Reckless through another world

Chapter 323 Research of Hades

Chapter 323 Research of Hades

"What is this, your newly inlaid ghost?" Old Hei looked at Chen Mo and asked, and what he asked was naturally the Six-Armed Martial God.

"No, that's what happened at the time..." Chen Mo began to talk about the surrender process of the six-armed warrior.

Of course, it is impossible to surrender. It is very likely that Chen Mo is planning to use Chen Mo as a tool man to take him out of that big ghost domain, but now he has become Chen Mo's tool ghost instead.

"Shuai Yin won't be in any danger." Outside the city, a humanoid creature in a white robe said in a low voice. He raised his head slightly as he spoke, his eyes were slightly scarlet, and was covered by a black cloth. Face, can't see what it looks like.

"Probably not. If we are really in danger, Commander Yin will call me to wait." Another short man next to it said. This short man was also wearing a white robe and a black mask covering his mouth and nose. He covered it up, and covered it with a white hood, only revealing a pair of reddish eyes.

And beside them was an army-like group of people prostrate on the ground, about three hundred in number, all dressed in white robes, with hoods and masks covering their heads and faces.

The coercion of the body is all hidden, and it is not clear what kind of cultivation they are, and they don't even know whether the other party is a human, a ghost, or something else.

What they don't know is that their Yin Shuai Bai is now in a bitter battle.

Facing the charging six-armed evil spirit, Bai Wuchang controlled by Bai was obviously resisting with all his strength, but seeing the disadvantage gradually increase, even the ghost energy in his body was under the attack of the six-armed warrior. are constantly consumed.

"Eight Type Potion of Hades." Seeing that Bai Wuchang took out a long injection, Lao Hei was slightly taken aback, and then murmured.

"You know?" Chen Mo asked.

Chen Mo doesn't know these plots, he still remembers the general trend of the plot, but it has obviously changed now, the Unicom from all walks of life that should have appeared in the fourth act, now has signs, and there are many things he has never heard of before. organization.

Such as this Hades.

"I'm not sure. I'm not the person in charge of this kind of project, but I know a little about the general situation." Lao Hei shook his head, but nodded again. The thing is still heard.

"This kind of thing is called Hades Potion. I don't know the reason, but it can greatly improve the overall combat power of martial arts after it is manufactured, and even make an ordinary person able to compete with acquired martial arts."

"Even able to fight against innate-level martial arts." Lao Hei is also a little helpless, every line is like a mountain, each Yin Shuai is responsible for the research and development of a project, and his research plan is artificial evil ghosts.

I have to say that he is very talented in this item. Although he does not know which parameter caused him to become a ghost, it does not prevent him from recording all the details of the experiment. It is very likely that he will replicate it in the future .

"So powerful?" Chen Mo was quite surprised. Although he knew that the rune technology in this world was developing very well. Although the technology was a little bit different from the earth, in a society where personal force is outstanding, it is also possible for such a large-scale rune technology to appear. Quite strange.

But after all, I have been in contact with it for a long time, and I also know the power of rune technology, such as giant ships, enchantments, heavy artillery... and so on.

"It's very powerful. This kind of potion can deeply stimulate people's potential and improve their abilities in all aspects. I also heard that Hades has already completely produced the Hades Twelve Potion." Old Hei nodded. .

As he said that, there was something extra in the eyes of Old Hei looking at Bai. Of course, this is not the so-called love, but his admiration for the same scientific researcher and his recognition of Bai.

"It's a bit like the so-called genetic medicine." Chen Mo murmured in his heart.

In the previous Earth Federation period, genetic medicines had begun to appear, delaying cell aging, rejuvenating the body, or turning an ordinary person into a physical fitness comparable to a professional boxer...etc.

Moreover, there will be gene-edited babies in the future, artificially creating superhuman races.

What Chen Mo didn't expect was that even in this era, there are still people who develop this kind of genetic medicine.

The appearance of a thing must show the rationality of its existence, which is beyond doubt, and as long as it can be manufactured, it is not a taboo. For human beings, there seems to be no taboo in the world.

Not only dared to interfere with evil spirits, but also dared to artificially create evil spirits, and was successful. Existence is reasonable. Since artificial evil spirits have appeared, they must have their own unique features. This kind of genetic medicine is similar to Naturally, things also have their own uniqueness.

There was always an invisible barrier-like thing in front of Bai Wuchang that stopped the Six-Armed Martial God, which gave Bai Wuchang a chance to give an injection.


The needle was directly stuck into Bai Wuchang's body, and the golden liquid in the needle was directly pushed in.

With the injection of this injection, Bai Wuchang's pale face unexpectedly turned golden, and even the black ghostly aura around him was tinged with a touch of gold, and Bai Wuchang's body distorted accordingly.

The fleshy body, which looked a little dry, actually strengthened to a degree visible to the naked eye. It was as black as granite, with a little bit of scarlet in it.

Bai Wuchang, who was originally only six meters high and fused with Bai to reach a height of ten meters, jumped up five meters, reaching the level of 15 meters, and reached the same level as the six-armed warrior.

It's just that it's no longer the kind of erratic and eerie ghost, but the kind of powerful oppressive ghost like a berserker.

Scarlet ghostly aura spewed out from Bai Wuchang's mouth, forming two streaks of sharp smoke, and even the scarlet ghostly aura wafted from his originally scarlet eyes.If the Bai Wuchang just now was a weak and consumptive ghost, then this is the massacre general who kills like hemp, and his murderous aura is solidified.

The two are simply worlds apart.

"Fuck!" Chen Mo was hiding in the ghost domain, watching Bai Wuchang's changes, his eyes were a little straight, he was envious, this kind of powerful oppression, this kind of physical body that knows explosive power at a glance, this kind of The cool appearance, this condensed scarlet evil spirit cloak, almost made Chen Mo swallow his saliva.

Old Hei felt strange for no reason, and when he turned his head to look, Old Hei was taken aback.

"Let me try her shade." Chen Mo's face gradually twisted, his eyes were straightened, and a weird smile appeared on his grin.

"This person is more like a ghost." Judging from the smile Chen Mo showed just now, Lao Hei understood that this person may be smiling on the surface, and sometimes he is very reckless and very belligerent, but deep down , is paranoid, even neurotic.

"Don't worry, the Eight Types of Hades are targeting evil spirits. Now Bai Wuchang's combat power has at least doubled. It's not easy to fight, and that guy is not easy to deal with." Lao Hei directly pulled Chen Mo and persuaded him. .

The guy he was talking about was naturally the six-armed evil spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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