Chapter 331

"Are you here?" Li Shou murmured, his body was growing slowly, but it was just a phantom, and scarlet blood spit out from his mouth.


Like vomiting, the vented blood gushed out and slowly covered his body, dyeing his body red, and the viscous blood finally turned into a scarlet armor covering his entire body up.

"Wake up, blood demon patriarch!" Li Shou's voice was low, but it seemed to be able to penetrate the soul. The voice echoed in the house, but the guards outside the door and the maid in the side room didn't seem to hear it at all. .

"Hey, boy, you can actually wake me up, Patriarch?" An old voice sounded in Li Shou's body, which seemed to be full of doubts. Immediately, the blood on Li Shou's body slowly condensed and turned into an old man head.

The old man looked ordinary, and seemed to have a little kindness, but this expression appeared on a head made of blood, but it showed such an unfriendly expression.

"Of course I know." Li Shou stretched out his arm with a smile. His arm was covered with plasma, and the plasma gradually solidified, turning into small pieces of blood scales.

As he stretched out his arm, he grabbed the Gorefiend Patriarch, and then squeezed it, turning it into blood. With a light step, he disappeared into the house.

"Perhaps, I'm afraid I'll have to give my life here today." Li Shou laughed silently. When he was smiling, he turned around and saw the tall shadow following him. This was his last reliance.

The one who stepped into the lobby was a tall and strong figure. He was wearing a dilapidated white robe that had been washed a long time ago, and his clothes were also tattered. If it wasn't for the power of the peak of the Houtian, he might be regarded as a beggar. .

"You, Li Qingfeng, dare to wash your hands in a golden basin and quit the rivers and lakes!" The figure raised his head, growled, and looked towards the end of the hall. Li Qingfeng, who wanted to wash his hands in a golden basin, had scarlet eyes, and held the weapon case on his back. hands.

Among the guests, a small half were spectators. Among them, Chen Mo and Li Junying belonged to the spectators, and some of them stood still, wanting to hear what this figure had to say, and a small part were Li Qingfeng's enemies , they wished for Li Qingfeng's misfortune.

As for some quacks who defended Li Qingfeng, they did not speak up now, but chose to wait and see.

As for the disciples of those big sects, they didn't say anything. On the day when the golden basin washes its hands, there will be enemies who will come to take revenge. This has existed since ancient times. They have no reason to act. We still have to see what the master said of.

"Who are you? Today is the day my master Jinpen washes his hands, how dare you come here to make trouble?" Li Qingfeng's disciple asked.

Jiang Cuo's face was gloomy. As Li Qingfeng's disciple, he naturally did not allow others to make trouble on the day when his master Jinpen washed his hands. Originally, he also opposed Jinpen's handwashing, but Li Qingfeng insisted, so he had no choice but to support it.

Right now, I was so angry that I couldn't let it out, so someone came to serve as a punching bag, and when I really fell asleep, someone came to give me a pillow.

"A certain Zhang Dewei, the son of the master of Zhangjiabao in Qilingzhou, came here to take revenge today."

"One day you are a Jianghu person, your whole life is a Jianghu person, you have to pay for the murders you have committed, and you have to end the karma you have created. How dare you, Li Qingfeng, withdraw from the Jianghu, how dare you say that this Jianghu grievance has nothing to do with you."

"Can you sleep at night?!"

"You can sleep, but I can't sleep. There are 120 people in my Zhang family, and I can't sleep!" Zhang Dewei roared, his voice was hoarse, as if he was exhausted, his body trembled, but it was not fear.

Chen Mo didn't feel any fear from this person's body either. The person in front of him is a bloody brave man who wants to kill someone. If he was in the army, such a person would be a matchless general. It's a pity that he was born in the Jianghu .

"My Zhangjiabao, 120 people of five people, were massacred by you, Li Qingfeng, just because there is something you need in my Zhangjiabao's treasury."

"I, Zhangjiabao, have done good deeds since the establishment of the fort, and have caused this disaster. And you, a blood-stained murderer, even tried to wash your hands in a golden basin, and you deserve it!" Zhang Dewei looked at Li Qingfeng with scarlet eyes.

"So that's the case? I didn't expect that Li Qingfeng, who is known as the incomparable benevolence and righteousness, would actually do things like destroying people. He really knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart."

"Who says no? Let me tell you, if such a person washes his hands in the golden basin, then after all the people are wiped out and then washes his hands in the golden basin, wouldn't he be able to live a lifetime in style?"

"I think we still have to trust Master Li's character, maybe it's just a misunderstanding."


Whispering was gradually turning into a war of confrontation, and the lobby, which was still a little quiet, suddenly seemed to be boiling with porridge.

"Brother, let's"

"Just wait and see."

The disciples of Dapai Dazong looked at their senior brother who led the team, and then they all fell silent.

"Shut up, master, disciple please kill this beast!" Jiang Cuo raised his sword and was about to rush over.

"Stop." Li Qingfeng stopped his disciples, and he also suppressed the rest of the disciples. In fact, he had already prepared to wash their hands in a golden basin, and the disciples in the villa were almost dismissed.

The rest are either the orphans he picked up, or the servants' children, and some are the disciples who refuse to leave and insist on staying.

He was already prepared to be troubled by troubles, but it was not Tianwaitian who came to him, but the previous hatred.

"Back then, it wasn't XX, XX would never lie to you. However, if you want to fight, I, Li Qingfeng, will also agree." Li Qingfeng's expression was a bit complicated, but finally he sighed.

Listening to his words, it seems that there is another secret.

"Don't make hypocritical sophistry, this one sees clearly that there are two other people besides you, a bastard. Didn't the two of them come today?"

"But it doesn't matter, today, either you die or I die!"

"Die!" Zhang Dewei slammed the weapon box.

Ka Ka, after a few sounds, the weapon box turned into a huge hammer on one side, Zhang Dewei's figure flashed past, and charged towards Li Qingfeng with the hammer in hand.

"It's interesting." Li Junying's eyes brightened, as if he had discovered some good gossip.

Chen Mo was very calm from the beginning to the end. He had already experienced this story, and later solved it. It was indeed not Li Qingfeng, but someone else. Someone set the blame on Li Qingfeng, but Chen Mo didn't bother to deal with such nonsense, he was just waiting for the court.

"I don't know, if I kill Shangguanting, will there be a Blood God Child in the future?" Chen Mo thinks there should be, even if there is no Blood God Child, there will be Green God Child or Red God Child. .

After all, the main reason is that the power of the Gorefiend will eventually be born and obtained by others.

(End of this chapter)

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