Reckless through another world

Chapter 311 Can A1 be 1

Chapter 311 Can A Once Again

Is this still worth looking at?
A burst of scalp-numbing fear and coercion has spread from the body of the evil spirit. Although it is invisible, to everyone, it is like a tangible sickle across the neck.

It’s okay to say that the body is indestructible and not afraid of damage, but this sharp fear is very overwhelming, and it targets the spirit or soul. Most martial arts have never touched this kind of thing. .

The people suppressed by the majestic fear and coercion were breathless.

"Want to live?!" Chen Mo opened his eyes suddenly, the solemnity on his face was beyond words, his body instantly became a giant body over four meters tall, and the long knife was instantly strengthened by ghost energy into a huge one Beheading sword.

"Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are drifting down, and the boundless sword energy is rolling down the long river!"

As Chen Mo's voice fell, the steaming black ghost energy rose sharply, and a huge knife light gathered by the sword intent appeared on the long knife in Chen Mo's hand.

"Heaven and Earth Compassion First Form, Gods and ghosts will be slashed together!"

At the same time, the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo has also walked out of Chen Mo's body, standing behind Chen Mo, holding his hands in vain, an illusory long knife appeared in his hand, and the majestic ghost energy flowed from Chen Mo's body. It emanated and surged into the body of the three-eyed Yama.

"Let's attack together!" The light of the knife in Chen Mo's hand was still condensing, and at the same time he roared and shot. The six-armed evil spirit in front of him obviously hadn't escaped from the trap. He must be crucified here before he escaped from the trap, otherwise, What greets everyone is destruction.

"Use Qi to control the sword, sword Qi Changhong!" Zhu Yun didn't wait for Chen Mo's words to fall, the huge broadsword in his hand had split into seven long swords, and appeared in front of him with awe-inspiring sword Qi.

An evil ghost holding a big sword appeared behind Zhu Yun. This evil ghost was somewhat unusual. It seemed to be as tall as the three-eyed Yama. The tyrannical fear and coercion slowly emanated, but it was different from the fear and coercion. The difference is that his sharp sword intent is even more sharp.

Chen Mo didn't have time to look at it, but he still felt threatened from this huge evil ghost.

People like Zhu Yun and the others were the ones who came into contact with evil spirits earlier, of course there may be an earlier group, perhaps a long, long time ago someone had come into contact with evil spirits and became a ghost guardian.

Just like the three-eyed Yan Luo under the Chen Mo family, this guy has been sleeping for an unknown how long, and it is hard to guarantee that no one can be successfully inlaid before.

"Don't hide it anymore, cut off his head!" Lu Yue roared, everyone knew that the weak point of the six arms should be the newly connected head, and they also urged the body with all their strength. the power of.

"It's time to go all out!" Chi Zai sighed. Just looking at this huge body, which is 20 meters long, he knew that it would be difficult to fight against. Now, don't hack this guy to death before he recovers. When he is alive, he will surely We must take them, ghost slayers, to the knife.

"Damn it, just came out of the tiger's mouth, this damn thing has entered the dragon's lair." Ku Daoshan was in a hurry, he managed to escape from the tiger's mouth with their Yuanzheng Mansion's god arrest, this **** is not yet In an hour, such a strong evil spirit was awakened.

Speaking of which, Ku Daoshan would rather fight adult dragons than face such ghosts. At least the dragons know pain, will bleed, and will die, unlike these ghosts, who are indestructible. It's also ridiculously strong, and it won't die while appearing like a ghost.

Just the fact that they will not die is enough to make people desperate, which is even more desperate than the Battle of Donglin at that time.

"What the hell is going on with this old man!" The most innocent person is Liu Rengui. He just came here, and he didn't even take a break. Just wanting to touch such a strong ghost, he almost wants to cry. Tears, but still have to face up, the evil spirit behind the body has manifested itself.

"What's the matter?" The chief arrester in red came in with a North accent of Donglinzhou.

"I don't know, it seems that this thing has awakened, eh? Isn't that the ghost head we picked up? How did it get there?!" The people in Qinglin Mansion didn't know what to say, but the situation in front of them also made them feel There is a sense of crisis.

The chief arrester in red in the Qinglin Mansion is at least a chief arrester, he is stupid if he doesn’t realize it, and now he is completely dumbfounded, staring dumbfoundedly at Liu Bie, who was about to recover, and howled out loudly: "My mother, we got into trouble!"



An unknown number of attacks were aimed at the big ghost's neck. The tyrannical Qi Slash directly split the ghost Qi blocking them, and the attack that exceeded the speed of sound made a roaring sound.


The sound like a sword piercing into the flesh resounded from the head of the six-armed evil spirit.

The demon's neck was sliced ​​open like dead flesh.


A nauseating stench came from the neck. It was not a stench, but a disgusting smell. Even Zhu Yun, who was a celestial being, was affected by it. Retching, but looking at his blushing face, he probably couldn't bear it for long.

Vomiting sounded one after another, and as one of them vomited on the ground, the rest of the god catchers were like wild horses breaking free from the rein, rushing to collapse the dam, out of control, and all retched for a while.

Of course, not all the attacks were aimed at the evil spirit's neck, some of them were also chopped off on the clay sculpture on the evil spirit's body.

Chen Mo didn't know if the evil spirit was injured, but the clay sculpture that wrapped the evil spirit was shattered, and the star gold chains that pinned the evil spirit were all exposed, emitting a green-gold light.

At the same time, as the clay sculpture shattered, the true face of the evil spirit appeared in front of everyone.

His skin was covered in blue-black, with scarlet lines flowing in the dark cracks, and the blue-gold chains passed through his body, nailing him in the huge chain formation.

Two huge ring-shaped shackles locked his lute, hanging him upside down in the air.

"It's over, he's alive!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, his body has completely integrated into the body of the three-eyed Yama.

At the moment when the evil ghost's head was connected, Chen Mo knew that it might be gone, but when the facts were in front of him, it was still so unacceptable, so he could only fight.

"Cut the fucker!" Chen Mo didn't think too much about it, and rushed forward with a knife in his hand, as long as he can chop a knife, it's a knife.

Chen Mo now has the will to take advantage of his illness to take his life.

"Eight Wilderness Rampage Sword!"

bass!Chen Mo jumped directly onto the body of the six-armed evil spirit, like swinging on a swing, but Chen Mo stabilized his expression in an instant, grabbed the huge pipa ring of the evil spirit, and slashed fiercely. cut at his neck.

"Damn it, come down for me!" Chen Mo cursed angrily, slashing quickly with one knife at a time, the neck that had already been broken in half by everyone's attack was cut off in half by Chen Mo.

Q once, A once, can A once is once.

(End of this chapter)

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