Reckless through another world

Chapter 320 Being blocked at the door of the house

Chapter 320 Being blocked at the door of the house
"Sir, stay here, this is the Chen family's ancestral house." Just as Chen Mo was about to enter the gate of the Chen residence, an old man stopped Chen Mo.

"The old man doesn't look like a member of the Chen family." Chen Mo sized up the old man, but he didn't seem to have seen him before, and if he was a servant of the Chen family, he should recognize Chen Mo as the second son of the Chen family.

"The little old man took some reward money and looked after the ancestral house for the Chen family." The old head Zhang nodded with a smile, took off the bamboo hat on his head, and held the broom in the other hand, his face was naturally aging after wrinkles.

"My name is Chen Xianzhi, and I'm the second son of the Chen family. I'm here to get some things." Chen Mo explained with a smile, and then took out the waist card of the Chen family in his hand.

In fact, it is impossible for Mr. Zhang to stop Chen Mo, but if he has to sneak around even going home, wouldn't it be too boring.

"Second son of the Chen family?" Old Mr. Zhang asked in surprise, wiped his hands on the green linen gown, took Chen Mo's token, looked it over and over again, and said that it was the same as what Chen's father gave at that time. The tokens he looked at were no different.

And if he really wants to go in, he can't stop him as an old man. Since he is said to be the second son of the Chen family and has a waist card, he must be the second son of the Chen family.

"It turns out that Mr. Chen Mo is back, please."

"Whether you want to stay or leave in a while, if you stay, there are all the wing rooms, and your small courtyard is also taken care of from time to time." Old Mr. Zhang said.

Speaking of which, Lao Zhanger is alone, with a grandson, and now his grandson is an adult and has gone to study in the Imperial College in the capital of God. Naturally, Lao Zhang does not need to worry about it, at least he has nothing to worry about in Linshan City. But I can't live on a few acres of land all the time, so I took this job.

The things in Chen's residence have been emptied long ago, there is nothing of value, but there are quite a lot of wing rooms, and there are also quite a few rooms for servants.

Originally, this job was for the servants in the family, but Father Chen was kind and decided to take everyone to Shendu. Anyway, the Chen family also has a small family. Ah, if you can’t buy a house within the third ring road, you can buy a house on the fourth and fifth ring roads.

"I can't stop, just take my things and leave. Old man, go get busy, I can still understand at home." Chen Mo nodded with a smile, and then walked in.

"Come on." Old boss Zhang naturally understood the meaning of Chen Mo's words.The meaning in Chen Mo's words is naturally to let the old boss Zhang not have to follow him, after all he is coming back to get things.The old boss is also sensible and won't follow.

"Nothing changed." The courtyard and pavilions were cleaned very cleanly, and the rest of the wing rooms were also spotless.

I went straight to the ancestral hall. The tablets here are still there, but it should be a new set of tablets. The rest of the old tablets have been taken away. Maybe this place will only be designated as the ancestral hall in the future. In the future, the Chen family needs to settle down in Shendu new home.

Fortunately, Father Chen is not a stubborn person. Even though he is not stubborn, he agreed after many persuasions. The homeland is hard to leave, but life is more important.

The defense of Shendu is tighter and stronger, which is much better than Linshan City.

"Stick!" Chen Mo lit the incense in his hand.

After three prostrations, incense was offered to the people on the tablet one by one, although some Chen Mo didn't even know who they were, but everyone shared one.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm finally back." A figure slowly stood up in the darkness, and after walking out, this person was wearing a white robe, a white hat, and a white oil-paper umbrella in his hand.

The man in white robe sighed and took out what looked like a rouge box. When he opened it, it turned out to be a bronze mirror, which showed the scene when Chen Mo stepped into the Chen Mansion.

In a flash, he had disappeared from the spot.

The space underneath is huge. Chen Mo put this bronze space with a length, width and height of at least 30 meters into his mustard bag before leaving.

However, even if this bronze space was taken out, the basement here did not collapse. After all, it was at least [-] meters deep, and there were other bricks and stones fixed in place. As long as the subway was not being built, it should not cause a landslide.

"Are you Chen Xianzhi?" asked the man in white who was waiting outside the Chen Family Ancestor's Temple.

"You are?" Chen Mo looked up and down the woman in front of him. She is about 1.7 meters tall, with a graceful figure and a white robe. Her facial features are very delicate and her face is stern. Too much powder, but it looks a bit vulgar, lacking a little taste of iceberg snow lotus.

"Isn't this one of the standard heroines in light novels?" Chen Mo couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Is there something wrong?" Although Chen Mo felt that the person in front of him was a little aggressive and probably wanted to trouble him, but he still wanted to know why.

"Hand over Heiwuchang, and spare your life." The woman in the white robe didn't give her name, but said this sentence in a murderous manner. As soon as she said this, Chen Mo probably understood.

"I'm not afraid that Feng Da will flash his tongue." Chen Mo laughed.

"A person from the underworld? Looking at your outfit, you can't be Bai Wuchang, right?" Chen Mo tapped the handle of the knife at his waist a few times, as if he was thinking.

"That's right, you killed one of my puppet, right? As for Feng Da's tongue flashing, you'll know once you try it." Bai Wuchang looked at the young man in front of him, and said with a cold expression, as if he had already settled for Chen Mo. .

Taking a step forward, the white oil-paper umbrella in his hand had already been knocked down on Chen Mo's head.

"Heaven-human-dragon level?" Chen Mo was slightly taken aback. Although he was stupefied, a strong figure had already blocked the attack for him. It turned out to be the three-eyed Yan Luo summoned by Chen Mo. He had 79 ghost eyes and stretched out his arms. Received Bai Wuchang's attack.


The ground under Sanmu Yanluo's feet shattered, and his body sank by at least an inch. At the same time, Bai Wuchang also flew upside down, but he was not so embarrassed. A slight touch of the air caused a ripple like It fell to the ground lightly like a dragonfly.

"I underestimated you, but you have fed the evil spirit so powerful." Bai Wuchang just glanced at Chen Mo indifferently, as if he didn't feel the fear and pressure of the seven-meter-high three-eyed Yama.

"It seems that you are quite skilled?" Chen Mo smiled, "Since you have the means, then play with ghosts who are even more skilled."

"Ghost Realm."

The ghost domain directly shrouded it.

"Huh?" Chen Mo realized that he didn't seem to have caught Bai Wuchang.

"White Impermanence"


A six-meter-tall evil ghost in a huge white robe appeared in front of Chen Mo.

Bai Wuchang was grinning in a tattered white robe, and there were traces of golden talisman light on the robe. The robe was spread out very wide, blocking all the black energy of the ghost domain in front of him. The pale body of this big ghost On the top is a bloodless head, wearing a three-foot tall white long hat.

The slender ghost held a white mourning stick in his hand, and the pale chains around his body were constantly spinning.

A raging ghostly aura emanated from his body.

"This is a bit of a handsome look." Chen Mo murmured as he looked at Bai Wuchang who was blocking the ghost domain for the woman in white robe.

 I wish you all a happy new year, all your wishes come true, and everything goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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