Reckless through another world

Chapter 330 How dare you quit!

Chapter 330 How dare you quit!
Chen Mo frowned slightly. He felt a vague fear and coercion just now, and the feeling just now was a bit overwhelming, but when he looked for it now, he couldn't find it.

"Illusion? Impossible, there must be something mixed in." Chen Mo may not be smart enough, but his perception will never have such an illusion.

Glancing at the people in the lobby, he couldn't see the end of it. It seemed that the owner of Qingfeng Villa was quite popular.

However, in Chen Mo's eyes, this is still a lot worse. He also participated in the plot here back then. The player team is called a crowd of people, shoulder to shoulder. Of course, wherever there are missions, there are crowds of people.

I remember that when I first went out to kill wolves in the village, it was no surprise that those who killed chickens could not grab it. Even the pig pens were crowded with players, but now it made Chen Mo feel a little uncomfortable.

If we used to play large-scale online games, now it is a stand-alone game. Such a large map is owned by him alone, and all the plots have to be discovered by Chen Mo himself.

"It turns out that he is a senior disciple of the Supreme Dao Sect. Li Qingfeng has prepared a place for you young heroes, please come inside." Li Qingfeng's eyes lit up. He didn't expect many people from the eight peerless sects to come, at most he would come. Some unimportant people did not expect that there would be disciples of the late innate stage.

"I have admired Master Li's name for a long time, and seeing him today is even more famous." The leading disciple of the Taishang Dao Sect said very humbly.

"Don't dare, please come in quickly."

"It turned out to be a senior disciple of Guiyuanzong!"

"Hey, someone from the Pure Yang Sword Sect is also here."

"Isn't that a disciple of the Supreme Dao Sect?"

There are many first-class forces here. Of course, there are also disciples from the eight peerless sects. After all, a first-class force in Jianghu is about to withdraw from the stage. .

There are also many first-class forces, such as some of the Buddhist and Daoist sects, and even the Beiming faction sent people. It was the fourth elder. Chen Mo saw the acquaintance, but he didn't speak. Those who fight are better off staying single.

Speaking of it, it's not because Shangguanting glanced at him, but in the previous game world, Shangguanting was a very unfriendly npc, and many people died at his hands.

But because he is basically in the sky, it is difficult to kill him by the number of people. This kind of monster, Chen Mo does not intend to keep him in the arena. This kind of person who kills at every turn should have already done it. Get ready for death.

Thinking of this, the corners of Chen Mo's mouth curled up, and a grin appeared.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Junying felt that Chen Mo's smile was very malicious.

"It's nothing. By the way, your seat in Guiyuanzong is not here, are those a few of your younger brothers?" Chen Mo changed the topic.

"Well, who are you talking about? One of them is a senior, and the others are all juniors. I was annoyed by that senior, so I ran away first." Li Junying hid in the crowd and glanced at the few disciples of Gui Yuanzong. Said.

"That's it." Chen Mo nodded, he was not in the mood to gossip, even if the other party wanted to pursue Li Junying, he didn't care about Chen Mo's affairs.

"Zen Master Huitong, I didn't expect your old man to come." Li Qingfeng was indeed very pleasantly surprised.

"Benefactor Li has some connections with our temple, so the old monk will naturally want to come." Huitong nodded, with a smile on his benevolent face. Back then, Li Qingfeng retrieved a secret book for their temple, and Huitong came here to return It was humane at that time.

They naturally also know some inside information, for example, Tianwaitian is coming, or some other enemies of Li Qingfeng in the arena back then, they must come to challenge in the open and aboveboard today when they wash their hands in the golden basin. Pressing the line.

Of course, there are also some other martial arts masters who also walked into Qingfeng Villa one after another.

"People from Mount Shu, you also come to Qingfeng Villa to wade through the muddy water?" The disciples of the Chunyang Sword Sect didn't give the people of Mount Shu a good look.

"Why, you are allowed to come to Jianzong, but I can't come to Shushan?" The disciples of Shushan are not good at it, and people who look at Jianzong don't like it.

"Pinch it again."

"Just pinch it, it's all old grudges." Some of them watched the excitement.

Seeing that the guests were almost gone, Li Qingfeng walked to the lobby, clasped his fists and said, "Today, I, Li Qingfeng, wash my hands in a golden basin. Thank you all fellow martial artists for your support. It is a great honor for Li."

"Brother Li wants to withdraw from the arena, and younger brother will naturally join in. It's just a pity that we won't be able to hear the prestige of Qingfeng Villa in Wulin from now on."

"Yeah, lord Li is at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period, why bother to wash his hands and withdraw from the arena. It's really regrettable."

"I'm deeply sorry..."


For a moment, all the martial arts comrades in the lobby spoke out and flattered.

This is how it is in Jianghu, everyone brags about each other in business, and then hello, me, hello, everyone, and evil heretics appear, shoulder to shoulder to knock them down, isn't this a good comrade in the martial arts.

"Tsk tsk." Sitting beside Chen Mo, Li Junying shook her head and clicked her tongue in a low voice.

Chen Mo didn't think anything of it, it was just business bragging.

"It has been forty or three years since Li set foot in the martial arts world. He overcame thorns and thorns all the way, defeated his opponents, eliminated demons and repaired them, and straightened the way..."

Not only Li Junying, but even Chen Mo felt quite boring. What Li Qingfeng said was basically what he had done since he set foot in the martial arts world. Just listening to this person's words, it seemed that they were all good things and did not do bad things.

But to make Qingfeng Villa reach first-class power, how could the owner of the villa only do good things, there must be some dirty things.

It's just that everyone publicizes the good things they do and ignores the dirty ones, just like a child who gets [-] points in the exam will talk about it everywhere, but he will definitely not publicize it everywhere if he gets a zero point in the test, or even hide it.

After talking for a quarter of an hour, Li Qingfeng finally stopped talking.

"Today is the day when Li Qingfeng washes his hands, and today is also the day to avenge the 120 members of my Zhang family." The person hidden under the cloak raised his head slightly, showing a grimace-like face.

"I hibernated for fifteen years, to avenge my martial arts practice, and trained myself to be so inhuman, how dare he, Li Qingfeng, wash his hands in a golden basin and escape from the rivers and lakes, how dare he!" the grimace cloaked man roared, Then he calmed down, holding the weapon, and stepped onto the mountain gate.

"Let's go, it's time to deliver a coffin to the thief Li Qingfeng today!" On the other side, a dozen people also hurried up the mountain gate.

"Let's go too." The man in black said calmly, "I want to get that thing back."

Next to the man in black is Shangguanting and another demon cultivator.

"Put the golden basin!" Li Qingfeng's voice sounded.

Li Qingfeng's disciple brought up the golden basin and placed it in front of Li Qingfeng.

"Today, under the witness of fellow martial artists, Mr. Li washed his hands in a golden basin and left the Jianghu. The Jianghu affairs have nothing to do with Mr. Li."

"Slow!" A deep voice sounded from outside the lobby.

"One day you are a man of the rivers and lakes, and you will be a man of the rivers and lakes all your life. You have to pay for the murders you have committed, and you have to end the karma you have created."

"How dare you quit!"

"How dare you!" came the roaring voice, with bursts of sound waves.

(End of this chapter)

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