Reckless through another world

Chapter 334 Steady the hammer, it's done!

Chapter 334 Steady the hammer, it's done!
There was a clanging mess.

The stellar qi dragon roared, the inner qi was rushing, and even the true qi appeared. All the quacks rushed up, and many of them would not even think about it. To them, it was impossible for them to be able to kill Shangguanting. Just fabulous.

As a result, the entire lobby became chaotic.

Even the disciples of those big sects were involved, but they were only on the edge and did not really get involved.

"Mother, which kid's hidden weapon is it, you don't have eyes!"

"Damn it, whoever stepped on Lao Tzu's foot gave Lao Tzu out."


"Who eats my mother's tofu?"

"This is too much."

"Don't squeeze, if you squeeze again, my pants will fall off."

"Then let's all die!" Shangguan Ting's face was gloomy. These people were so easily bewitched, and they still flocked to them. They could only suppress them forcefully with the force of thunder, so as to ease the situation.

Otherwise, even Shangguanting would be heaped to death by so many quacks.

"Blood Transformation Dafa!" True Qi surged crazily in Shangguanting's body, and a blood dragon appeared in front of Shangguanting, roaring, and boundless scarlet blood energy spread.


All of a sudden, all the quacks who came up were pushed out, and even a stampede happened, and the screams could not be heard.

However, Shangguan Ting was obviously not moved at all. He slightly raised his hand, and the Dragon of True Qi raised his head and spit out boundless True Qi.

"Blood God Slash!"

The scarlet mist that swept out quickly retreated back, forming a big knife in Shangguanting's hand.


Accompanied by strong zhenqi, the giant knife slashed down, and the first to bear the brunt were those quacks standing in the front.

"Senior brother, the evil way is arrogant, we..." A disciple of Taishang Daozong frowned slightly, and was already faintly about to draw his sword.

"Exorcism!" The senior brother in charge stood up slowly, the Taoist robe on his body moved automatically without wind.

"Senior brother Liu, the person who is too good has moved."

"We can't go to the theater anymore, Tianwaitian is going out of the mountain, do you want to try my Chunyang sword!" Liu Yi also stood up, they Chunyang didn't fight with Shushan anymore, but looked at the three The Demon Sect people blocking the entrance of the lobby.

"The head has been notified. The Great Elder will be here soon. Let's do it too." Shushan's disciples also stood up. The common people in the world are their own responsibility.

The people of Guiyuanzong also got up.


The eight peerless sects are all like this. As a person in the righteous way, they take the common people in the world as their own responsibility, to eliminate demons and defend the way, and protect the faith in their hearts.

"You're courting death!" Shangguanting let out a long roar, all the power in his body was released, and his blood was surging.

"Father, don't worry, nothing will happen." Seeing Li Qingfeng's ugly expression, Li Shou knew what his father was thinking, so he spoke to comfort him.

"Son, does the treasure that can interfere with time really exist?" Li Qingfeng couldn't believe it, not only the treasure, but even more. Is this really his son who came back after 30 years?
"I don't know, I don't know, but it should be his credit." Li Shou turned his head, and behind him was the tall ghostly shadow. Now he began to wonder if he really came back from the future.

"However, it doesn't matter, as long as my Li family is not wiped out." Li Shou shook his head. He started the war to stop the people from Tianwaitian. There were many masters at the scene, and there were also disciples from the Peerless Sect. As long as you tell them that there is such a treasure, they will definitely report it to the sect, and his Li family will be saved.

Who would have thought that even the so-called Time Treasure is a non-existent thing?No one gambled, because Li Shou's performance was too good. Of course, even if it was a treasure of time, he might be able to spy on his future fate. It was still a treasure and worth fighting for.

And Li Shou didn't care about the so-called Chongbao, he just wanted to keep his family alive.

The three members of Tianwaitian are all celestial beings. Even if there are so many quacks, they are still slaughtering one-sidedly. The disciples of the Peerless Sect are able to contend, but they are only struggling to support it.


Chen Mo suddenly felt a gust of wind flash past his ears, his ghostly eyes turned slightly, and a wine glass was thrown over, and the broken wine had already spilled out, obviously it was coming towards Chen Mo's head.

"Who is it!" Chen Mo grabbed the wine glass and roared angrily.

Seeing that Chen Mo stood up unexpectedly, and his energy was already gathering momentum, Li Junying hurriedly grabbed Chen Mo's sleeve and said, "Hold on, don't be impulsive, we will reap the benefits."

"Steady the hammer, it's done!"

With a bang, Chen Mo's figure stepped out directly on the ground, a cracked circular crack appeared on the floor under his feet, and the ghost energy had already covered Chen Mo's body, Chen Mo's skin directly turned into ghost armor, and the scarlet ghost The eyes opened from the gaps in the armor.

Li Junying was speechless immediately, she first said that she would fight, but Chen Mo said no, now she is persuaded to hold on, who would have thought that this guy would go ahead rashly.

"Shangguanting, let me die!" Chen Mo jumped out of the air with an eagle step, and then received a thousand heavy slashes, bursting in!

"Don't..." Li Junying exclaimed to stop her, her big clear eyes stared round, with Chen Mo's cultivation at the level of a tiger, if he meets a celestial being, wouldn't he be sent to die?
Even if there is an evil spirit in Chen Mo's body, he is likely to die.

Of course, Li Junying could see that there was an evil spirit in Chen Mo's body, and there was already fear and coercion. Naturally, there was an evil spirit, and looking at Chen Mo's current appearance, he knew that it was the ghost guard.

The rags wrapped around the weapon were directly shattered. Although Chen Mo's knife looked ordinary, the black stellar energy released was a little different among the righteous people, especially like a person of the devil way.

"That's a good man!"

"Another person who is not afraid of death has gone up!"

The people who were originally timid were aroused again, but the blood returned to the blood, and there were not many people who rushed forward, and they were all scared of being killed. There were corpses all over the place in front of them, some of them were not even dead, with limbs and arms broken. piled up into a slope.

"Death!" Shangguan Ting was extremely annoyed. It was fine for him to be recognized, but he turned out to be only a congenital tiger.

The scarlet amber-like knife blatantly shot towards Chen Mo's head. Shangguan Ting wanted to split Chen Mo open.

"Something's wrong!" The man in black robe at the head felt something was wrong, and the armored man who came with a knife had a very powerful pressure of fear.

"Boom!" Shangguan Ting, who was jumping up, was directly smashed down from mid-air by Chen Mo. Not only was he smashed down, but Chen Mo's figure was also crushed. In terms of strength, this armored man turned out to be slightly better. .

A tiger-level innate ability suppressed a dragon-level celestial being?

Everyone was stunned. This simply overturned their three views. It is already a genius to be able to leapfrog a battle across one realm. Now this one has crossed three realms, and there are powerful shackles from innate to celestial beings.

"There are such fierce people in the Jianghu?"

"Whose disciple is this?"

"It can't be the secret weapon of the Peerless Sect."

"Go to the corner, what a secret, isn't that wearing the police uniform of the imperial court? I think it is the imperial court's secret weapon."


"Tsk tsk, what a fierce word!" Li Junying clapped her hands happily. It seems that the evil spirit in the young Jin Yin brother's body is unusually powerful, at least stronger than the one in her body.

(End of this chapter)

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