Chapter 324
"But, I can't wait!" Chen Mo shook his head. Bai Wuchang didn't mention his fighting enthusiasm just now, but now facing the strengthened Bai Wuchang, Chen Mo felt the blood in his body was already hot.

"Winners and losers, let's fight to decide the outcome." Chen Mo couldn't wait any longer, and this stalemate battle should be over.

Chen Mo smiled and took Lao Hei's hand away from him. Chen Mo didn't put Lao He in the evil ghost cage. As long as his stellar energy continued, the evil ghost cage's control over Lao Hei would always exist.

And the most important point is that this is Chen Mo's home area, and Chen Mo is very confident that Lao Hei will not be able to leave.

The third point is also Chen Mo's personal characteristics. Suspicious people don't need to be suspicious. A man-made epic ghost, Chen Mo has the confidence to frighten him. He is not as cautious as others. He trusts others because he trusts himself. strength.

"Don't put me in the cage of evil spirits?" Lao Hei was taken aback, then looked at Chen Mo and asked, although he had already expressed his surrender, but this kind of battle should logically put him in the prison of evil spirits, right? .

"No need, you can actually come out and walk around in the future." Chen Mo turned his back and waved his hands gracefully. The ghost energy in his body slowly condensed, and his skin directly turned into ghost armor. out.

The tall, three-eyed Yan Luo is dressed in thick ghost armor, with scarlet ghost eyes guarding the subtleties.

[Artificial Evil Ghost Zero Zero One Affinity +1%]

"Just add one percent, really stingy." Chen Mo grinned, he didn't plan to embed Lao Hei, although the strength of artificial evil spirits is not weak, but compared to the evil spirits in Chen Mo's team, he is a little weaker, even The growth cap is also limited.

Chen Mo doesn't intend to do this kind of self-digging. He only has ten slots in total, and all he needs are T1-level evil spirits. Even if he is weak now, it doesn't matter, but he must have great potential. The 1 kind.

The three-eyed Yan Luo is like this, the Lord Chiyan is like this, the Lord of the North is like this, and the six-armed Martial God in front of him is also in Chen Mo's attention.

Chen Mo intends to assign the man-made evil ghost Lao Hei to his elder brother or eldest sister and younger sister. The Chen family always needs a family evil spirit. No evil ghost has the wisdom of man-made evil ghosts.

Maybe in the future, we will encounter even scarier ghosts and even more cunning ghosts, but we will never feel the same kind. At least the man-made evil ghosts are human in essence, not ghosts, right?

Taking a step forward, a raging ghostly aura gushes out from the gap in the ghost armor with a "chi!"

"Blessing with all big moves!"

"Emperor Yan's wrath level two!"

"The sea of ​​darkness is boundless!"

Coupled with the powerful blessing power of the ghost domain, the body of the three-eyed Yama also reached a height of 15 meters.


With the buzzing sound of the vibrating ghost energy, Chen Mo's figure appeared on the battlefield. At the same time, the two evil ghosts who were fighting turned their heads and looked at Chen Mo.

There is no killing intent at all, only a layer of hazy fear and coercion. It seems that because the evil spirit is unconscious, there is no way to radiate killing intent against the individual, but the fear and coercion is particularly prominent.

It's something that affects the mind.

And what is rushing towards Chen Mo now is a double fear coercion, not only Bai Wuchang but also the six-armed evil spirit.

The two evil spirits attacked Chen Mo at the same time, but the Six-Armed Martial God seemed to hesitate for a while. After all, although Chen Mo's sudden appearance caused his target to shift, but after sensing the familiarity in Chen Mo's ghostly aura, The six-armed Valkyrie stopped attacking again.

"Then come on!" Chen Mo grinned, feeling silently, the blood in his body seemed to have started to burn, and the majestic stellar energy spread out from his dantian, surrounding his body.

The stellar dragon let out bursts of roars, spewed out majestic stellar qi, and turned into a divine gang.

"Spiral Hell!" Chen Mo roared, and the hands of the three-eyed Yama suddenly clenched into fists, and a black spiral hell appeared on the face of the vertical fist.

"Bang bang!" With two steps, the big foot made two huge footprints on the ground, and then jumped up, Chen Mo rushed out from the black ghost aura, accompanied by the scarlet ghost aura, his fists Aim at Bai Wuchang's head.

"Ghost shackles!" Bai Wuchang opened his mouth slowly, and the white chains around him that seemed to have been painted with a layer of white paint flew up and rushed towards Chen Mo's fist.

And they began to separate with a clatter in the air, and with the sound of clang clang, they wrapped around the body of the three-eyed Yama.

However, the downward trend of the three-eyed Yama controlled by Chen Mo was not hindered at all, and the spiral hell with two fists became as big as a roller, and the black spiral hell was directly smashed in front of Bai Wuchang by Chen Mo.

"Barrier? Then I'll smash it!" Chen Mo landed on the ground with a bang, withdrew his heels, bowed his body slightly, and then straightened up like a drawn crossbow. Bai Wuchang, who was floating in the air, was directly crushed The three-eyed Yan Luo staggered.

But he didn't fall down. Now the strength of the three-eyed Yama is obviously stronger than that of Bai Wuchang, and there is no way to form a crush.

However, this does not prevent Chen Mo from using the opponent's chain to pull the distance between the two sides. The small black spinning ball of the spiral hell appeared on the side of the arm of the three-eyed Yama, and there were eight small black balls on each side, arranged side by side. .

At the same time, a black spiral hell ball appeared for two moments on the face of Sanmu Yanluo's fist, and it became a complete form in an instant.

"Spiral Hell, Tunnel Style!" Chen Mo grinned, his figure had already rushed up along the chains, the spiral hell with both fists was about to give Bai Wuchang a severe blow, but they were all blocked by the invisible barrier in front of him down.

"Soul Strike!" The mourning stick in Bai Wuchang's hand hit directly, and it was still aimed at the body of the three-eyed Yama.

"Ghost eyes!" The 79 scarlet ghost eyes widened at the same time, together with the 79 ghost eyes and a pair of naked eyes on Chen Mo's body, although Bai Wuchang was awake, the three-eyed Yama escaped from Bai Wuchang's attack scope.

The Six-Armed Martial God's attack also arrived, this guy is quite interesting, hit Bai Wuchang twice, and then hit Chen Mo, even if he is an acquaintance, he can still hit it, but it makes the three parties form a unique balance.

What fell in Chen Mo's eyes was not a barrier, but some tiny chains hidden in the air. Whenever Chen Mo wanted to attack Bai Wuchang, these invisible chains appeared to block him.

Not only Chen Mo's attack was blocked, but also the attack of the Six-Armed Valkyrie was blocked.

"Then how many times can you block it?!" Chen Mo's figure escaped from the control of the chain through the ghost domain, and the spiral hell fist in his hand had already caught up and went straight to Bai Wuchang's face.


"It's impossible for you to break through my defense!" Bai Qing's cold voice came out, "It's better for you to get caught without a fight, maybe I will be more careful when I dissect you."

"If you can catch me, please do it yourself, if you can't, you will die!" Chen Mo chuckled, even if it was a chain, it was replaced back and forth. It just so happened that Chen Mo could teleport in the ghost domain through the ghost domain.

(End of this chapter)

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