Reckless through another world

Chapter 310 Let's welcome the 1-hand group destruction gift bag

Chapter 310 Let's Welcome the First-Hand Group Destroyer Gift Pack
Chen Mo felt a strong fear and coercion covering his head directly, it was the gaze of a powerful evil spirit, and when he turned his head, Zhang Laodao was greeting him, but when he looked at the thing on Zhang Laodao's back .

"WTF?" Chen Mo stared dumbfounded at the thing behind Zhang Laodao. It was so fucking shocking. A headless ghost, Chen Mo felt that this old man wanted to wipe out everyone.

"Zhang Laodao, what the hell are you doing? Why did you bring this thing in?" Chen Mo didn't care about the fight anymore, and directly canceled the whole body strengthening, and rushed to Zhang Laodao.

"It's just brought in like this." Zhang Laodao was a little puzzled, this thing is not threatening, and it can't fit into the cage of evil spirits, so Zhang Laodao carried it on his back. I didn't expect it to cause such a big reaction. .

As he said that, Zhang Laodao also put the huge head on the ground.

"Throw it out quickly, I suspect that this thing has something to do with that guy in the temple." As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, he saw that the huge evil ghost's head on the ground opened his eyes, and there was nothing in the scarlet eyes. Feelings.

"Hey? The eyes of this thing were closed, why did they open?" Zhang Laodao said in surprise.

The shaking of the temple became more and more violent, and even cracks appeared on the ground. It seemed that the courtyard would become a ruin in a short time.

"Hurry up and throw it out." Chen Mo grabbed the head of this huge evil spirit and threw it out of the courtyard.

The courtyard that had changed drastically stopped changing immediately, and everything slowly returned to its original appearance.

"It's dangerous!" Zhang Laodao clicked his tongue.

"You are so old, don't you know that you can't just carry things of unknown origin?" Chen Mo was speechless, this was too reckless, just now he clearly felt a powerful fear and coercion enveloped his body overhead.

This is the most frightening time for Chen Mo since the corpses of the gods. If the chained six-armed ghost wakes up, maybe it will really be wiped out.

"I've seen Immortal Zhang. Is this the guy's head in the temple?" Zhu Yun also walked over and gave Zhang Laodao the gift of a junior before looking at the thing that was thrown out.

With such a shocking change, the battle between him and Chen Mo will end in an anticlimactic manner.

"Yo, so it's the Zhu family boy, and you're here too." Zhang Laodao obviously knew Zhu Yun, and joked with a smile. He was not frightened by the crisis just now at all, and even felt like he was belatedly aware of it. .

However, Chen Mo didn't give Jie an explanation. After a while, Zhang Laodao saw the six-armed ghost locked in the iron chain, and he would definitely realize his recklessness.

To be honest, Chen Mo is inclined to release this big ghost, but there are still the gods of the Six Houses here. If they are released, these people will have no chance to go back alive. Chen Mo doesn't think he is a good person, but As comrades-in-arms, they are obliged to bring them back alive.

In any case, Su Na and they all have their own careful thinking, at least these people are all human martial arts, all fighting monsters in different dimensions on the battlefield, Chen Mo felt that they should be respected like soldiers.

"To be honest, it's the first time I've seen you Chen Xianzhi so nervous." Zhang Laodao joked, since he knew Chen Xianzhi, it seemed that Chen Xianzhi always acted like nothing to do with him, only when the battle came, his eyes would change different.

"The destination of a soldier is to die on the battlefield, not to die worthless like this." Chen Mo replied, and then re-entered the temple, he wanted to check the current condition of the clay sculpture.

"Hey, young people are so enlightened." Zhang Laodao smiled even more in his eyes, and nodded slightly, "Not bad, not bad." It was not in vain that he handed over all the secret methods of Taoism to Chen Mo.

It stands to reason that with such a short time of contact, one can't see through a person at all, but Zhang Laodao feels that Chen Mo, a young man, is particularly suitable for him.

Zhang Laodao trusts his own vision of seeing people, besides, if it is really passed on to a person with bad intentions, Zhang Laodao is also capable of cleaning up the door.

"What are you thinking?" Chen Mo stood in front of this huge clay sculpture and muttered, all the ghost eyes in his body were opened, as if he wanted to see through this thing.

"Star gold, I knew it!" Chen Mo saw some chains showing golden light, isn't this the material of star gold.

Chen Mo felt that the shock just now caused the dust on the surface to crack and fall off, revealing the contents inside.

"Could it be that the pipe wood and the black iron nail are also made of star gold?" Chen Mo couldn't help wondering, those two things were also very strange.

"Could it be that the person in front of me is the owner of the head outside?" Lu Yue frowned, with a serious expression on his face. If this is what he guessed, then how powerful this ghost must be?
"Didn't you feel the coercion of fear just now?" Chen Mo asked Lu Yue.

"No, I didn't feel it at all."

"Hey, it really is such a big one!" Zhang Laodao also walked into the temple and said in amazement, the six-armed evil spirit in front of him was sitting upside down on the darkness.

"Ask the Bodhisattva why he is sitting upside down, and lament that all living beings refuse to turn back. The people who set up the formation are very powerful." Zhang Laodao commented.

"The most urgent thing now is how we can get out." Liu Rengui, the chief arrester of Tiger Roar Mansion, asked, looking at Zhu Yun as he spoke, he was still counting on the chief arrester Donglin to rescue them out.

"Is everyone complete now?" Zhu Yun felt the eyes of the chief arresters in red. Of course, the three of them had received support items from the arresters before they left, which should be able to help everyone tide over the difficulties.

"There are still people from the two prefectures who have not arrived." The red-clothed people glanced at each other, and then said that they would not abandon their colleagues and leave first. The current situation is still under control, and there is no need to be so extreme.

And from Zhu Yun's words, he knew that Zhu Yun probably wanted to wait until everyone had arrived before leaving.

"Then let's wait for them." Zhu Yun nodded slightly, and his hole card can only be used once.

"The space below is a bit like a cage for evil spirits." Zhang Laodao was naturally referring to the huge dark space under the clay sculpture.

Chen Mo's ghost eyes also took a closer look. The space below is similar to the huge bronze space of his family.


At the moment when everyone's nerves were a little relaxed, the huge clay sculpture in front of them shook again, and the star gold chains on the body were quickly thrown off the shell, revealing the original appearance inside.

"It's not good, the people of Qinglin Mansion picked up that evil spirit's head again."

"I'll take a look." Zhu Yun turned around and was about to go out.

But Chen Mo shook his head, pointed to the clay sculpture in front of him and said, "Don't look at it, it's already here."

Looking back, it turned out that a huge head nearly 1.8 meters long appeared on the neck of the clay sculpture, and the scarlet ghost eyes slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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