Reckless through another world

Chapter 325 Why Are You Captured Alive?

Chapter 325 Why Are You Captured Alive?
"Have you found the source?" Bronze Medal Qinglong frowned, and teams of scout soldiers came back from the thick fog, but none of them found the source of the incident.

"This incident seems to be different and weird." The bronze medal Baihu has also changed, and many people that Chen Mo used to know have disappeared, some died in battle, and some were transferred to other counties.

There are also some who have been promoted to a larger Zhenyi Division, and of course, like Chen Mo, some have become ghost emissaries and entered the God Catchment Sect.

Xiao Xuan stood on the top of the tower, looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on a place, which was the ancestral house of the Chen family.

After a few swishes, Xiao Xuan's figure quickly passed by, and came not far from the Chen family's ancestral house.

"This is, the ancestral house of the Chen family?" Xiao Xuan naturally knew the addresses of many big households in Linshan City, and recognized that this was the ancestral house of the Chen family who had moved away, but when he wanted to try to enter the door, he suddenly found that , he seemed to be unable to walk in at all.

Chen Mo's ghost domain is open, as long as Chen Mo disagrees, if you want to leave, you need to be a ghost domain, or you need a space item, otherwise unless Chen Mo's ghost energy is exhausted, it is impossible to go out, and others will also enter. Not coming.

Many times, this method is needed to deal with the owners of ghost domains. If everyone has ghost domains, they can naturally move them away, but many people do not have ghost domains. up.

Or use space teleportation props, but some of this equipment has side effects.

"The people in Linshan City have already found this place." Chen Mo felt that there was a ghost guard hovering outside the gate of his ghost domain, and seemed to want to come in, but Chen Mo did not let him in. A battle of this intensity, even if it is Hong Yi couldn't help either.

Only the red clothes of the court column level can reach out, let alone bronze and silver.

Under the control of Chen Mo's consciousness, Huang Quan quietly moved away from his eyes.Originally, Chen Mo thought he could crush Bai Wuchang in a short period of time, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so difficult to deal with, and to be able to explode such fighting power in such a desperate situation.

In order not to disturb Linshan City any more, Chen Mo directly asked Huang Quan to leave Linshan City.

"The position of Shuai Yin has changed, what should I do?" the creature in a white robe with a hood and a mask on his head said in a low voice.

"Chasing!" said another who seemed to be in charge.

Speaking of which, the entire group of more than 300 humanoid creatures moved quickly, chasing the direction of the ghost domain. Every time they stepped out, there was not even a trace of footsteps, just like a ghost army.

If anyone saw it, they would exclaim "Ghost Army."

"Are you able to go in?" Xiao Xuan stood there dumbfounded. He only felt a creepy feeling coming from behind. When he walked into the gate of the Chen family, he didn't feel anything strange. Only then did he feel something strange. It's easy to let go of the tense strings.

With a "huh", he let out a long breath.

Touching the shirt on the back, the inner shirt was soaked with sweat.

"The one just now, isn't it the ghost domain?" Xiao Xuan has only heard of the name of the ghost domain, but has never seen it at all. Of course, with his strength, if he really meets a big ghost who can open the ghost domain, he will basically You can prepare for the funeral.

Those who can pass through the ghost domain are all evil spirits that are far stronger than their copper seal gods. Even if he is a silver seal, there is no guarantee. He is dragged into the ghost domain. With his level, only his own ghost aura It was exhausted first, and then the internal energy was exhausted. Without the big ghost of Huangquan's action, he died after the evil ghost in his body backfired.

"Huh!" Trembling and exhaling a breath of foul air, Xiao Xuan laughed twice, his face was a little pale, and he stopped his body's ghost transformation.

With the departure of Chen Mo Ghost Domain, the gray atmosphere that was shrouded here gradually dissipated.

The haze that shrouded the government and the people finally dissipated, Linshan City also lifted the martial law and started to operate again.

Of course, Chen Mo in the ghost domain didn't know, and he didn't know that Linshan City mobilized people in order to know exactly what caused such a large-scale incident. As the instigator, Chen Mo had already left the range of Linshan City, and also I don't know how Lin Shancheng will deal with the aftermath.

Since then, if there were no large-scale missions or earth-shattering changes, Chen Mo probably would not have returned to Linshan City.

"Spiral Hell!"


Chen Mo couldn't remember how many times he shot. The unformed spiral hell on the side of his arms seemed to have been completely consumed, but with a click, there was a sound like glass shattering.

Those invisible chains in front of Bai Wuchang were finally broken, this iron turtle shell was finally broken by Chen Mo.

"Kill!" Ling Lie's voice came from Chen Mo's mouth, and the figure of Yan Luo with three eyes was like a shell, which was released in an instant, and appeared in front of Bai Wuchang in less than an instant, with his face stuck on the In front of Bai Wuchang's face, the distance between the two was only thirty centimeters.

For the two ghosts who are 15 meters tall, this distance can be said to be face to face.

The three-eyed Yan Luo's ghost hand has already clenched into a fist, the sound of the armor is inaudible in such a strong wind, and Bai Wuchang in Bai Wuchang's body seems to be taken aback, she never thought that Bai Wuchang's defense would be so unexpected It was broken by Chen Mo.

like what?It seems to be like a siege ram, with strength, strength, and speed. It seems that the guy in black armor in front of him is a siege machine that doesn't know how to get tired.

Even the six-armed warrior's attack was avoided by him using the ghost domain. In fact, the six-armed warrior's focus was still on Bai Wuchang's body, so it was the simultaneous attacks of the six-armed warrior and the three-eyed Yama that made Bai Wuchang Defenses shattered.

"It can be called a BUG-level defensive ability, but someone Chen has still found a weakness." Chen Mo smiled. This is a triumphant smile. On the fist of the three-eyed Yama, the spiral hell has condensed into shape.

As long as Bai Wuchang hits like this, her fighting rhythm will be completely controlled by Chen Mo.

Bai Wuchang chuckled, and Bai Wuchang's figure in front of Chen Mo's eyes had disappeared.

"Space-shifting props?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, and dismissed the ghost domain. Although Chen Mo had never heard of the Underworld organization in the original game world, Chen Mo now pays attention to it.

"Chen Xianzhi, I remember you." Bai's voice came to Chen Mo's ears from all directions, but Chen Mo couldn't see where Bai's figure was.

"Ghost Eyes"

The scarlet ghost's eyes slowly opened wide, looking for Bai's shadow, but the other party had obviously left, leaving no breath around.

"Bai Wuchang, the yin commander of the underworld, it's a pity that I let you run away. Now that Bai Wuchang has come to kill him, it seems that I have to seriously look for the underworld organization." Chen Mo murmured, for this kind of hostility towards him The organization cannot allow him to develop.

As Chen Mo said, he released the state of controlling ghosts, and looked around to see the desolate land and some graves.

"She has so many hole cards, why did you get caught?" Chen Mo joked the old gangster.

"I wanted to run, but I turned into an evil ghost, all my energy was gone, I couldn't even open the mustard bag, and I couldn't use anything." Old Hei spread his hands, not because he had a conspiracy, but because he really couldn't run away. what.

(End of this chapter)

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