Chapter 312

Don't be afraid that ghosts are powerful, just be afraid that you won't be able to cut them down!

As long as the head can be chopped off again, there is still room for redemption.

While Chen Mo was delighted, he worked harder, and the long knife in his hand was two points faster.

The head of the six-armed ghost slowly turned, and the two scarlet eyeballs looked at Chen Mo like two lanterns.

"What are you looking at? What's the matter? Do you think your eyeballs are too big?" The scarlet ghost eyes of the three-eyed Yama stared at these ghost eyes, not just one ghost eye, most of the 79 ghost eyes were mobilized to see Looking at this pair of scarlet eyeballs.

"Go!" Zhu Yun was not a person who likes to give orders, but now he has the biggest officials, and they all depend on his ideas. He had to say, and the moment he finished speaking, he had already rushed forward.

"Cut him!" The person who howled the most heart-piercingly was the people from the Qinglin Mansion. The head of the evil spirit in the arm is a knife,

As the knife was cut down, the stench that permeated the air became more intense, and many of the gods did not adapt to it at all. Instead, they all retched. After spitting out the acid water, they almost Spit out the gall.

Zhou Donglai touched the corner of his mouth, his eyes froze, he actually vomited blood, and more than once, he felt as if his internal organs were ripped open, and he kept spitting out blood, as if he didn't spit out all the internal organs. Let it go.

"Donglai, why did you vomit blood? Eh? I vomit blood too." Hu Lin found a puddle of blood in front of his eyes. When he woke up, he looked up and saw that all the catchers were spitting blood.

"It can't be..." Hu Lin made a bold guess with a flash of inspiration.

"It can't be what?" Lao Wang naturally vomited blood, and even his face turned pale several degrees.

"Could it be that we are all overnourished!"

"Mother, is there such a person who vomits blood because of overnutrition? Are you a fucking pig's brain?" Old Wang kicked a vicious dog for Hu Lin to grab food.

"Pfft! Vomit!" Some god catchers had already knelt on the ground, not only vomiting blood, but also bleeding from all seven orifices, and their eyes were even rolled up involuntarily, as if they had been hit hard. After a while, the catcher had lost his breath.

"He's dead!" The exclamation alarmed Hong Yi and others who were besieging the evil ghost.

"Help... me, save"

The chief arrester of Jinyin wanted to turn into a ghost, but it was too late. After bleeding from the seven orifices, his eyes turned white, and the blood in his mouth stained his clothes red, and finally he lost his breath.

"Everyone don't breathe, close the pores of the skin!" Although Zhu Yun looked tough, he found the problem immediately, and directly told everyone not to breathe, and closed the pores.

As soon as this method was used, no one would vomit blood anymore, no smell would disturb them, and no one would feel sick anymore.

"It's him!" When Zhu Yun turned around again, he was obviously a little dumbfounded. Chen Xianzhi, who was driving the big ghost in front of him, had already chopped off the neck of the big ghost, leaving only a thin layer.

"Q once, A once, can A once is once, the wilderness is rampant, QWER!"


A powerful black wave erupted from the body of the six-armed god of war, and Chen Mo and others were instantly thrown away, even Zhu Yun was no exception. The circle of gold seals standing outside were all swept away and lay on the ground.

"Evil meaning—Eagle Step!" Chen Mo obviously didn't expect this evil spirit who looked like a wooden stake to fight back, but it didn't prevent him from seizing the opportunity.

In the past, when we were fighting big ghosts together, we would be blown away by the powerful field-clearing skills of the evil ghost. In order to prevent the evil ghost from taking the opportunity to restore full blood after he was blown away, Chen Mo had long learned countless general skills to use it to get close.

Eagle step is one of them, it can be regarded as one of the magical skills that can keep up with players, as long as there is enough energy, eagle step can be used, and you can step seven times or seventy times, it all depends on the individual's level.

"Don't be reckless!" Lu Yue shouted anxiously, but the huge figure of Yama with three eyes stepped on the air four times in a row, and appeared in front of the six-armed evil spirit.

"Death!" Chen Mo roared, his scarlet eyes widened suddenly, surging power burst out from the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo, and the strong ghost energy was like bursts of thick smoke, attached to Chen Mo's saber, straight Run to the neck of the six-armed evil spirit.

Like a wild beast, Chen Mo didn't do any defense at all. As long as he could chop off the head of the six-armed evil spirit, it wouldn't matter if he received a blow.

Today's six-armed evil spirit is not like the eight-armed evil spirit of the past. Even though the eight-armed evil spirit has two more arms than the six-armed evil spirit, in terms of combat power, the eight-armed evil spirit is not worthy to carry his shoes.


The two huge arms actually received Chen Mo's knife with empty hands and the white blade. At the same time, the six-armed evil spirit was still leisurely supporting his head. The black granulation quickly glued together, and the huge head It grows back on the neck again.

However, the six-armed evil spirit with the lute bone locked obviously didn't last much longer, and his arms loosened weakly. Chen Mo's saber slashed through it easily, but Chen Mo knew in his heart that he could not die.

The saber was directly stuck in the bones of the six-armed ghost. Just as Chen Mo was about to pull it out, six huge arms appeared in front of his eyes. Those ghost hands came straight to Chen Mo's ghost eyes as if they knew something.

Before he had time to think about it, Chen Mo could only let go and jumped out.

"How is it?" Zhu Yun has also completed the fit, walked to Chen Mo's side, and the tall evil ghost with a height of more than 14 meters made a sound through the vibration of ghost energy.

Chen Mo just shook his head, staring at the six-armed evil spirit in front of him.

Click!The six-armed evil spirit directly pulled out the saber that was stuck on his body.


The chain was reversed, and the six-armed evil spirit who was sitting upside down came forward, and the arm farthest from the lute bone was raised slightly, holding Chen Mo's huge sword in front of him, holding the back of the sword with two ghost claws. Toward the child.

"Hoo!" With the sound of piercing through the air, he slammed directly at his own neck.

"Mother, wouldn't he be so overwhelmed that he would commit suicide?" For the first time, Lu Yue felt so fucking ridiculous.

"It would be fine if he really committed suicide."

"Suicide ghost!" Liu Rengui ran out of Lu Yue.

Accompanied by the sound of "Crack!", everyone realized that this is how the hell is he going to commit suicide. He actually used a saber to open the two huge star gold rings that pierced through his lute.

"Isn't this a little too clever?" Chi Zai swallowed, feeling that his three views had been subverted. The evil ghost in front of him was like a powerful martial artist who had experienced many battles, which was too smart.

"Is there any trick?" Chen Mo tilted his head and looked at Zhu Yun. Chen Mo's ghost domain can't bring anyone out, so now he can only count on Zhu Yun's trump card.

"Yes, but it will take time, and it will be unstable if it is destroyed." Zhu Yun nodded.

"Then use it as soon as possible, I will delay this thing!" Chen Mo said, and took a step forward, and he took out the huge coffin board from the mustard bag, which happened to be a weapon.

"The people are not dead, the fight is endless, the fight to the death!" Chen Mo agreed, and his body was already in front of him.

"People are not dead, fight endlessly, fight to the death!" The eight red-clothed general arresters all fit into evil spirits, and they showed their weapons in unison.

"The people are not dead, the battle is endless, and the battle is to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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