Reckless through another world

Chapter 338 Xueyihou, do you want to hang or not, as long as you open the golden mouth, the cheat wi

Chapter 338 Xueyihou, do you want to hang or not, as long as you open the golden mouth, the cheat will come
"Who called someone?" Chen Mo looked back, and a huge magic word appeared in the sky, and the black smoke suddenly appeared very conspicuous in such a clear sky.

"Tianwai Tianmo master order, order all the demon cultivators of the Demon Sect." The brother of the leader of the Chunyang Sword Sect frowned slightly, this time, I am afraid that something big will happen.

"Is this to summon the scattered demons?"


"Candied haws, delicious candied haws..."

"Huh? I heard that the daughter of the old Zhang family is getting married tomorrow." An old man squatting in the corner basking in the sun said while smoking a pipe in his hand and hugging his sleeves.

"That's not it, that's a lucky person, married to Mr. Han on Yujing Road."

The old men squatting on the wall started joking, but the old man with the dry cigarette in his hand saw the magic word in the sky, his expression changed, he got up unsteadily and said, "I'm going to have a rest."

"Be careful if you fall and can't get up."

"Don't worry." The old man walked to the hut with splayed steps, untied his trouser belt and began to urinate, and then laughed and cursed, "I used to urinate ten feet in the wind, but now I'm old and my shoes are wet, that's all, let's use the residual heat at last."

With a whoosh, the person was gone.

"Guest officer, it's getting late, let's rest." A beauty in the Baihua Building in the east facing city lightly touched the middle-aged man's neck, and the middle-aged man fainted immediately.

Looking at the magic word they could see in the sky, they sighed, then sat in front of the vanity mirror, painted their eyebrows and lips, their figures gradually faded away, and they had already left the Baihua Building.

"Objectively, the small shop is closed today, please come back after the small shop opens." A shopkeeper who made haggis soup apologized and arranged customers one by one.


"How long will it take for the elders to arrive?" Taishang Dao's leader Taoist frowned and asked.

"Brother, it will take at least half an hour."

Similarly, the disciples of other sects are also asking about their own situation, they are similar, and it will take a long time to support them.

"It came so fast!" Chen Mo frowned slightly, three people came, with three auras, all of them were dragon-level celestial beings, and they were all very powerful, and they seemed to be capable of fighting.

"Tianwaitian Holy Realm, the 33rd floor city."

"The devil lord caresses my head, and borrows his life for longevity."

A melodious voice sounded from outside the villa, and the breath of the three heavenly beings surged up, and the figures of the three people also appeared in front of everyone.

"Why is the incision of this magic gate so similar to the Immortal Pavilion?" Someone asked after discovering this question.

"I don't know, maybe there is something wrong with the two families, or it's just because they happen to be a little similar." The quack next to him didn't know what was going on.

"The gods fight, and we mortals suffer. In the past, it was rare to see a celestial being, but now it is good. There are as many innate beings as dogs, and the celestial beings are everywhere." Some Jianghu complained.

"The wind is blowing, I'll go first, I won't join in the excitement."

"It came so fast, could it be that it has already been ambushed, or used the treasure of space teleportation?" Chen Mo is naturally not afraid, but the number of opponents is a bit too large, and he can't manage it alone.

"It's not easy." Chen Mo saw that the bloody man seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, even if his head was as hard as bloody man, how long could he last?
Heaven and man are not Chinese cabbage, their true energy is already very strong against ghost energy, and fighting with humans is different from fighting with ghosts, people know how to work around, Chen Mo does not intend to expose his ability to control multiple evil spirits Ability, at least not yet exposed.

Moreover, among the heavenly beings who came, Chen Mo had already noticed the existence of the ghost-controlling envoy. If he wanted to suppress the other party, he had to go to the fifth stage.But if there is a fight, many people will definitely die. Chen Mo can suppress two at most, but the other one is free.

In case the Li father and son made a mistake, it would be difficult for the evil spirit that gave Chen Mo a strange feeling to run away.

"Not necessarily." Chen Mo suddenly remembered, there is a big guy hiding in his ghost domain, Bai Wuchang can withstand it, can these days people withstand it?

Even Zhu Yun in red at the court column level couldn't withstand the attacks of the six-armed god of war several times. Even if he is weakened now, he is not as fierce as in the temple, but he is surrounded by ghosts, and it should be impossible to suppress a few heavenly beings. problem.

Even if it's the ghost emissary again, it will have to fight against the six-armed warrior first.

The face of Xue Yihou who fought with Shen Guangxiu suddenly changed, and he became extremely pale. It is no problem for one celestial being, and he can tenaciously resist the previous two, but if there are more than three, this is not to kill him. ?
"Shen Guangxiu, what do you call a human?" Xue Yihou gave an ugly smile, and the flying knife in his hand flew out rapidly under the control of his primordial power.

"Haha, Bloody Clothes, I'm afraid you will be buried here today." Shen Guangxiu laughed out loud. This time, their Demon Sect sent a total of nine celestial beings to Qingfeng Villa, three in a team, Shen Guangxiu Guangxiu was in charge of the main attack, and there were three other people in ambush around to support him, and the one who was facing the big city in the east was in charge of watching the government's movements and started attacking accordingly.

"How can he always know where I'm going to attack?" Baili Rentu was very aggrieved in this fight. When it comes to dealing with Li Qingfeng, although they are both heavenly beings, a demon cultivator is a demon cultivator, let alone a demon cultivator. His kind of fighting magic cultivator can definitely suppress Li Qingfeng.

But adding a Li Shou, this guy is so slippery that he can't touch people, and even always catches the opportunity to attack himself. This is an unimaginable thing. Why, how could it be so powerful.

Of course he didn't know. It was the existence of the blood demon that made Li Shou so weird. The ghost behind Li Shou hadn't moved yet, and he hadn't controlled the evil ghost to fight yet.But the blood demon's power comes from blood, and when Li Shou's blood is exhausted, he will die.

So now it is Li Shou who is desperately trying to stop Baili Rentu.

"Why don't you leave?" Xue Yihou looked hesitant. Now that the opponent had four dragon-level celestial beings, if he wanted to fight, he would probably be beaten to death.

"Xue Yihou, do you want to hang it? As long as you open the golden mouth, the cheat will arrive." Chen Mo shouted loudly.

"What?" Xue Yihou was stunned for a moment, the flying knife controlled by Yuanshen didn't continue to attack, but with a bang, he was punched by Shen Guangxiu, and instantly flew backwards, with blood gushing out from his mouth.

The battle between the two of them had been going on for a long time, and both sides had injuries to each other, but this time Shen Guangxiu seized the opportunity and directly stopped Xue Yihou's offensive.

Xue Yihou forcibly stabilized his figure, and threw out two more throwing knives, flying towards Shen Guangxiu from the sky.

"Did I say help?"

"Don't worry about me, go and capture Li Qingfeng." Shen Guangxiu pointed to the lobby and said.

"Help your grandma!" Xue Yihou yelled, if Chen Mo hadn't called him, he wouldn't have been injured just now, and looking at it again, how can a little guy at the tiger level help him?

Isn't this a fool's dream?

"Why are you swearing? Just give me a good beating later."

"Take care of you first." Seeing the three demon cultivators rushing into the lobby, Chen Mo directly opened the ghost domain, enveloping the three of them.

The sudden change caught them off guard, but it didn't matter if they were caught off guard, the Six-Armed Valkyrie seemed to have been prepared long ago.

"What is this?" The dragon-level demon cultivator didn't have time to ask, and a blade of light had already arrived in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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