Reckless through another world

Chapter 318 Who in the world does not know you

Chapter 318 Who in the world does not know you

"I have come out alive, there are 32 remaining god catchers, seven chief arresters in red, 21 gold seals, and four silver seals." Zhu Yun's voice was transmitted through the token.

Standing on the rear deck of the huge ship, Zhu Yun, with a huge sword on his back, reported the details of this rescue mission.

"Commander, there is one more thing. There seem to be a lot of evil spirits imprisoned in this ghost domain, and... I also saw the phantom of a huge ghost hand stretching out." Zhu Yun didn't know if he was hallucinating, but His senses told him that this area was very dangerous.

On the other side, Chu Kuangge listened quietly. After a long time, he sighed and said, "It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive."

At the same time, Chu Kuangge also positioned this air domain as a dangerous area, and it is a dangerous area of ​​the upper class, which now belongs to the ceiling of all positioning.

"Li Zijian and Cui Chengdong?" Zhu Yun asked. He didn't meet these two people in the ghost domain, and he didn't see the remaining two giant ships when he came out. He was still worried because they were colleagues after all.

"You don't have to worry about Zijian and the others, they have already come out, and the damage of those two giant ships is relatively small." Chu Kuangge's voice was thick and reassuring.

"That's good." Zhu Yun nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

Naturally, the loss of the other two giant ships was not much, and they never saw the six-armed evil spirit at all. Don't look at the six-armed boy who has made a mistake now, but at that time, the situation was instantly saved. There are six gods, five with gold seals and one with red clothes.

If it wasn't for Chen Mo's delay, everyone would have been killed before the magic circle was opened. Maybe Zhu Yun and Zhang Laodao could last until the magic circle was opened, but if that was the case, at most they would be the two of them.

The other two giant ships encountered at most the ghost slaves of the six-armed warrior god, and some evil ghosts caught by the god of death, and there were not many of those in the ghost domain.

Not to mention the ghost with the back, the black-robed ghost, the zombie-like thing that Ku Daoshan and the others encountered, and the rest of the ghosts.

It's just that Chen Mo's business is very unlucky. The ghost asked to play a game, and then was dragged over. After many checkpoints, he saw the final boss, the six-armed Valkyrie, and was beaten violently, almost dying inside.

If Chen Mo knew the information Chu Kuangge narrated, he would know that this business is very weird. Although they were all attacked, only they really walked into the ghost domain. This is because of the guidance of the six-armed evil ghost ghost slave Then they fought with the six-armed demon.

And then, it happened that Zhu Yun came, it happened that Zhu Yun had the hole card given by the catcher, and he could move everyone out, it happened that Chen Mo owned the ghost domain, he could cover the six-armed evil spirit so that he could not kill people, it happened that Chen Mo was attacked, but he did not die, Instead, it increases affinity.

Later, for unknown reasons, the six-armed evil spirit was brought out. The huge phantom ghostly black hand should be trying to catch the six-armed evil spirit, but Chen Mo has already taken the ghost domain, where can I find it? The figure of the six-armed evil spirit.

Perhaps, all of this was designed by the evil six-armed ghost to escape from that cage. If this is the case, no one knows what kind of thoughts that ghost has in his heart.

It's just that Chen Mo doesn't know anything about all of this.

Now Chen Mo is obviously enjoying the joy after the victory.

There are still many evil ghosts of God of Death wandering around in the giant ship, but after all, there are more than 30 God of Death survivors, most of them are gold seals, and there are seven in red, which is enough to clean up the mess, so there is no need for Chen Mo Insert a stick horizontally.

In short, just rest and rest, even the iron body can't stand it.

I moved a wicker chair and lay down on the deck, basked in the sun, and then drank some wine, feeling very unhappy.

"It's so comfortable, I've stolen half a day's leisure." It was Zhang Laodao who spoke, and he also got a wicker chair.

Chen Mo was shocked and sat up from the wicker chair. It seemed that Zhang Laodao talked to him at the beginning of the accident, and then he fell asleep. If he hadn't slept, the ghost eyes would definitely be able to see the large area of ​​ghost land, yes won't hit it.

"The Daoist is also busy? By the way, where are the disciples of the Supreme Dao Sect, Daoist?" Chen Mo didn't seem to find any disciples of the Supreme Dao Sect on this giant ship.

"Followed other giant ships, and left a long time ago." Zhang Laodao chuckled, and lay down on the rattan chair, his body's exercises were automatically running.

"Senior, how about we discuss it?" Chen Mo asked with a smile, even if Chen Mo was free, he didn't take much time off, the things in his body were always running.

"Forget it, the old man doesn't have to toss his arms and legs, Chen Xianzhi, you'd better hire someone else." Zhang Laodao waved his hand quickly, not because he couldn't beat Chen Mo, but because he was tired and lazy, and he could move as little as possible. How could it be possible to exchange hands with young people.

Even if it is to point out the juniors in his sect, he is too lazy to do such a thing. This time, if the head teacher of Taishang Daozong knew that Zhang Laodao was here, and begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to let this old man protect the disciples, maybe Zhang Laodao would also It won't move.

Zhang Laodao signaled Chen Mo not to bother him, and then went to remember the past alone.

"What's there to remember." Chen Mo laughed dumbly. This well-known tired and lazy Taoist priest, in the game, has established a sect after many years. I don't know what kind of mood Zhang Taoist was at that time. .

Speaking of Zhang Laodao, Zhang Junheng, this person is actually quite interesting. He was actually born in the Tianshi Mansion, but it seems that he was sent to the Taishang Dao Sect when he was very young. Taishang Daozong is also doing well.

However, because he was born in the Heavenly Master's Mansion after all, there is always no way to get to the core of the Taishang Dao Sect. What kind of disciple was sent here to give him a pension.

After recruiting new disciples, Biefeng selected people first, and then sent the remaining big cats and kittens to Zhang Laodao's lineage.

Zhang Laodao didn’t go back to Tianshi Mansion. According to him, even if he went back, he would be treated the same. Anyway, Zhang Laodao basically belonged to one of the two factions in the court, and then married The woman from the other party is a wife, and the two sides who are stuck in the middle are not human.

It turned out that Chen Mo didn't know the details, and Zhang Junheng didn't say anything, those who knew the inside story were basically dismissed, and the rest of the people also lost their enthusiasm for inquiring about this kind of gossip.

"Anyway, you are old, Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, no one in the world knows the king, even if you are really in the cracks, you can walk out a bright road with your ability." Chen Mo shrugged, then said something, and then walked He walked over to the rear deck of the giant ship in a figure-of-eight step.

"Come on, I'd better go find Zhu Yun's trouble." Chen Mo was thinking about fighting Zhu Yun again. The first fight in Ghost Domain was not enjoyable enough. As a militant, how could he let go? Had such an excellent training partner as Zhu Yun.

"What does this kid know?" Zhang Junheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled silently, knowing or not, isn't he all Zhang Laodao, isn't he Zhang Junheng?
"Don't worry about ignorance in the future, no one in the world knows the king, good poetry" Zhang Laodao clicked his tongue, "It should be clear!"

(End of this chapter)

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