Reckless through another world

Chapter 313 He Can Actually Think

Chapter 313 He Can Actually Think

Zhu Yun disarmed the ghost, and took out a translucent stone from his sleeve robe. After the stone was placed on the ground, it formed a circular formation, instantly enveloping everyone in the temple.

The delicate cyan magic circle crunched and rotated, and tyrannical power emanated from the magic circle.

"I said, it turned out to be a teleportation stone. I didn't take it out a long time ago. I have to wait for this critical moment." Chen Mo couldn't help complaining.But this is only limited to Chen Mo's complaints, even if it is taken out early, it can only be used when there are all people.

Of course, if you take it out and use it without waiting for others, that's fine too, but that kind of solution is obviously not in line with Zhu Yun's values. In his understanding, if they can be rescued together, there is no such thing as abandonment and abandonment.

"It takes half a quarter of an hour for the teleportation formation to take effect, as long as it can withstand half a quarter of an hour is enough." Zhu Yun sat on the base point of the formation, and the lines of the formation spread rapidly, and a cyan line rose suddenly. beam of light.

The head of the six-armed warrior moved slowly, and turned his gaze from Chen Mo and the eight red-clothed generals to Zhu Yun. Then he looked at the formation, and he seemed to feel the threat of this thing.

"Crack!" He stretched out his arms and pulled out the chains worn on his body. The two golden star chains that were polished like sharp spear points were pulled out of his body by the six-armed evil spirit.

The rest of the chains that locked him slowly separated from his body.

The wounds on the six-armed evil ghost's blue-black body healed quickly. He tried to swing the long knife in his hand, but it seemed to be quite smooth. His scarlet eyes looked at everyone.

Step by step like this, Takong walked over from the dark space, and landed on the ground silently, his body was covered with the kind of robe that looked like a Dunhuang Flying Immortal, although it was a bit tattered Bad, but awesome instead.

If there is no fear of the body and head, and the heavy fear and coercion emanating from it, people may think that it is a Bodhisattva Buddha who walked out of the mural.

"He knows how to use weapons." Chen Mo said solemnly.

"Has wisdom reached this level?" Lu Yue's brows were frowned into Sichuan characters.

Although the rest of the red-clothed gods felt strange, they didn't feel any difference. This was because they had seen too little, and Chen Mo didn't explain.

Chen Mo has encountered many ghosts who can use weapons, but there are very few evil ghosts who can take away other people's weapons and still use them at will. This evil ghost actually knows how to use ghost energy, and has filled the sword with ghost energy middle.

Originally, this saber was only more than two meters long, but because of the ghost aura, it skyrocketed to the point where even a 15-meter ghost could use it at will. , this saber is even stronger than in Chen Mo's hands.

I have to say that sometimes this kind of ghost thing is very powerful. It is said that it is not intelligent, but it shows a lot of details that make people think carefully. It is really difficult to say that it is intelligent, and they are as mechanical as programs. distinguish.

But there is one factor that Chen Mo knows, that is, they are all powerful, and their combat ability is not a little bit stronger than humans.

Standing there, the six-armed evil spirit gave people a strong sense of oppression. With a height of 20 meters, he looked down on everyone like a god. Even the tallest three-eyed Yama was two or three heads shorter than him.

Amid the strong ghost aura, a pair of scarlet ghost eyes swayed with a long scarlet tail.

The silent, motionless six-armed evil spirit has already moved.

Two scarlet eyes drew a huge letter Z in the thick ghost fog, and it was too late to say that, when the scarlet phantom was still lingering in the ghost fog, the six-armed warrior had already stuck to his body forward.


The black mist rolled, and the ghost energy in front of him was actually divided into two halves. There was a tiny sound like a leaf falling, and the evil ghost controlled by the red-clothed god in front of him flew upside down.

The seven-meter-tall evil spirit, at least two-star tyrannical, was slashed and flew away with a simple knife, and more than one-third of the ghost aura on his body was dissipated by the slash.

What the hell kind of concept is this? Of all the chief arresters in red, none of them can stand up to his three knives.


Immediately afterwards, seven voices sounded slowly, and at the same time, it felt like a voice coming together, and the remaining seven chief arresters in red all flew upside down, and some of them were weaker, and were directly killed Half of the ghost energy was cut off.

"Cruel!" Chen Mo didn't even react, the six-armed evil spirit in front of him had knocked down eight of them.

In the turbulent ghost aura, the six-armed Martial God is really hidden in it like a Valkyrie, but it seems that he never bothers to hide his figure. The two scarlet ghost eyes are like a huge provocative sign in the strong ghost aura.

"After hitting someone, you still show the dog card?" Chen Mo couldn't bear it, and he couldn't bear it. The Six-armed Martial God is strong, but there is a limit to his absolute strength, because Chen Mo can still see the trajectory of his shots and can react.

If you can't even see the trajectory of the shot, Chen Mo will definitely turn around and leave.

"Yu!" It seemed that Chen Mo was the big boss. The Six-Armed Martial God didn't want everyone to disturb his mood of single-handedly fighting the boss, so he cleaned up the eight mobs around Chen Mo.

At this moment, the six-armed evil spirit moved.

The fast naked eyes can't see clearly at all, only Chen Mo's ghost eyes can see a swaying shadow.

A standard large Z appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes. The body of the six-armed evil spirit was already attached to a place less than half a meter away from the three-eyed Yama. Behind, and it is a maximum set aside.

The scarlet eyes of the six-armed warrior stared directly into Chen Mo's eyes, and the long knife had already been swung towards Chen Mo's neck, as if to say, "Small boy, let you cut my neck, now it's time for me to cut my neck!" Bar."

The three-eyed Yan Luo's body was completely covered by the black and red king's armor, and all the ghost eyes were hidden in the gaps, but Chen Mo didn't dare to bet, didn't dare to bet that he wouldn't fly backwards after holding a knife, Nothing else will happen after resisting a knife.

Therefore, Chen Mo directly blocked the door panel in front of him like a shield.


The huge force directly caused the three-eyed Yama to move more than ten meters, and there was a huge scratch under his feet, and the six-armed warrior was also shocked back three steps. All the gold seals who had just got up were swept to the ground again.

The six-armed ghost looked at the long knife in his hand, and then looked again. Chen Mo, who was unharmed, seemed to be bowing his head in thought.

Chen Mo did not let go of this opportunity, and with the huge door panel in his hand, he went straight to the door of the six-armed warrior.

However, the six-armed evil spirit obviously sensed the ghostly energy coming from Chen Mo, relieved from the state of contemplation, swayed slightly, and rushed up again.

(End of this chapter)

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