Chapter 332

"Hey, this man's technique is very similar to that of the Tang Sect." Li Junying nodded her pretty chin slightly, and said critically.

Huo Yanjin, the top internal strength that only the Tang Sect possesses, can activate all hidden weapons of the Tang Sect. That broad hammer should not only be a weapon, but a huge hidden weapon box, which definitely contains a lot of large hidden weapons. Lethal hidden weapon.

If you want to use his cultivation base, although it is not bad, but if you want to defeat the heavenly man at the top of the future, in addition to the magic technique, if you use foreign objects, probably only Tangmen's hidden weapons can be satisfied.

After all, he is not a talented person, and it is not bad to be able to use Tangmen martial arts to this level with such perseverance.

Chen Mo glanced at Li Junying, this disciple of Yuanzong seems to be very curious about everything, but curiosity is curiosity, Chen Mo is not curious, you have explained a lot of situations.

"I won't kill you. I can only say that I did not do what happened back then. I, Li Qingfeng, dare to do it. If I haven't done it, I haven't done it." Li Qingfeng stopped the blade on Zhang Dewei's neck, and then shook his head. He shook his head and explained.

"I've lost!" Zhang Dewei smiled wryly, and the broad hammer in his hand turned into a box.


"Rainstorm Pear Blossom!"

Tang Sect hidden weapon, Rainstorm Pear Blossom, [-] needles, gathered in a box, even if it is protected by true qi, it will still be smashed into pieces by the Rainstorm Pear Blossom needle, it is a real hidden weapon that can kill dragon-level heavenly beings, Ranked third on the list of hidden weapons of the Tang Sect.

Chen Mo glanced at Li Junying who was explaining, "Your serious commentary is a bit against the law."

"This is the second time I've seen Rainstorm Pear Blossom, how can I keep others from knowing about it!" Li Junying blinked playfully, and said with a smile on her face, excited and even eager to try.

But Chen Mo shook his head, "It's not Rainstorm Pear Blossom, and it's not even Tang Sect's stuff, but it's still very interesting."

Before Chen Mo's words fell, Zhang Dewei had already stepped out from under Li Qingfeng's sword, and took out a blood-red jewel-like thing from the mustard bag.

"Master, be careful."

"No problem."

"It's stabbed!" Zhang Dewei tore off his shirt at once, revealing a groove in his heart, and put the red gemstone on it. With a clang sound, countless loops were connected to this red gemstone.

Zhang Dewei still remembered that he knelt in front of that person with his head bowed.

The man asked, "Do you regret it? If you accept it, you will no longer be a human being."

Zhang Dewei didn't say much, just gritted his teeth and said: "As long as I can get revenge..."

"It turned out to be the Mohist's Rune Mechanism." Li Junying's eyes widened slightly, and she exclaimed, her eyes were full of excitement, and she looked at Zhang Dewei.

That's right, it was the Mohism's rune mechanism technique, Zhang Dewei's whole body had already been covered by machinery, and his body was composed of tiny parts, revealing a patched face.

The skin of the fingers peeled off, exposing the mechanism inside. Some places were made of star gold, and some places were made of black unknown materials. This is refining itself as a weapon.

This is also the result of refining. Except for some main organs in the body, such as the dantian that stores the stellar energy, the rest of the body has been transformed.


White steam spewed out from the gaps in the machine, and the look in Zhang Dewei's eyes gradually dimmed, but it was obvious that he still had consciousness.

"Teacher, Zhang Dewei has activated the combat form of the armored soldier." A man in a black robe and a bamboo hat stood on a distant mountain peak and said with a rune monocular lens, and he was still paying attention to Qingfeng Villa The movement in the lobby was transmitted by the star token on the other side.

"Record all the data, recall the terracotta warriors if you can't do anything, and destroy him if you can't." An old voice came from the other end of the token.

Naturally, their Mohist rune mechanism cannot fall into the hands of others, and the current mechanism is only in the testing stage.

"Zhang Dewei, don't let me down!" The bamboo hat man said with a smile, Zhang Dewei is the organist he is in charge of, the seventh generation of organ figurines, who can compete against dragon-level celestial beings, and even win in battle, of course this is Theoretically, the final result depends on the data.


"I didn't expect it to be so lively." A group of people slapped their hands and walked in from the door. Fortunately, the lobby is big enough, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people.

"Who are you?"

"Who? The person who killed you, Li Qingfeng, do you still remember the thirteen thieves in Yanyun Mountain? We are their descendants."

"So it's the remnants of Yanyun Mountain! You deserve to die."

"Lu Kuo, Lu Xing's younger brother, paid homage to the mountain. He killed my brother in the past, but today he sent Li Qingfeng to die!"

"Guangfeng sent fir guides to pay homage to the mountain..."


All the people who had enemies with Li Qingfeng stood up, either they had entered the villa a long time ago, or they entered the villa through the outer gate, and it looked like the six major factions were besieging Guangmingding.

"Since everyone has chosen such a day, don't leave, all stay!" A brilliant voice came from the inside of the lobby.

"Whoever hides his head and shows his tail, come out if he has the ability."

"Come out?" The voice laughed frivolously, and he had already walked out of the inner hall, a young man he had never seen before.

"Blood God Son? No, it shouldn't be so early?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, and the appearance of the young man who came out was a coincidence. Chen Mo knew him. The time is ten years from now, not now.

"No, this is not the Son of Blood." Chen Mo then shook his head in denial. The guy in front of him was full of vitality. A stranger, in terms of appearance, he does look a bit like Li Qingfeng.

"A certain Li Shou, the legitimate son of the Li family, should be qualified to talk to everyone." A smile gradually appeared on Li Shou's face.

Li Shou's figure flickered slightly, and he had already appeared in front of that person. A look of surprise appeared on that person's face. The person only felt a pain in his chest, and when he lowered his head slightly, his heart had appeared in front of him. before his eyes, and then lost his vitality.

The enemies blocking the lobby were harvested one by one by Li Shou, and died one by one with howls and screams, and every time a person died, the faint shadow behind him would become more solid, but It's as if everyone can't see it.

Chen Mo looked over, only feeling a wave of heart palpitations "ghost eyes"

With the opening of the ghost eyes, Chen Mo could clearly see the thing behind Li Shou. That's right, it was a ghost. This ghost was wearing a gray robe and a white mask. The eyes in the mask were deeply hidden. .

When Chen Mo looked over, it happened that the ghost also looked over in response.

Chen Mo moved his eyes pretending he didn't see it, but there was already a wave in his heart. From the appearance of this man named Li Shou, it seemed that the plot was no longer familiar to him.

Li Qingfeng was equally astonished, isn't Li Shou his son, isn't he only over three years old, did he grow up so much overnight?

No matter how many catalysts you eat, you can't do this, and it's not like you have a muscle.

"Mother, isn't this a story from the Arabian Nights?" But from the blood in Li Shou's body, it can be sensed that it is really his son.

(End of this chapter)

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