he couldn't tell whether it was a human or a ghost.

"Hurry up, Detective Chen, don't hurt Hurry up!" Zhou Donglai hurriedly shouted.

Chen Mo just nodded. He naturally didn't intend to hurt Hu Lin, and Hu Lin couldn't hurt him. With Chen Mo's current defense ability, even if Hu Lin fights for a quarter of an hour, nothing will happen.

"Wake up!" Chen Mogao shouted.

However, what he got was not Hu Lin's awakening, but a tyrannical offensive. Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Hu Lin woke up.

But obviously there was no such thing as waking up.

Hu Lin did hear the sound, but the sound was not Chen Mo's, but a sound like crying a grave, which came in from his ears, and he was startled. The ghost had already appeared in front of his eyes.

"Okay, I caught you!" Hu Lin rejoiced that the body-backed ghost had escaped from his body, and became angry again on the other hand. Damn, if it wasn't for this guy, he wouldn't need to worry so much ?

Moreover, Hu Lin felt that maybe he couldn't enter this courtyard because of the ghost behind him. Anyway, all his misfortunes were caused by the ghost behind him.

Thinking of this, Hu Lin suddenly felt that the fear dissipated, and what came instead was endless anger. He was angry, he must become angry, and only when he became angry could he squeeze out his fear.

So he took the shot naturally, and rushed up with a ghostly attitude.

"Since it can't be awakened like that, then we can only try this!" Chen Mo didn't care much about Hu Lin's offensive. When he was still in the acquired stage, he could beat Hu Lin and the others alone. Now It was just drizzle.


The transpiring ghost energy suddenly surged out from Chen Mo's body, and all 79 ghost eyes in his body opened and appeared on Chen Mo's body. At the same time, Chen Mo's eyes also slowly turned scarlet, like ghost eyes.

"Nether Ghost Eye!"

Following Chen Mo's low moan, he said that all the ghost eyes in his body lit up, and the tyrannical ghost eyes directly affected the body-backed ghost behind Hu Lin. It was taken from Hu Lin's eyes abruptly.

"Wake me up!"

The thread condensed by the ghost energy passed into Hu Lin's ears and exploded like thunder.

"Be careful!" Wang Taiyi shouted anxiously.

He was anxious not because Chen Mo would hurt Hu Lin, but because Hu Lin's weapon had already arrived in front of Chen Mo accompanied by the whistling ghost energy.


The ghostly aura that the weapon passed through in front of Chen Mo directly hit Chen Mo's body.

When Hu Lin woke up, his eyes widened. His weapon had pierced through the ghostly aura blocking Chen Mo, and seemed to have broken through Chen Mo's defense, and a stream of blood also splashed out.

Hu Lin left the weapon with both hands, sat down on the ground, and cried, "I... I killed Chen Xianzhi?"

"Don't be shameless, I just released a little blood because I need a little blood to wake you up." Chen Mo grinned, and handed Hu Lin's bident to Hu Lin.

"This...?" Hu Lin took it with a look of surprise, seeing that the front end of the bident had been bent, it was even more unacceptable for a while, damn, even the weapon was bent, what kind of monster is this?

(End of this chapter)

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