Reckless through another world

Chapter 309 Are they all there?

Chapter 309 Are they all there?
For a moment, the atmosphere froze, the two sides were at war, and a sense of tension emerged from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Although Chen Xianzhi looked young, his strength was not weak at all. Lu Yue was not too worried about Chen Xianzhi's disadvantage, but he was afraid that if the two of them fought, something bad would happen to this place. trouble?
It is normal for Lu Yue to be worried. He just kicked Hu Lin just now, and Hu Lin lay down on the ground like a rogue, and then he set off the mechanism to hang out the headless six-armed clay sculpture.

In case of a fight between the two, which leads to worse consequences, it is terrible to think about it.

But if you want to talk about dissuasion, you can tell that it is impossible at first glance. Some people are born with fighting factors in their bodies. If fighting will cause worse consequences, these people would like to appear in this situation.

As a congenital master in the late stage, Lu Yue has seen many such people, but among all martial arts practitioners, no one feels that he is weaker than others. This is a belief that has arisen from the bottom of his heart since practicing martial arts.

It doesn't matter if they are arrogant or conceited, but they have to admit that the chances of such a person reaching the top are greater than those who are generally timid.

"The place is too small to use it, go out and fight!" Chen Mo didn't even need to look at it with his naked eyes, his ghost eyes had already captured the expressions of everyone, and he naturally knew what these people were worried about. Although the temple was huge, it was not a battle after all. The place.

"Yes!" Zhu Yun didn't even think about it, he turned his head and walked out without hesitation at all. For him, it is the same wherever he fights. He has to complete the task Chu Kuangge entrusted to him, and kill this young man. Give him a beating, and then take him to the East Linmen.

Chen Mo didn't plan to sneak attack either. Whether it was a sparring or a life-and-death battle, as a warrior, he wanted to defeat the enemy openly.

As for defeat.This is not within the scope of Chen Mo's thinking. In his last life, he was carefree. In this life, although his parents are still alive, his eldest brother is also alive. He is still a warrior who cares nothing.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the temple, Zhu Yun had already struck first. The big sword in his hand had already reached the top of Chen Mo's head. The tyrannical sword energy directly separated the air above Chen Mo's head, and the sharp sword intent directly stimulated Chen Mo's scalp, making Chen Mo feel like a glow on the back.

Like a steel needle trying to pierce through Chen Mo's head, the cold light has arrived.

"Completely strengthened!" Chen Mo muttered silently in his heart, the black stellar energy in his body directly gasified out of his body, and his body instantly swelled up as if filled with air, and even the bones were strengthened into a huge frame.

From a height of 1.9 meters to four meters directly.

Chen Mo's body was exposed in the air like red-hot steel, and the vaporized gangster energy surrounded his body, like a frightened dragon, guarding Chen Mo's side, and the gangster dragon in his dantian also roared angrily Letting out more energy.

"What a strong coercion, is this your mother's innate coercion at the early stage?" Chi Zai said, looking at Chen Mo, who has changed to a height of four meters, the aura leaked out by Chen Mo's body is probably better than that of the innate peak. Let's not give up too much.

"It should be using a secret method, otherwise, how could it be so tyrannical."

"Evil intentions - Luntai handles the snow knife!"

"On the round platform, the swords and flags are connected, and the wind and the snow cut through the sky."

"Why is it suddenly so cold?" Some god catchers shuddered.

"Chi——!" The sound of gasification came from Chen Mo's knife edge, and the large area of ​​black air turned into pieces of black snowflakes, which fell from the sky again.

"Ghost Qi? No, it's Gang Qi!" Zhu Yun murmured.

At the beginning, Zhu Yun felt a little contemptuous when he saw Chen Mo directly using ghost energy. After all, as a martial artist, one should not always rely on the power of evil ghosts. Only one's own power is the most powerful and the most reassuring.

But Zhu Yun didn't feel anything similar to ghost energy from the black gas. The most straightforward point is that there is no fear and coercion. Only then did Zhu Yun realize that the black gas seemed to be Gang Qi.

However, even though it was black, it seemed to be aboveboard, Zhu Yun was really concerned, but all these must be put aside, and now the young man must be suppressed first.

Sen Han's saber intent shot up from Chen Mo's body, turning into a black cold saber, Keng!With a bang, the sword intent hanging above Chen Mo's head was cut in half.

"Chop!" Chen Mo's voice was cold, and as black snowflakes fell, Chen Mo raised his hand, and at the same time, all the black knife flower fists were attached to the blade of the sword.

Following the slash, the black crescent-shaped light went straight to Zhu Yun's head.

"Sure enough!" Zhu Yun finally confirmed that this young man who is now more than four meters tall and holding a huge black snowflake forged, has a fighting spirit in his eyes.

"But it's not enough."

"Control the sword with Qi!" Zhu Yun threw the huge broad sword in his hand into the air, and the huge sword that was like a door panel broke down into seven long swords in an instant.

The blades of the seven long swords appeared sword gangs, which turned into a barrier to block the progress of the sword light.

The two phases collided and split into a large swath of wind.

"Sword Qi Changhong, using Qi to control the sword? Isn't this the trick of those sword immortals?" Hu Lin blinked his eyes, then looked up and down, standing there, with his hands behind his back, Zhu Yun, who has a hulking back and a waist that can run a horse on his arm." Isn't this like a sword fairy?"

"Maybe this sword fairy is more different." Wang Taiyi said with a smile, who said that the sword fairy in the world should have that kind of chic and graceful appearance, can he also be like this.

"What's the matter? Why are we still fighting!"

During this time, people from three other prefectures came to the temple.


"The other two giant ships have come out? Only one hasn't come out?" Chu Kuangge frowned slightly. He had received the communication just now, and two of the three missing giant ships that the gods were riding on had appeared. , only the remaining one did not appear.

Moreover, Li Zijian and Cui Chengdong have also escaped from the ghost domain. Although they can contact the people on the remaining giant ship, they mentioned that they are in a temple, and the giant ship has long since disappeared.

"Forget it, with Zhu Yun here, it shouldn't be a problem. After all, I still have a hole card in my hand. Let the remaining two ships return to the prefectures. All the gods will be rewarded for their merits."

As long as there is contact, Chu Kuangge is afraid that there will be no contact. If he loses contact in Huangquan, after a long time, he can basically equate with death. One Zhang Laodao, eight red-clothed men, this force is completely capable of dealing with even big ghosts.

"They're all here!" It was Zhang Laodao who walked in the door, but everyone's eyes turned around, and what they looked at was not Zhang Laodao but something he was carrying on his back.

It turned out to be a head-like thing, and it was huge, more than a foot taller than Zhang Laodao.

"Boom!" After the elder brought the big head into the temple, the courtyard shook.

(End of this chapter)

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