Reckless through another world

Chapter 314 Don't Move

Chapter 314 Don't Move

"Fuck, cheating?!" The ghost eyes on the three-eyed Yan Luo's body suddenly widened, and the six-armed evil spirit in front of him no longer held a knife with one hand, but instead held a knife with three arms on the right.

The tyrannical force cut the air directly, without even a chance to cause the air to make a sonic boom, accompanied by Song!With a bang, it appeared in front of Sanmu Yanluo, as if the blade of a knife cut the paper of a book.




Even if Sanmu Yanluo used the coffin board this time, he was chopped off and flew out, but instead of flying, he slipped and moved nearly 30 meters away, and two gaps appeared on the ground under his feet.

"It's a bit fierce!" Zhang Laodao clicked his tongue, the six-armed evil spirit in front of him was so ruthless that even Chen Xianzhi was held down and beaten violently, and the eight red-clothed men lost most of their combat power in just one blow.

The six-armed Martial God was so unreasonable, his figure flickered, his scarlet ghost eyes dragged his long scarlet tail, and he had already arrived in front of Chen Mo, his three arms were behind him, but he had already swung his knife and slashed over.

"Yin Yang Guizun!"

A huge evil spirit with a height of 12 meters appeared in front of Chen Mo. Zhang Laodao, who was driving Venerable Tai Chi, made the arms of the Venerable Ghost move slightly, which made the six-armed Martial God staggered.

The Six-Armed Martial God was obviously not used to such a result, so he just dodged away from Venerable Tai Chi.

"Thank you Daoist Zhang." Chen Mo was really stunned by the beating just now, and he didn't react. Although the knife won't seriously injure him, it will definitely break through the defense, and it will be difficult to deal with this six-armed warrior at that time.

"You're welcome." Zhang Laodao laughed, and the body of Venerable Tai Chi put on a fist.

The head of the six-armed god of war raised and lowered, looking at the long knife in his hand, he seemed to be lost in thought again, but only for a moment, the head of the evil spirit was raised, and his other two arms were released. With a long knife.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost aura surged up, and sword shadows appeared on all of his six arms. The six-armed ghost actually used the ghost aura to simulate a war knife, and one arm.

"This..." Chi Zai couldn't see anything other than shock in his eyes. He stood up, but he didn't want to be an enemy of the six-armed warrior anymore. This kind of ghost seemed to be constantly thinking and getting stronger. with.

"Zhu Yun, how long is it?" Chen Mo roared. The guy in front of him is terrifyingly powerful. The most important thing is that he has already made everyone desperate without showing the basic rules. People even end up with the pot.

"There will be another quarter of an hour." Zhu Yun's forehead has already formed a circle of dense sweat droplets, and he is under great pressure even when speaking. In such a place, when the formation is deployed, as the eye of the formation, he can bear the pressure. One can imagine.

Moreover, the six-armed evil spirit seemed to sense the threat brought by Zhu Yun, and his eyes had already turned to Zhu Yun.

"Don't let him pass!" After a long roar, Chen Mo rushed over immediately, the ghost energy surged wildly, and even the Gang Qi flood dragon in the dantian roared, and the majestic Gang Qi came from Chen Mo's body burst out.

The three-eyed Yan Luo and Venerable Tai Chi are naturally the main force. Although the eight red-clothed general arresters are not strong, they can at least carry one more knife, so they have the right to rush forward as cannon fodder.

Of course, cannon fodder is cannon fodder. It was just one blow, but now the six-armed evil spirit took out six swords, and with one rotation, the six red clothes lay down.

"Ghost torture and burn!"

"Double Spiral Hell!"

Chen Mo held the shield in front of him all the time, and released the spiral hell with the other hand. The black spiral hell instantly expanded to the size of a millstone.

The six-armed evil spirit that was attacking stopped abruptly, and its figure was hidden in the black mist.

"It's broken, this guy really has very strong intelligence!" Chen Mo had no time to hit the spiral hell close to him, so he could only throw it out remotely, and the black spiral hell flew past while spinning at a high speed.


The six-armed evil spirit blocked all the six knives on his arms in front of him. With the phantom of the five sabers being washed away, and with a bang, even the real one was smashed by Chen Mo's spiral hell. cracks appeared.

Under the deadly resistance of the six-armed evil spirit, it finally turned into fragments and was weakened. I don't know how many layers of spiral hell hit the body of the six-armed evil spirit, just like throwing a stone into a reservoir. , Splashed water, then nothing.

The six-armed evil spirit seemed very upset now, because none of the things in front of him could be killed. He remembered how many creatures with hands and feet he had killed at the beginning, but the situation now is very different.


With a hissing sound, the surrounding ghost energy slowly condensed, and the figure of the six-armed evil spirit leaned over slowly, not lying on the ground, but lying in mid-air.

"What's going on here?" Everyone seemed to be asking, but no one gave them an answer, and the eight red-clothed men couldn't answer it. Even Chen Mo and Zhang Laodao didn't know that the six-armed evil spirit in front of him was in the gourd. What kind of medicine is it.

But everyone was delighted by the change of the evil spirit. The evil spirit would not attack people during the change. Of course, they stopped laughing soon.

Because in the eyes of everyone, the six-armed evil spirit in front of them was slowly lying on a huge web, while the rest of the people were standing on a huge web, and a huge black web like a spider web appeared above everyone. feet.

"Everyone, don't move, don't move!" Chen Mo reminded loudly, he finally understood what the evil spirit in front of him was, wasn't it the master ghost of those ghosts lying on the cabin, those ghosts turned out to be his ghosts slave.

"Puff!" A ghostly hand appeared out of thin air in front of a Jin Yin's chest, and stabbed him through. At the same time, this scene happened six times, and six people died in an instant.

These people died before Chen Mo's reminder. People are creatures that seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When a black net appears, they only want to go to other places or gather with others, and they don't realize that sometimes Standing where you are is the best option.

Just because of moving, six people died. Among them was the chief arrester in red. The ghost's hand actually penetrated the body of the evil spirit controlled by the red robe and killed the red robe hiding in the evil ghost's body.

The six-armed evil spirit entrenched on the black web is like a huge spider, and everyone is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the web, or a lamb who has no power to resist.

Chen Mo knew that the evil spirit in front of him was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful, even the red clothes couldn't block a blow, as long as he dared to move around on the spider web, he would die, and the dead god was instantly caught by the black web. Wrapped and pulled to the side of the six-armed evil spirit.

The six-armed evil spirits opened their mouths wide and devoured these people, and the evil spirits living in the bodies of these gods would leave the temple, as if the six-armed evil spirits could not see them.

"What the hell is this place?" Chen Mo's heart was filled with turmoil. If it wasn't because of his strong psychological quality, he might have already moved. The ghost eyes on his body saw that a black hand took all these evil ghosts. take away.

(End of this chapter)

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