Reckless through another world

Chapter 333 A Liberal Arts Student's Understanding of Time and Space

Chapter 333 A Liberal Arts Student's Understanding of Time and Space
"Come back." The man in the bamboo hat summoned Zhang Dewei's rune mechanism man. Although Zhang Dewei was trying his best to resist, his soul had already been worn out, leaving less than half of his consciousness.

After all, he still couldn't resist the forced call, and was finally summoned back by the bamboo hat man.

Looking at it, all those who had feuds with Li Qingfeng were lying on the ground, lifeless, and most of the blood was drained from their bodies, and the rest were mummified corpses.

"Amitabha Buddha" Many people in the Buddhist sect close their eyes and fold their palms together to recite the Sutra of Rebirth.

"Demon bastard from the sky, come in, do you still need me to invite you!" Li Shou's voice spread out, forming bursts of sound waves.

"Father, I... am back." Immediately, Li Shou bowed down in front of Li Qingfeng, and Wei An's figure gradually disappeared, turning into the appearance of a three-year-old child, which seemed very funny, but the scarlet and viscous blood But it was still swimming on Li Shou's body.

No one dared to underestimate this child who seemed to be only three years old, and the pile of dead bodies in front of him had already told how powerful he was.

"Brother Jiang Cuo, bring someone to clean up the corpses, these people all deserve to die." Li Shou snorted coldly.

"Yes." Jiang Cuo nodded for no reason, and then went to do it, but he didn't realize it until he walked out. The person who talked to him just now seemed to be just a child, but why did he follow it by mistake? .

"You are... Shou'er?" Li Qingfeng dared not admit it, but this was his son, his only son, Li Shou, who was also the carrier of the blood demon.

"Yes, father, the child has come here 30 years later, just to prevent my Li family from being wiped out, and to lead everyone to live." Li Shou's voice was very calm, but what he said made everyone feel uneasy. shock.

What does it mean to come back after 30 years? This kind of rebirth is really incredible.

"Impossible." Chen Xianzhi immediately denied that the power required to reverse the long river of time and space was too great. In Chen Xianzhi's own situation, he felt that it was not rebirth, because it was an obvious problem that he had just time-traveled.

He is not in the game, but in a real world, but he has a general idea of ​​the trajectory of this world, and he has come to an earlier point in time.

The real world is the real world, and the game is just a virtual world. If he was captured by Sword Art Online, then there must be players, but there are obviously no players now.

In the past, when Chen Mo was in the Earth Federation, someone proposed the theory of the heavens. What does this argument mean? It means that all the illusory worlds described or recorded by humans are real, and humans only got projections and recorded them. .

If the same is true here, it was accidentally recorded by the people who developed the game at that time, and if it is developed through artificial intelligence, there will be a relatively complete virtual world, which also explains why the trajectory of the world will be different.

Maybe it's other factors, maybe it's because of Chen Xianzhi, a butterfly, that the trajectory has changed, and it's no longer a world simulated by artificial intelligence, so the plot that Chen Mo is familiar with is useless here.

In the Earth Federation, the projection of this world has been accelerated by the intervention of artificial intelligence, and after Chen Mo traveled, the timeline is in the time of the Earth Federation, and that time node is the time of the second act.

But if you are reborn from the future, if you really have such a powerful force, Chen Mo thinks that his future enemy, why didn't he cross the long river of time and kill Chen Mo, a heterogeneous person who can control multiple evil spirits?
Of course, this is only Chen Mo's theory, and he knows very little, maybe the future self protected the present self, maybe there are some factors that caused it, anyway, the power of time occupies a strong position in Chen Mo's heart, If you want to use this set of rhetoric to convince him, Chen Mo will not agree.

If the long river of time and space is really so easy to talk about, if I directly set the node, wouldn't it be invincible to save and respawn?
It is very likely that the evil spirit behind Li Shou made Li Shou predict the future in advance, like a fish in a long river, originally swimming, but now he jumped out of the long river, saw the way ahead, saw the future There are waterfalls, cliffs and stones.

So, let him have a feeling that he has been reborn.

It does not rule out the condition that he is really reborn, everything is possible, what if the card bug enters the black hole of the program, jumps out of the long river, and goes upstream to the original time point.

What if the ghost behind him could travel through time?

Chen Mo felt the strangeness of that gray shadow at the very beginning, but now that he saw it, he felt it was even more strange.

I quietly identified it, but it only showed that it was unknown, and if I explored it, it would be noticed by the other party.

Obviously, this guy doesn't look scary, but he feels very scary. Chen Mo doesn't really want to provoke this gray ghost. Although he doesn't want to provoke him, if the other party can really interfere with the time, can he save and play the game? ?

Shaking his head, he threw out the thoughts in his mind, and now wait and see what happens.

Anyway, when Chen Mo thinks about it, he feels like the first and the second big. If the little boy named Li Shou in front of him was reborn a year or two earlier, if he was reborn a month or two earlier, he would be a standard protagonist template, because there will be time for preparation, But now in a hurry, he didn't have much power to mobilize.

"Reborn after 30 years? This..." The monk's eyes were full of confusion.

Not only this monk was puzzled, but the rest of the people were also very puzzled. Even the disciples of Taishang Daozong were confused, as were the people in Chunyang, and so was Shushan.

"Could it be that there is some treasure that can reverse time and space." Somebody said a word, and everyone suddenly woke up, staring at the three-year-old Li Shou who looked like a three-year-old child in front of him with burning eyes.

"Of course... yes." Li Shou had a smile on his face.

"Who called a certain devil boy to come out and speak?" Shangguanting's voice came, and the people from Tianwaitian had already walked in.

"Today, whoever can kill the Demon Cultivator of Tianwaitian will present the treasure in his hand that can span time!" Li Shou pointed to the three of Shangguanting and said.

There was a moment of restlessness, and everyone pulled out their weapons. It was a treasure that could affect time.

"What?" Shangguan Ting and the others came in late and did not hear Li Shou's preface, but now they can hear this sentence clearly. This child said that there is a treasure that can span time?

"Exterminating demons and defending the way is naturally what we and other righteous monks should do."

"That's right, with us guarding Qingfeng Villa today, it will be safe."


And those big faction number ones are already using tokens to transmit voices to the elders of each family. This is a treasure that can affect time. Regardless of whether it is true or not, report it first, in case it is true.

"No way!" Li Junying said in surprise, looking at Chen Mo with a questioning look, she claimed to be smart, but today's incident is too subversive.

"You see, I'm useless, and I don't know if it's true or not." Chen Mo spread his hands helplessly.

"Let's copy the guy too." Li Junying was eager to try.

"Wait for a while, even if you want to fight, let other people go first. Let's catch the fish and find the leak, just pick the head." Chen Mo still planned to stabilize at the critical moment. He was confident that he could overthrow the official court, but But there are thousands of quacks.

(End of this chapter)

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