Reckless through another world

Chapter 337 The Risks of Being a Hero Are Too High and the Benefits Are Bad

Chapter 337 The Risks of Being a Hero Are Too High and the Benefits Are Bad
The three-eyed Yan Luo firmly suppressed Shangguan Ting, even if Shangguan Ting said it broke the sky, it was useless, Chen Mo was more reasonable, and he sought a job in his position. In this era, as a law enforcement officer on the bright side Killing the devil is of course justified.

However, it took a lot of effort to kill Shangguanting, and finally Chen Mo chopped off Shangguanting's head with a knife, and Shangguanting's body was cold in a pool of blood.

"That's killing?" Li Junying opened his mouth wide, his eyes were full of surprise, it seemed too easy, the evil spirit suppressed it, and then Chen Mo chopped people down.

Shangguanting, who had been struggling to support, lost an inch in an instant and was slashed by Chen Mo's knife. Although he protected his body with true energy, he still couldn't resist Chen Mo's strength.

"Shua..." Chen Mo directly put Shangguanting's body into the mustard bag.

Dead or not, just rely on the mustard seed bag to check. In this way, if the other party pretends to be dead, it will definitely not fit into the mustard seed bag, but if it can be put in, it means that he is really dead.

"The celestial-level martial artist of the Demon Sect died just like that. What is that monster? Is it strange?" The person who didn't know about evil spirits looked at the three-eyed Yan Luo standing next to Chen Mo in panic and said.

Everyone feels the same way, even the ghost warders, as long as they look at the evil spirits, they will feel panic in their hearts, just like humans will go crazy when they look directly at evil gods, and Wuxiu will do the same when looking at evil spirits.

No matter how strong the heart is, no matter how determined the will is, it will be affected. It's just that the impact of the strong-willed person will be small, but they will feel fear after all.

The same is true for Chen Mo, the same is true for the disciples of the Peerless Sect, and the same is true for those other ghost emissaries.

"God catching the door to handle the case, you don't have to make mistakes." Chen Mo showed his God catching orders, and the three-eyed Yan Luo had already got in from his body. This scene, the martial arts present will never forget it.

Also unforgettable.

With the disappearance of the three-eyed Yama, everyone breathed out a foul breath. It seemed that they were very nervous. People are floating in the rivers and lakes. Who can not kill people? Either you cut me down, or I cut him down.

The young man in the police uniform in front of him is obviously someone who works for the imperial court. They can call them imperial eagle dogs behind their backs, but anyone who dares to call them publicly will be killed.

Seeing people release this weird thing, you know it's not easy to mess with. Even dragon-level celestial beings are so easily slaughtered. They are innate-level masters, and they are not masters in the eyes of the world.

"May I ask Lord God Catcher, was that...?" a bold person asked.

"Ghosts, maybe you will meet them too. The characteristics of ghosts are like this..." Chen Mo directly opened the big lecture hall and told them the basic things, and these quacks were also fascinated.

This is a very powerful combat power, and if you get a powerful evil spirit, you may not even be afraid of death.

Of course, Chen Mo saw their small thoughts, and pointed out the backlash of the evil spirits.

"So that's why it's an evil spirit. Can this evil spirit be eliminated? Can it be killed?" A middle-aged man carrying a sword box asked in a deep voice.

"No, all evil spirits will not die." Chen Mo shook his head.

"In other words, if you encounter an evil spirit and become possessed, it's actually a good thing?"

"What a fart, didn't you hear the adults say that if you use it improperly, you will die?"


Everyone discussed again, but a large part of them decided to capture a ghost as their fighting power.

Chen Mo didn't stop them from thinking, as long as they explained the stakes, everyone is an adult, not a child, and they have to be responsible for their own choices and decisions.

"If you get evil ghosts, you can go to the God Catcher Gate and become my colleague. Our God Catcher Gate has a more powerful God Catcher, a more complete knowledge system, and the power to elevate your ghosts."

"And the benefits..."

"Welcome everyone to be my colleagues and strive for the stability of the entire human race." Chen Mo smiled as he said.

Chen Mo took the opportunity to launch a wave of advertisements, benefits, intensive exercises, magical weapons, swords and dragons... everything, this job is infinitely better than being a hero.

Moreover, in the final analysis, this job basically belongs to the nature of a hero, who will be admired by others and gain both fame and fortune.

Think about being a hero, all year round, no welfare, no five insurances and one housing fund, no housing provident fund, and especially dangerous. If you are in deep prison and no one rescues you, becoming a god arrest not only has housing, but also protects your loved ones , can also be guaranteed.

A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops meet each other.

This is the benefit of the imperial court arresting the door!
"I can't wait to join the God Catching business now!"

"Are you waiting for a good thing? My mother, this is simply tailor-made for me."

"No, I must go to the grave to meet more ghosts and try to join the God Catcher."


"Brother, is it really that good?" A little Taoist priest from Taishang Dao swallowed, and looked at their senior brother who led the team. Chen Mo said that even if it is the original force, joining the God Catchment Sect does not mean giving up , has a dual identity.

Even if you are a devil, as long as you are willing to change your ways, the court will treat you equally, but Chen Mo did not say that the devil will be sent to more dangerous missions.

If Shangguanting found out, he would definitely call him dead wrong, and you don’t even ask me, can I surrender?

"Well, I don't know, but many of our senior brothers and elders are also named in the God Catchment." The young man in the team leader looked a little embarrassed, he was moved by what Chen Mo said, but there was no ghost on him.

"My lord, I'll join, I'll join." A young man ran out from the crowd with snot and tears.

"Do you have a ghost on your body?" Chen Mo asked, and the young chick nodded like pecking at rice.

"The young one's name is Hao Ren. There are evil spirits. There are evil spirits."

He didn't know when he met it, anyway, it slipped into his body, and then he felt very uncomfortable and very painful. He thought he was poisoned, but he was tortured and angry. Other than the blood starting to decay, there were no other signs.

But he was scared, he couldn't eat well, he couldn't sleep well with anyone, and he hadn't been in contact with the God Catcher, until today he finally knew his condition.

"Okay, just take this and report directly to the God Catchment Gate in the Great City in the East." Chen Mo handed Hao Ren a small token, which is the referral token of the God Catchers. Chen Mo didn't care.

Of course there were other ghost emissaries among them, but Chen Mo felt that it should be a private ghost organization, because although they were motivated, they did not come to ask him to join the God Catcher.

Li Junying rolled her round eyes, and then showed a little fox-like smile.

"Shangguanting was killed?" Shen Guangxiu had already noticed that Shangguanting's aura had disappeared. He and Xue Yihou had already fought out of the lobby and fought in the villa, so he did not see the scene of Shangguanting being killed.

"We need to call for support." Shen Guangxiu frowned, he couldn't help but wait for a while, if Baili died later, then this time he would lose his wife and lose his army, so he could only go one way It's dark.

"Chirp!" A soaring signal flare resounded in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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