Reckless through another world

Chapter 319 The Correct Usage of Ghost Domain

Chapter 319 The Correct Usage of Ghost Domain
There was no fight, the venue was not allowed because of one aspect, and the other was that Zhu Yun and Chen Mo were not in good condition, even if they fought, they would not be able to show much strength. If they fought with ghosts, Chen Mo would always feel that he was not enjoying himself enough.

He simply lay down on the deck without interest, and began to sort out the harvest of this trip.

After completing the task, he received a reward for upgrading the primary characteristics, two aura empowerments, and information about an evil ghost. Chen Mo easily upgraded the power of the earth to the intermediate level. Originally, Chen Mo wanted to improve the characteristics of the defensive attribute, but After thinking about it, in the end, I accidentally improved my strength characteristics.

This feature not only blesses strength, but also has good recovery ability.

When you go back, start to improve your own body cultivation, Chen Mo thought so.As the main body of the evil ghost's engine and fuel tank, Chen Mo also felt a little powerless in this battle.

"By the way, sell three ghosts." After looking at the six ghosts in the evil ghost's cage, Chen Mo decided to sell three of them. Get up and hammer the female ghost.

In fact, since he was pulled into the ghost domain, Chen Mo could have caught more evil spirits, but one is to protect everyone, and the other is that it is not appropriate to open the ghost domain lightly, so the number of catches is relatively small, even two kittens .

At first, the evil ghost in rubber clothes with a hammer walked fast and didn't know how to catch it. Later, the stupid ghost he met, that is, Yanshi, was very strong. Chen Mo was afraid that the gods around him would catch him to death. Send people away first, and you won't be able to see them when you go back.

As for the ghost who pulled the fleshy chainsaw that he met later, this guy was a bit ruthless. Chen Mo couldn't suppress it unless he was fully engaged, so he chose to retreat, and then he was pulled into the ghost domain and hit his back and six arms.

Chen Mo dismissed the rest of the brats. In terms of speaking, these five are strong enough, especially the six-armed one. This guy was able to suppress the three-eyed Yan Luo who was in a full state and controlled by Chen Mo in the ghost domain.

Anyway, Chen Mo doesn't plan to go to that kind of place when his strength is not enough.

He believes that the god catchers will also list that area as a restricted area, so that the walking giant ships can avoid it.

"I think of one thing." Chen Mo was lying down, squinting his eyes to deal with the harvest this time, and suddenly sat up in a jerk, he suddenly remembered that there was a huge bronze space in the temple of Six Arms.

It was because Hu Lin triggered the mechanism that he released the six arms from the bronze space, and it happened that Chen Mo and his family also had a bronze space under the ground. A long time ago, his mustard bag was replaced with a bigger one. The interior space is at least [-] cubic meters, which is definitely more than enough to accommodate the bronze space.

"I made a mistake, I forgot to pass those things along." Chen Mo rubbed his hands like a blowfly, not to mention the bronze space, just the golden chain of stars that locked the six arms was enough to make Chen Mo greedy up.

That is a material that can penetrate the body of a big ghost, and it is stronger than the general star gold material by an unknown number of levels.

"If you want to go there beforehand, I will go to Donglin Zumen soon." Chen Mo found Lu Yue and mentioned it.

"Urgent matter?" Lu Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then asked a little embarrassed.

"It's quite urgent." Chen Mo smiled and nodded, feeling that something was missing without bringing his own things with him.

As he said that, he took out a letter he had written and handed it to Lu Yuedao, "Chief arrester, I will definitely arrive at East Linmen within half a month. Please pass this letter to my family in Shendu. "

"Okay." Nodding his head, Lu Yue put the envelope that Chen Mo handed him into his sleeve robe. After all, Chen Mo's matter is still very important to important people and cannot be sloppy, so he didn't put it in the mustard in the bag.

Chen Mo didn't have the means to deliver the letter, so he gave the envelope to Lu Yue, otherwise Chen Mo would have sent it to Shendu by himself.

"According to the speed of the giant ship, it should be about ten days. You should finish your work and come here quickly. If you are not here this time, the credit cannot be left in vain." Lu Yue turned and sighed.

Lu Yue was also worried that if Chen Mo wasn't around, someone would covet Mo's military achievements. After all, the real master wasn't around, and after the raw rice was cooked, they would make a fuss, and a series of troubles would follow.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon." Chen Mo waved his hand. Although he was very concerned about others being greedy for his military achievements, if others wanted to be greedy, he couldn't stop them if he wasn't there.

But when he goes back, the other party will have to pay more.

Moreover, Chen Mo felt that he should be able to finish it soon. With his footsteps, he could reach Linshan City in a day and a half after getting off the giant ship, and after that, if he had a meal and slept in the open, he could reach the east gate in six or seven days.

"Then you go first." Lu Yue nodded and said, since Chen Mo has something to do, he has no reason to stop him. Besides, Chen Mo's evil spirits are extremely powerful. In terms of level, no one should be able to intercept him.

Even if there were any, they would be extremely powerful masters, and even if they followed, there was nothing they could do.

"Then Chen Mou will take my leave first, and I will see you at Donglin Catch Gate." Chen Mo nodded, and his figure had disappeared on the giant ship.

Seeing Chen Mo leave the giant ship, Lu Yue sighed.

"So let that kid go?" Zhang Laodao, who was sitting on the watchtower of the giant ship's high tower, flickered and disappeared from the watchtower.

Chen Mo really enjoyed the fun of skydiving. Facing the faint yellow light of the setting sun, he jumped off the giant ship. The strong wind blew past his cheeks, and the sound of howling wind rang in his ears.

It penetrated layers of clouds and fell rapidly.

"Ghost Domain." With a murmur, black air burst out from Chen Mo's body, instantly dyeing the surrounding clouds into black, but this is invisible to ordinary people, even ordinary ghost emissaries can see it. Less than the run of Chen Mo's ghost domain.

Chen Mo, who was in free fall, stabilized his figure, and Huang Quan also stopped in mid-air, and then under Chen Mo's control, he floated like a cloud, but faster, like a fighter jet that surpassed the speed of sound. Break through layers of sound barriers.

"Is there a ghost?" A gold seal god catcher on the ground frowned slightly. Didn't he feel the pressure of fear, and Chen Mo didn't release the evil ghost? The golden seal is so big.

Fei Ji's inlaid evil spirit is the kind with powerful spiritual vision. He just felt it. When he looked up again, he saw a small black cloud. Of course he knew what it was. It was a small cloud of ghosts. Domain, there must be a tyrannical evil ghost hidden in it.

"All the police officers are on alert." Fei Ji hurriedly took out his badge and told all the police officers to be on alert.

In less than five breaths, Fei Ji said again, "Release the alert." He didn't think about provoking that black cloud. He should not act rashly when he encountered a powerful monster, especially a powerful evil spirit. To actively provoke them.

"What is Fei Jinyin doing?"

"I don't know, maybe something happened."

Obviously Fei Ji regarded Chen Mo's black cloud as an evil ghost, but it was precisely because of this sensitive spirit that he was able to protect more people.

(End of this chapter)

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