Reckless through another world

Chapter 308 The script is well written

Chapter 308 The script is well written
"Is this method reliable?" Zhu Yun was a little suspicious of everyone's method, with doubts in his eyes.

"Catcher Zhu doesn't know something. This is the way we have preserved so much strength." Lu Yue sighed.

This identification method is naturally well known in the previous game world. There are always players who like to study. They give full play to the powerful ability of scientific researchers and analyze the data that can be analyzed thoroughly.

Chen Mo is naturally one of the beneficiaries, but he is not a scientific researcher, because his logical ability is not strong, which is why he chose to be a liberal arts student. If he has such a strong logical reasoning ability, why would he study literature? .

After speaking, Lu Yue also mentioned Chen Mo's role incidentally, and Zhu Yun naturally looked at this young Jin Yin with admiration.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at him differently. Since entering this huge temple, if you want to say who is the biggest threat to Zhu Yun, Chen Mo is the first one. He feels that even if these three red clothes are tied together, they are not as young as the golden seal. People put a lot of pressure on him.

Chen Mo didn't know, his aura was never restrained, and the pressure of fear was basically released. Although the pressure of the Gang Qi was a little weaker, it couldn't support the high quality of the Gang Qi, and the Yin-Yang God Gang that protected the internal organs was also dissipating. With coercion.

"Tingzhu-level red clothes are a bit weaker than me." Chen Mo sized Zhu Yun up and down. Even though Zhu Yun's main body cultivation was at the heavenly-human level, the fear and coercion he unleashed was slightly inferior.

Besides, it's not like Chen Mo hasn't beaten up Heaven and Man before.

In the case of the same strength of the evil spirits, the Heavenly Man is indeed suppressing the Xiantian, but when the strength of the evil spirits is very different, not to mention the Heavenly Man and the Xiantian, even the acquired ghost envoy may kill the Tiantian. People martial arts.

In the final analysis, evil spirits are the only standard of combat power in this world. The old ideas of the older generation need to be changed, otherwise they will eventually be eliminated by the times.

For example, Zhang Laodao changed his thinking very well, and directly set out to control the evil spirits.

Speaking of this, Chen Mo found that he hadn't seen Zhang Laodao since he fell asleep on the deck.

"You are Chen Xianzhi?" Zhu Yun walked up to Chen Mo, looked at this young man who was a head shorter than himself, sized him up, nodded slightly and said, "Your body is well trained, but I don't know how strong you are. .”

"Huh?" Chen Mo said hello with a black face. He didn't do any bad things, and Chen Mo searched his stomach and brain, but he didn't find anything to offend this big sword fairy.

"Do you want to try?!" But Chen Mo is obviously interested. The strength of this big sword fairy looks good, but he is a very good partner for training, and the opponent is a celestial being. Not to mention anything else, the combat experience should be Quite a few.

"Hey, this kid is really tough!" Chi Zai exclaimed, they all knew Chen Mo,

"Xianzhi, this is the chief arrester in red who came to support the arresting gate from the east." Lu Yue was startled, and hurriedly reminded.

"What the hell is going on? Why did you get on the fence?"

"Before leaving, God Catcher said you are good. If you don't believe me, if you can beat someone, you will admit that you are good. If you can't win, you can only say that God Catcher has misjudged the person." His huge broadsword was in his hand.

Zhu Yun's voice had a buzzing sound, like a bell ringing.

"Mr. Zhu is merciful." Ku Daoshan has seen Zhu Yun's powerful strength. Although he also knows that Chen Mo is very good at fighting, but with Zhu Yun's powerful strength that crushes evil spirits, Chen Mo may really not be able to survive.

Especially from the perspective of their cultivation, there is not much difference between a celestial being and an innate ghost in their bodies.

No matter how arrogant Chen Mo was, after all, he saved his men, so he naturally wanted to express it.

That's right, in the eyes of Ku Daoshan, the young man Chen Mo is an arrogant young man, but young people, a little arrogant is good, people are not frivolous and useless to young people.

"Well, in the current situation, it is obvious that we still have foreign enemies, and it is not appropriate to lose our combat power." Lu Yue can't let it go, he must stand out, whether it is for his subordinates or for everyone, the most important thing is for Chen Mo.

Even Lu Yue felt that Chen Mo might not be able to beat this towering pillar-level red-clothed man who was as strong as a small hill.

The reason why Tingzhu-level red clothes are called Ting Zhu is because each of them is a top red-clothed general arrester, and they are all people who can take over the positions of god catchers in various states. They are real ghost-controlling powerhouses, others may not know , but those red clothes in Fucheng are not even worthy of carrying shoes for others.

And the main point is that these palace-level red-clothed people have been exposed to ghost-controlling existences very early, and they are martial arts long before their first batch of folk ghost-controlling envoys.

No matter how talented Chen Mo was, he was just a young man who had been in contact with evil spirits for half a year. Lu Yue felt that the disparity in strength was too great.

Chen Mo was able to beat them all by himself and catch a few of them, but each of these court pillar-level red clothes is a powerful master of ghost control who can suppress Yizhou.

"Chief arrest, don't need to say too much, you must first settle down when you fight against the outside world, today there will be no winner or loser, this is an idiot who won't understand." Chen Mo said with a smile, his eyes were gradually filled with scarlet, The fighting spirit was burning like a raging fire, and the tyrannical will emanated from Chen Mo's body.

"You also said that other people are stupid. You used to be the biggest in size. In private, others called you stupid." Lu Yue slandered helplessly in his heart, but he didn't stop him. Since he couldn't persuade you, then Just let Chen Mo suffer.

There's an old saying about it, "Good words are hard to persuade, damn it!"

From the words of this Tingzhu-level chief arrester, we can know that the arresting gods of Donglinzhou are still very concerned about Chen Mo, maybe it is because of this that makes the stupid... no, it is the chief arrester Zhu who feels upset in his heart, So I plan to teach Chen Mo a lesson.

Not to mention, there are some reliable ones, but the reason for the matter is like this.

When Zhu Yun was about to leave, Chu Kuangge stopped him and asked him to focus on a person named Chen Mozixianzhi, because this person is likely to become his colleague in the future. If conditions permit, he can beat him first and then tell him Donglin Zumen can make him stronger, so let him come to Donglin Zumen.

Otherwise, with Zhu Yun's temperament, how could he provoke others at will. He has always been the kind of reckless person with a lot of nerves, the kind who doesn't have any fancy.

These are all made by Mr. Chu. He thinks that by saying this, it will not only let the young people know that there are people outside the world, but also inspire Chen Mo's desire to move forward, and make Chen Mo willingly come to the east. Isn't it true? Countless in one fell swoop.

Chu Kuangge was complacent, and felt that he was simply an unborn famous teacher, who could make a young handsome talent walk on the bright road with just a few tricks.

 Merry Christmas everyone.Sincere wishes from the author of a wooden girlfriend, wooden money, wooden feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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